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Chapter 1 The anchorman is worth his life!

"Kakaka, Kakaka"

In the narrow master bedroom, the continuous tapping of the blue axis keyboard fills the whole room. The figure in front of the computer desk occupying a corner of the room is manipulating the characters on the display to take part in the adventure. The absorbed look does not notice the faint light of the blue cube display of the bedside table behind you

"Ouch! CP weapon! This woman's big gun has been painted for so long that she can get a CP weapon. If I can't get out again, I will exchange the box for it. "

The man immediately picked up the props and was ready to assign this gun to her female big gun role "Nishang Muyu" after finishing this wave of aristocratic tips.

But before the joy could continue, a series of words flashed through the screen of the display on the side.

"What's behind the anchor?"

"Blue, bedside lamp?"

"One of the infinite jewels of Manwei, the space jewel, is the magic cube of the universe"

"The small ornaments are pretty, but why do I think they are a bit wrong?"

"It's not electric leakage, is it?"

"The bedside lamp behind you leaks electricity, anchor!"


"Leakage? What leakage?"

The man looked back and saw the blue light from the small ornaments on the bedside table not far away, with a flickering look that they would close at any time.

"Oh, this thing. I bought it on Taobao before. It may be of poor quality. I'll unplug it..."

I didn't think much about it. Anyway, this small ornament doesn't have much money. If it is bad, it will be bad.

As a not so competent Marvel Powder, besides this cosmic magic cube, he actually has a "heart of Tony Stark" to play with.

"The anchor should be careful. The power line of my hair dryer is short circuited. I can get a perm on my finger even if I unplug it."

"Yes, especially the aging harness, which is easy to burn through and electrifies people"


The man didn't care about the bullet screen, so he got up to pick up the "trinkets", groped for the harness and tried to pull down the power plug


It's said that people are unlucky to drink cold water, and you can't avoid anything when the opportunity comes. Sure enough, this person has been straight all his life!

"Crouching slot! The anchor is alive and well!"

"Good job! Professor Yang will give you a compliment when he comes!"

"Straight! The anchor has been straight all his life!"

"Call the police. I've already called for an ambulance."

"I hope you are OK..."


"Recharging succeeded, the dnf system is loading... The current account is being linked, please do not disconnect..."

Somehow, there was a mechanical voice around his ear. The familiar word "recharge" made him think of the sentence "Dabin, charge another five hundred~"

"The link is complete, please select the role... The host status is abnormal, and the default mode is entered... The default selection is in progress... The female gunner... is logging in..."

Default? What is the default?

The man was so excited that he suddenly got up. His head was buzzing and dizzy. He had to lie down again.

"Network connection failed"



"The auction house has been opened"

"The gold coin consignment system has been opened"


Marvel Universe, America, Secret Laboratory of the Divine Shield Bureau

The strong energy shock covered the whole laboratory, and many laboratory personnel fell to the ground in a coma. The whole experimental area was in a mess. Only the cosmic cube placed in the center of the room was emitting blue light in the dark.

In twenty minutes

"Director, the test record shows that the universe cube has just carried out a strong energy pouring, and its energy is hundreds of times higher than the data index recorded by us!"

"Well, what else? How did the experimenters react?"

In the long and narrow corridor, a man with a high hairline followed a black faced one eyed man and hurried to the test area where the shock had just occurred.

"At present, all the people have been controlled, but most of them have not yet woken up. The test shows that their bodies are still normal, with one exception..."

Colson quickly looked up the tablet computer in his hand, called out a person's information and handed it to the director of the Divine Shield Bureau beside him.

Nick Fry frowned at the words and stopped to take over the tablet. The complete data of a female experimenter named "Lenny" was displayed on it.

"Her name is Lenny, 21 years old, from California, and she is one of the experimental assistants in this experiment.

When the energy burst, she was the first to be poured with energy, so the radiation effect was the most serious.

The monitoring showed that the moment the energy poured out and touched her, she was dead, but after 17 minutes and 24 seconds, she miraculously recovered her heart beat and consciousness, and came back to life! "

The monitoring video of the test area was played on the tablet computer, and the power burst caused the power outage of the entire test area, but the monitoring system that restored the standby power supply captured an amazing scene.

The scarred body that was originally poured by the energy of the cosmic magic cube is gradually recovering at a visible speed until no scars can be seen. During this time, the woman sat up abruptly and then fainted like a reflection.

Nick Fry's only one eye stood still, which made him think of a person

"Seal up this monitoring separately, set the confidentiality level to 10, and keep her under separate control. I will see her in person when she wakes up!"



"Attempt to connect to the server...... Server link failed...... Open offline mode......"

The mechanized voice sounded again in her ear, and Lenny's head was rising, but she didn't respond to it. She didn't even feel the difference in her body.

"The offline mode has been enabled. The currently selected occupation: [Female Gunsmith], please select the binding role..."

"Nishang bathes in the rain..." blurted out.

"Confirmed, successfully bound, current role [Lenny], profession [Female Gunsmith], role template [Nishang Muyu], level Lv.1..."

The garrulous voice finally gave Lenny some clue, but the information suddenly poured into her mind made her temples begin to ache.

"Wait a minute. What are you, the system? Where is this?"

As a veteran of games, novels, movies and anime for many years, he can understand and accept the system, but the taste of offline city really makes him dance.

"Welcome to the underground city and warrior system. Please complete the novice task and open the warehouse system."

"Huh? It's really his offline city, isn't it?"

“(* ̄︶ ̄)”

"So, where is this? Arad?"

"No, it is currently located in the main universe of Marvel, 199999, in 2010, in the United States..."

Lenny sat up in surprise. "What is it? Marvel Universe, why did you come to Marvel Universe with a DNF system?"

"System error, error reason, unknown."

"Well, I can't point to you. Open the system page to see for myself."


Role: [Lenny]

Race: [Tianjie People]

Occupation: [Female Gunsmith]

Deputy Occupation: [Alchemist]

Role template: [Nishang Muyu]

Level: Lv.1

Skill: [Mastery of Heavy Weapons] [Alchemy]

Equipment: None

Task: [Novice Task] "Please complete the Novice Task to unlock the warehouse system."


"Hmm... I can understand everything else. How can this profession be a female gunner?"

Lenny looked at the system interface in front of her, holding her chest and chin in meditation.

Bridge bean sack!

Lenny felt the touch from her forearms, slowly lowered her head and could not help but take a breath!

!!!∑ (゚Д゚ノ)ノ

"The system detects that the host is dying during operation, so everything is selected in the default mode..."

"Default mode..." Lenny slapped her on the forehead, "Why did I want to practice a female big gun in the first place???"

"Please complete the novice task and unlock the warehouse system."

"Why hurry? Let me slow down..."

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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