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Chapter 1 Biochemical Crisis

Raccoon City, Country M.

In the police station.

"Chen, wake up quickly!" The steady male voice came from the ear.

As soon as Chen Heng opened his eyes, he saw that he was leaning against a black chair in front of a desk, his whole body was full of soreness, and a young man was standing beside him.

Outside the door, from time to time, there was a terrible roar and the piercing sound of nails on the board.

That's the zombies attacking the door of the room, trying to break in here.

Chen Heng shook his head and combed his thoughts.

Since the outbreak of the zombie crisis, he has never had a sound sleep. Chen Heng has been in the world for five days, from his home where he was waiting to die to the police station in Raccoon City.

The smell of blood in the air is getting stronger and stronger, which is a bad sign. It means that there are more and more zombies outside the door.

"Chen, we must go!"

Lyon, the silver haired youth beside him, had a solemn face.

Leon is a newcomer to the police station. He is only in his twenties this year. He has a handsome face with sharp edges and long stature, and is very popular with the ladies and sisters in the police station.

But that was a long time ago, and now he is wearing S T. The uniforms of the A.R.S team, sorting out the cartridge clips of the Glock pistol in their hands, looked around vigilantly, and was ready to give the most cordial greetings to those warm little sisters.

Chen Heng sat up from the sofa and began to wear equipment. To be honest, he did not know whether he could escape from raccoon city. Although he was accompanied by a "leading role", there was no police named Chen Heng around Lyon in the game.

He checked whether the equipment was complete, including two grenades, an M9 pistol, the AM180 submachine gun hanging on the gun belt, and then the bulletproof coat and helmet, which could be said to be armed to the teeth. Most of the equipment here was found in the weapons warehouse in the police station before the zombie crisis broke out.

As for how he used these weapons when squatting at home, he also benefited from the memory of the original owner in his head. His former owner of this body was obviously a police elite who was good at using various weapons. After integrating his memory, Chen Heng could also use various weapons skillfully.

"Are you going to open the door?" Chen Heng gestured and raised his hand grenade.

Leon understood. When he came to the door, there were some cracks on the glass door. When he held the mottled iron door handle, the zombies outside the door seemed to smell the breath of strangers, hissing and crashing, one after another, one after another.

"3...... 2...... 1" Chen Heng counted down silently, and the grenade in his hand had been unplugged.


At the moment when the glass door opened, Leon ran behind without looking back, and the blue and gray zombies poured in. It was just at that moment that a beautiful parabola passed through the air and fell directly into the dead.

"Boom!" The fire was all around, and countless pieces were roasted to red by the high temperature. For a while, flesh and blood flew everywhere.

"Ho -"

Almost all the zombies howled in pain, and their skin melted away at the speed visible to the naked eye, revealing the white skeleton.

This is just the beginning. With the shock wave generated by the explosion, countless zombies were thrown into the air like rag dolls and hit the ground heavily. They could not get up again.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Chen Heng repeatedly pulled the trigger, and the bullet with strong thrust tore the undead zombies, and then hit the wall, completely destroying them.

When the last shot stopped, the whole room had become a mess, full of zombie fragments, emitting a strong stench.


Chen Hengchang breathed a sigh of relief. Their plan seemed to be implemented perfectly. Most of the zombies on this floor died here. Now they can safely go to the hall on the first floor.

The reason for going to the hall on the first floor is that according to the story of the game, the secret passage under the hall is the only way to the umbrella laboratory and escape from raccoon city. In addition, Chen Heng had other reasons to go there.

"Well done, Chen, but are you sure there is something we need in the hall? Leon walked up to him and frowned slightly when he smelled the scattered gunpowder in the air:

"After all, I still can't believe that the whole raccoon city is just a testing ground for umbrella companies. It's crazy."

Chen Heng smiled when he heard the words, took out the lighter from his pocket, lit a cigarette, and the faint flame lit from the cigarette end. The smoke curled up in the air with a choking smell, making the originally unclear vision more blurred.

He puffed out a smoke ring and replied vaguely, "Leon, trust me, when you see something hidden under this police station, you will have no more questions."

"Maybe, I hope you are right." Leon shrugged his shoulders. Along the way, he has become accustomed to Chen Heng's various riddles.

Although he is just a small policeman like him, he knows many secrets about the zombie crisis. In Lyon's mind, Chen Heng's mystery is no less dangerous than that of the umbrella company.

After a period of time, after confirming that there is really no zombie around, Chen Heng spit out the cigarette in his mouth and crushed the last spark with his heel.

"Come on, it's time to start"


The two men passed through the narrow narrow passage, which was full of human and zombie bodies. It seemed that there had been a fierce exchange of fire here.

"My God, what is that?!"

Leon pointed to a blood red monster lying in the shadow of the corner, whose body was covered with channels, and whose head had completely degenerated into a flesh tumor.

"Licker, a natural product of ordinary zombies after continuous eating, is much faster than ordinary ones"

Chen Heng explained the information about the monster in detail. While explaining, M9 pistol was loaded in his hand, and then two shots were fired at the monster named Licker.

"Bang! Bang!"

The bullet went into the monster's body and the blood spattered out. The monster that was lying on the ground without moving suddenly twitched a few times and made a strange hissing sound. A moment later, it fell to the ground and did not move.

Monsters spawned by biochemical viruses are so fragile. The monster in the game is so huge that it can be solved with a rocket launcher. The flesh and blood are weak. The suppression of carbon based creatures by technological creations is all inclusive.

"Well... it's called the Licker" Lyon Shan took back his finger, and the novelty of finding a new creature disappeared instantly.

Next, under Chen Heng's powerful firepower, all the creatures in the passage were as helpless as if they had met their natural enemies. Whether they were lickers or ordinary zombies, they all died under his gun barrel.

Soon, they walked out of the corridor. Outside was the hall of the police station. The hall was spacious and bright. Compared with the dark path, it was much more comfortable.

"Finally came out," Leon sighed. He was almost driven crazy by the dark atmosphere in the channel.

Chen Heng on the other side was very relaxed. He lived in his home all the year round, so that he could practice the skill of staying alone for a long time in a narrow space without any discomfort.

"Look at that!"

Chen Heng looked closely and found the person he needed, Sheriff Ma Wen, one of the few survivors in the police station. At this time, he was lying on a gorgeous reddish brown sofa in the center of the hall, which was also one of the few objects in the hall.

"Sheriff Marvin!" Chen Heng ignored Leon's surprised eyes and trotted to the sofa.

Marvin was leaning on the sofa, trying to make himself comfortable because of the unbearable pain. When he became unconscious, he suddenly felt that he heard a familiar voice.

So, the middle-aged black man in the blue police uniform slowly turned around, covering his blood soaked abdomen.

"God, Chen, you are still alive!"

Marvin's voice was strange when he saw the visitor. He didn't expect that there was still a living person in the police station, and this person was still his subordinate.

"Not only me, but also Lyon is alive." Chen Heng pointed to Lyon not far away.

Marvin glanced slightly, and his gray eyes shone: "Well, in that case, I can also..."

"Sir, you are seriously injured. Do you have anything to tell us?" Chen Heng interrupted Ma Wen, who seemed impatient.

Marvin looked strange at Chen Heng, but considering his own injury, he did have something to say.

"Oh, I almost forgot. I want to tell you something important. There is a secret passage in the police station that can lead to the outside of raccoon city. If you want to open the passage, you need to gather three badges..."

The sheriff said a lot, but Chen Heng was absent-minded and looked around from time to time, as if waiting for something.

"... In this way, you can escape." Marvin finally finished what he wanted to say.


[Ma Wen's order] [Task completed]

[Archive bit 001 has been unlocked, archive or not]

A mechanical voice sounded in his head. Chen Heng was delighted and shouted in his heart: "Archive! I want to archive!"

[Archiving............. Successful archiving]


[Unlocked: Archive bit 001]

[Unlocked: Archive bit 002]

[Unlocked: Archive bit 003]

[Ability]: [Gun Mastery]


[Current Task: Escape from Raccoon City]

[Reward for completing the task: unlock all archive gears]

Chen Heng was excited to see the No. 1 archive successfully unlocked. The system he got on the first day of his arrival in the world is now finally open.

Yes, he got the legendary Golden Finger System like all the passers-by.

However, Chen Heng's system is very special. There are no malls, properties, and various lotteries in his system. The only thing he has is the empty archive space on the interface, and the task bar for publishing tasks.

But don't underestimate these three ordinary archive bits. If used well, these three archive bits will undoubtedly be Chen Heng's greatest help to survive in the world.

The archive bit, as its name implies, is just like the archive in the game. Whenever Chen Heng dies in the real world, he can read his archive and go back to the place where he saved last time. The number of times is unlimited, which is equivalent to obtaining immortality in disguise.

The task reward of the last task [Marvin's request] is to open one of the archive positions, which is why Chen Heng did not leave at the first time but stayed in the police station after knowing that he came to Raccoon City. He does not know whether the archive position can be opened if he leaves, but he does not want to take this risk.

Now, one archive bit has been opened, and the next thing he needs to do is to unlock all archive bits as soon as possible, so that he can really protect himself in this world

"Hey, did I miss something?" Leon asked curiously when he just walked by.

Chen Heng, who recovered from his joy, smiled:

"You're just in time. Sheriff Marvin has told me everything. Just follow me."

"What should Sheriff Marvin do?" Leon pointed to Marvin lying on the sofa.

"It doesn't matter. Don't worry about me, Leon. Go with Chen quickly!"

Marvin urged that he knew that with his serious injury, he could not escape.


Leon is silent. He doesn't want to abandon Sheriff Marvin, but Sheriff Marvin is really a burden to them. After weighing everything, he can only leave Marvin an apologetic look.

"Chen... Where are we going next?"

"Come with me. We need to find the three badges to open the secret passage first."

Chen Heng stood up, shook the dust on his body, and motioned for Leon to follow his steps.


Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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