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Chapter 1 Heart Tears

Fly over the seventh world and the sixth world. All the star fields in these stars have invisible boundary stones, which can't be entered. She doesn't know where she can take Shi Lei's ghost. She can only keep on flying forward. The lost people look into the distance, looking for the way at their feet.

In the center of the fifth realm, on an altar shaped like a lotus flower, there are countless skulls strung on blood colored seats. Human faces emerge in each skull, struggling painfully.

On the blood seat, a beautiful woman in a purple dress, with silver white hair reaching to her ankle, was flying without wind. She tied an ordinary bell on her right wrist, small and exquisite.

Under the altar, the endless sea of blood and bitterness billowed. At the moment when the waves rolled up, the faces of countless creatures roared in pain.

This is the king of the fifth world, who controls the laws of heaven and earth in the fifth world. She leans on the arm of the blood colored seat and skull, and seems to feel something. Her eyes of compassion penetrate the boundary stone of the fifth world and fall on a small blood colored meteor. The middle finger of her right hand gently points at the back of the chair, and instantly understands all the causes and effects. A word "feeling" is the most beautiful, But it is also the most advantageous arrow in the world.

She looked at her white hair and sighed slightly in the empty air.

Wei Zhenzhen was shocked that Yuanhun was pulled by a powerful force, and had no chance to struggle. He left the ancient Milky Way directly, crossed the boundary stone of the fifth world, and appeared on a bloody sea of bitterness, where the anger was extremely strong.

Wei Zhenzhen is about to burn the soul to protect Shi Lei's ghost from being hurt by the anger.

"What a silly child." The enchanting figure under the purple dress and the fifth world emperor, Xueyue, looked at Wei Zhenzhen with compassion, waved her hand, and the faces of all creatures in the bloody sea screamed to avoid. She walked slowly to Wei Zhenzhen, and with each step, a lotus flower bloomed to the extreme under her bare feet: "Are you willing to sacrifice everything for him?"

Wei Zhenzhen is overjoyed. She is willing to give everything she can to save Shi Lei.

"Are you willing to turn into a sea slave in the bloody sea and refine the fierce spirit of the fifth world?"

"I would like to..."

"Once you enter the sea of suffering, all the world will be empty, cutting off the cause and effect, and forgetting the past. As a sea slave, you will not remember every bit about him, so... would you still like to?" The enchanting figure, her skirt flying without wind, her beauty has the precipitation of years, and looking at Wei Zhenzhen, there is a trace of expectation in the bottom of your eyes.

Wei Zhenzhen looked at Shi Lei's ghost, who was as fragile as a baby and closed her eyes. After countless nights of yearning, she told herself that she should forget this man and the man who was destined not to belong to her. Today, she could really forget. Her heart was so painful that she was relieved.

She lowered her head and gently kissed his closed eyes.

"From now on, your eyes will be mine. See all the beautiful scenery in the world for me, and live well for me." A tear fell down her corner of the eye, crystal clear, and fell on Shi Lei's cheek.

She looked at him again wistfully, and then refused to turn around and looked at the white haired woman in front of her: "I'm ready." There was no reason for an emperor to cheat her.

"In the name of the blood moon of our fifth world emperor, we add the fifth world law, and those who wish to become sea slaves can get a fifth world identity." The enchanting and beautiful world emperor raised his right hand, a red silk thread flew out of the endless sea of blood and bitterness, and entered Wei Zhenzhen's eyebrows. Wei Zhenzhen stared at Shi Lei's ghost, and slowly closed her eyes.

In the next moment, Wei Zhenzhen's soul disappeared, turning into countless red silk threads and extending to the sky of the fifth world.

"Enter my fifth world, and enjoy the longevity of heaven and earth in my fifth world. From then on, I am bound by the rules of heaven in my fifth world. With the power of the emperor, I can break the eighth cause and effect of the ghost. Kong!" A red cause and effect line appears on Shi Lei's ghost, extending to the distant eighth world.

The fifth world emperor Xueyue uttered a strange pronunciation. He pointed at Shi Lei's ghost and disconnected from the cause and effect line of the eighth world. Ten thousand feet of light burst out from Shi Lei's ghost. He slowly opened his eyes, opened his right hand, and a crystal tear contained countless feelings. He knew everything that happened. He looked at the endless sea of blood and bitterness under his body and distinguished countless rolling faces, Which one is her.

It was only because he understood too late. The pain in his heart was even stronger than that of being robbed of the perfect golden body. What came to his mind was Zhenzhen's shy smile. He hadn't found her for so many years. She had been around him all the time. When he lost her today, he suddenly found that this girl, as clear as water, was so important to him.

The fifth world emperor Bloody Moon looked obviously tired. She sat on the bloody skeleton seat, looked at the painful Shi Lei, and sighed softly: "I'll give you a chance. If you can take my position as the world emperor one day, and break the endless blood sea, you can find her soul again. Go, the door of the fifth world is open for you, and you can do it yourself."

The world emperor's blood moon pointed at the void. The void was broken, forming a five color vortex, which absorbed Shi Lei's ghost.

"Remember, the shorter it takes you to take the throne of the Fifth World Emperor, the less pain she will suffer."

On the lotus shaped altar, Bloody Moon gazed at the endless blood sea, holding a wisp of white hair in her hand, wondering what she was thinking.

The fifth boundary is a blue boundary star. In the remote mountains of southern Xinjiang, there are thousands of small clans. Among them, there is a sect called the Joyous Sect. It is built near the mountains in the eastern part of the mountains of southern Xinjiang. It is hard to imagine that there will be such a unique scenery in such a remote place, with pavilions, pavilions, Qionglouyuyu, exquisite statues, and fresh flowers blooming around the clans.

The leader of the Joyous Sect was a woman in the early days of Yuanying. She raised more than a dozen cauldrons with excellent qualifications for her cultivation. One of the teenagers was a rare gourmet cauldron in the world. As the body of the Holy Sun, there were only five spiritual roots. The five spiritual roots belonged to the lowest spiritual roots. No matter how hard you tried, the five spiritual roots could not build a foundation.

Having the body of the holy sun, but unable to practice, is equal to a fat and tender lamb that can be slaughtered. In half a year, the teenager will be 18 years old. When the body of the holy sun is mature, she will be young and beautiful again.

Thinking of this, the old witch laughed "Jie Jie" and was very proud. She hid the boy with the body of the Holy Sun very well, and could never let the ghost woman know. When she broke through the middle of the first child with the body of the Holy Sun, she could destroy the eyesore ghost woman, take her creation, and become the nourishment of her own path of cultivation.

"Mother, what are you so happy about?" The charming girl was wearing a black dress, which wrapped her newly mature body, and her white skin appeared faintly on her back and waist, which was very attractive.

She tilted her head, looked at her mother standing under the eaves, and naturally revealed the innocence of the girl in her twinkle and smile.

The leader of the Joyous Sect looked alert, but he smiled kindly: "My daughter is so beautiful and happy. By the way, you have just mastered the art of Joyous. In a few days, the ghost disciples will come. You can follow them down the mountain to find a cauldron furnace with good aptitude to help you consolidate your realm."

"Yes, mother," said the charming girl, who should be cute, a little shy between her eyes and eyebrows.

The mother and daughter were talking about the purpose of the disciples of the Ghost Mother Sect coming, when the steward in charge of Tannu Hall suddenly stumbled, ran to the ground with a frightened face, flopped on the ground, and said in a trembling voice, "Master, that boy... that boy committed suicide."

Copyright: Chuangshi Chinese Website

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