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Chapter 1 The Cost of Becoming Stronger

"The last chapter, the seven sons of the righteous sect together forced the leader of the Demon Sect to the top of the Brokehead Peak, and the battle between good and evil has come to an end

The war was earth shaking and turned upside down day and night. The people who did not know the truth mistakenly thought that it was the god who punished them. Hearing the thunder in the sky, they were scared to death. There are also villains who are used to doing evil in ordinary days. They burn incense and worship the Buddha overnight, just to appease the anger of the gods... "

At the end of the bridge, a ragged storyteller was leaning against the stone pier, half squinting his eyes and telling stories for thousands of times.

Around him was a circle of children, eyes shining and fists clenched, waiting for the storyteller's post.

If a child of this age picks up a straight stick in the field, seven miles of rape fields will suffer, let alone face these vivid stories.

The storyteller cleared his throat and squinted around the little dolls. Immediately, someone began to wave a paper fan to help the storyteller drive away the summer heat.

"Grandpa, tell me quickly, did the seven righteous men finally realize their joint attack skills?"

"Yes, yes, grandpa, tell me quickly. I remember that as long as the righteous seven sons use the combination of seven swords, the most powerful demons will disappear!"

The children clenched their small fists tightly, and they wished they could turn into light immediately now, to give a share of the power to the seven righteous sons who besieged the leader of the Demon Sect.

The storyteller may be a little annoyed when asked. His narrowed eyes suddenly opened, and his turbid eyes shot a ray of light. The child who was still shouting quickly shut up.

Under the expectant eyes of children, the lazy and hoarse voice sounded again.

"The combination of the seven swords is really an invincible joint attack skill. It's a pity that they are facing the leader of the Demon Sect.

The war lasted for three days and three nights. Just when all the righteous people thought that the leader of the Demon Sect would die, the leader of the Demon Sect gave a chuckle.

"This is the combination of your seven swords? It's a waste of my time to teach you..." Then the leader of the Demon Sect put his sword into the scabbard and looked at the bottomless cliff.

"Broken Head Peak... It's really a good name. Let's leave your head here today."

All of a sudden, the world was silent, and no one could see clearly the Devil Sect leader's moves. Only seven bloody heads were placed on the mountain top, and the Devil Sect leader's lonely back. "

The story came to an abrupt end, and the children who were full of expectations were now beginning to cry, which made adults not far away scold the storyteller.

"You old madman is talking nonsense here again. Why did Yuanyuan come home for dinner?"

The woman in the headband glared at the storyteller and led her children away.

After today, I'm afraid that many shadows have been left in those children's hearts. The storyteller smiled happily and fell asleep against the stone pier.

At noon, the sun is in full bloom, and the round sun in the sky is relentlessly baking the earth. Among the bustling crowd, there was one person who was particularly conspicuous. The scorching light on his forehead was particularly dazzling. There is no other reason. In this age of long hair and waist length per capita, he is a bald head!

Chen Ye stared at the end of the bridge for a long time, his lips slightly moved, but finally he didn't say a word.

This young bald man is extremely strong. His arms are thicker than others' thighs. Standing just where he is, he has an invisible evil spirit. People around him can't help but lower their heads and speed up their pace, for fear that they will make him unhappy and be eaten alive.

"Master, why don't you teach that storyteller a lesson, and let him not tell this story again?"

The soft voice came from behind, pulling Chen Ye back from his thoughts.

When he turned around, a faint sandalwood fragrance came into his nose. In front of him, a beautiful woman in white with a veil stood erect. The sun shone from her back, making her exquisite figure more proud.

As the saying goes, if a woman bows her head and doesn't see her toes, she is already the world's best. Having this beautiful woman as his personal servant girl is probably the only consolation that comes through.

Chen Ye waved his hand and said, "No need, let him talk if he likes. The most uncontrollable thing in the world is people's mouth."

"Master." The slight call sounds like a mosquito. If Chen Ye cannot hear it, he may not be able to hear it.

In the breath, a black robed woman appeared beside the woman in white. Although she wore a veil, it was hard to hide the aura of strangers, which was another consolation for Chen Ye. Ebony held a bamboo hat in his hand. When he saw Chen Ye, he handed it to him.

Chen Ye, who took the bamboo hat, thanked him and then buckled it on his head, which made the light bulb on his head go out.

"Ebony Baiyi, what would you like to eat this afternoon?"

"Master, I want to eat meat!" Bai Yi's eyes lit up when he heard about the food, while Hetan on the side was silent and gave the word "casual" which women like to say best.

"Then go to any restaurant. I happen to be tired recently, so why don't we have a rest here for a while?" Chen Ye rubbed his head. He was telling the truth, and there were a lot of things waiting for him to deal with.

Chen Ye was originally a resident of Bluestar and devoted himself to the enterprise all his life, but unexpectedly, he was sent away by a mud truck on his way home after working overtime. When he opened his eyes again, he came to this mysterious world, and he became the first person in the world and the leader of the Demon Sect.

It is rumoured in the Jianghu that the leader of the Demon Sect has two long swords. He is handsome, handsome, casual and elegant. He has an inexplicable relationship with the female nuns in the world. And there is also a fiancee who is known as the best beauty in the world, but it is said that the two are extremely incompatible, and have never met, let alone married

"Alas, no wonder you dare not go to see your fiancee, and I dare not go either!" Chen Ye could not help sighing. Is the price of becoming stronger really the loss of hair?

Yes, the main subject of the Demon Cult is horizontal practice, and the fight with people is basically hand tearing, without any sword immortal demeanor. And young people are bald, but who believes it?

Maybe the original owner could not stand the rumor, so he left the Devil Sect with only two personal servant girls. He was depressed all day, and finally chose to die out of his own spirit, which made Chen Ye of Blue Star come through.

Chen Ye doesn't understand this. Isn't he bald? As for being so pessimistic?

"Ebony Baiyi, do you think I look good, to be honest," Chen Ye asked the two people behind him about their souls.

Bai Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, licked his lips and said, "The master is the most beautiful human Bai Yi has ever met!"

Ebony's eyes slanted to one side. Chen Ye waited for a long time, but she didn't speak. She turned back. Unexpectedly, two red clouds were floating on her face behind the veil.

Fortunately, these two close maids don't dislike themselves. Chen Ye is in a good mood and marches towards the restaurant.

But just then, a cry from a distance made Chen Ye feel as if he had been splashed with a book of cold water.

"Baldy, get out of the way, my carriage can't pass!"

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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