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Chapter 1 Is this rebirth?

It will be sunny on February 14, 2048.

Today is a very special day. Many people know that Valentine's Day is the traditional western holiday. The so-called national holiday is the world's holiday. Although China has not publicly announced the particularity of this day, people will spontaneously send blessings to their loved ones or close friends on this day to express their feelings. But just when everyone is busy expressing their feelings to each other. In Northeast China, Yi City, People's Cemetery Cemetery. Such a strange thing happened in front of Tomb 8888.

It is rare to see ten or eight people worshiping in this peaceful cemetery. After all, this people's cemetery is not a place where anyone can sleep for a long time. You must make enough contributions to the society, or have any major technological achievements or inventions to sleep for a long time. Each tomb is carefully built, and the distance between the tombs is more than ten meters. In front of the tomb, there is a tombstone with an epitaph, which records the past of each tomb owner in detail. The tomb is accessible. The space is also quite large, basically able to accommodate about 10 people. Although this design is wasteful, it is relatively good for those who are buried, and it is also more consistent with the death civilization of China. There should be enough places to sleep after death.

Near noon, 66 people gathered here. They stood in front of the already opened tomb gate in a fan-shaped scattering shape around the tomb gate 8888. Li Fusheng's three gilded characters are engraved on the tombstone more than one meter high. On the lower left side of the tombstone, there is an introduction to the life of the tomb owner. More than 2 meters behind the tombstone is the dark red glass tomb door.

Not far from the tomb is a huge loudspeaker. From that side flows a beautiful and deep melody, which is for the purpose of preparing a sound box for memorial service or burial so that people around tens of meters can hear the sound inside.

"If time can go back, history will be rewritten.

If life can be reversed, rejuvenation is no longer an extravagant hope.

If I can do it again in this life, I will certainly live up to my youth.


Everyone looked at Li Fusheng, who was put into the crystal coffin. With the rhythmic steps of several men in black, they carried the coffin slowly into the tomb. The crystal coffin is vacuum, so even though Li Fusheng has been dead for three days, his body still shows no signs of decay. Through the coffin, you can vaguely see the serene one lying inside, just like Li Fusheng, the tomb owner, who is asleep.

At this time, the deafening sound of firecrackers sounded, until the sound of firecrackers dissipated, the people who came to worship evacuated, and left the lonely and desolate tombstone standing, Li Fusheng had finished his whole life, perhaps occasionally his descendants came to worship.

The sound of firecrackers soon dissipated. The song "Never Lose Shaohua, Never Lose Qing" also disappeared.

Under a huge red building, there are countless old people, men and women. Their faces are dignified and they are in a hurry. They come out of dozens of gates of the building and run in all directions.

He just came out of a red door. When he came out, he found that there seemed to be someone slowly forming a human figure behind him, just where he stood. I have never seen such dreamlike things even in my dreams.

After staring at the upcoming figure for a while, he left his birthplace, which is called birthplace for the time being.

As he walked forward, he passed through a door with a screen. On the door was clearly written the social science category. On the screen was Li Fusheng's name, age 60, gender male, and a number. Although the number is very long, Li Fusheng remembers it at a glance. He is too familiar with it. It is his date of birth, 19881010. He has recited this number since he had his ID card, so he can no longer be familiar with it.

When Li Fusheng was in a daze, the people who had just formed followed him to Li Fusheng's side. At this time, the display of that screen has switched, and the social science category has not changed. It is the gold characters engraved on the door frame, but the name on the screen has changed. Zhou Yun, a male aged 60, has the same number as Li Fusheng's number 19881011.

Before Li Fusheng spoke, the man named Zhou Yun said in advance, "Brother, do you know where this is? Who am I, and why are you and I naked.

Yes, Li Fusheng found that he came out naked the first time he came out, so he did not dare to move forward. When he saw another naked person coming out, he had a general judgment that he might be reborn. As for where he is now, he does not know. Although he has unlimited resources in the past and has visited many countries and regions, he has never heard of it, especially the equipment that can condense into human form, which is simply alien technology. It is unknown how many times higher than the current technology level of the earth. It is likely that he was transmitted from the earth, In that case, the earth should also be a colony of the planet, and he would not dare to think about it further down.

Li Fusheng, a former life, was born in 1988, an age when food was not enough and clothing was not warm. Especially in the remote mountain villages such as Yi City, Xiaonan Township and Gangzi Village in Northeast Province.

Gangzi Village was originally a remote place, plus natural disasters. The living conditions of Li Fusheng's family can be imagined.

There are six members of the Li Fusheng family, including his father Li Tongchun, his mother Liu Yehe, his eldest brother Li Fuguo, his second sister Li Fuli, his third sister Li Fuxiang, and Li Fusheng.

Li Tongchun didn't plan to have another child, but there was no family planning at that time. What's more, in the countryside at that time, he basically lived a life of sunrise and sunset. The most important thing is that life in the countryside decides that people are not willing to sleep at night, so There is no need to talk about it in detail here. Take your time to make up for it.

The Li family was even worse because they were already living in poverty and had an extra mouth to eat. But Li Tongchun is a craftsman with a unique skill of tenon and mortise, which is called the best in this ten miles and eight villages.

Even so, Li Tongchun will do some carpentry work for villagers after finishing the work in the community. It is not to make money, but to exchange more food to prevent Li Fusheng from starving to death. It can be said that Li Fusheng's childhood was basically brought up under the condition of porridge and pickles.

So Li Fusheng's childhood was very poor. Although he is the youngest in his family, he doesn't play tricks like other children, but will find Liu Xiucai in the village whenever he has time (Liu Xiucai is an old scholar in the village, and also the oldest and most culturally advanced person in the village, who knows astronomy from above and geography from below) to pester him to tell stories. Tell the Four Books and Five Classics, the morality of the Analects, the Three Kingdoms, the Westward Journey, the Water Margin, the Red Chamber and so on. At the worst, you can tell a cold joke unique to a scholar.

The time soon came to reform and opening up. Li Fusheng, who had not been on the books for several years, soon became the richest man in Iraq with the east wind of reform, his knowledge accumulation and natural courage and resourcefulness. And he has opened his business all over the world.

The same sentence. fallen leaves return to the roots -- to revert to one 's origin. Li Fusheng returned to Iraq when he was 85 years old, and invested in the construction of the People's Cemetery in Xiaonan Township. He intended to sleep here for a long time. Three years later, Li Fusheng got his wish and lay in the cemetery he had prepared.

Although the life of people can not open their eyes, this life has passed. But after closing his eyes, Li Fusheng suddenly felt a light flash. He opened his eyes with difficulty and saw a door. The warm sunshine outside the door was very comfortable on his face, just like a spring breeze. He is a little desperate until he sees everything in front of him. Rebirth should not necessarily lead to the life he wants. He may also be plundered by advanced creatures as their pets or food, or

Copyright: Chuangshi Chinese Website

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