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Chapter 1 The Substitute of the Gods

"So... is there really a god in the world?"

"Yes, young man, you are very lucky. Fortunately, I envy you. God likes you very much."

Li Changqing looks at the light ball that seems to be writhing in front of him.

Mingming was playing a game at home when suddenly a ball of light came out of nowhere and scared him badly. Then he said inexplicably that the god could realize one of his wishes, at the cost of shuttling around the world from then on.

There is no main god task. Big Light Sphere is disgusted with those inferior imitators, and one day it will clear up the main god space that deceives the world.

It is said that there is no danger, but who believes it? Li Changqing is not stupid. If he encounters a dangerous world, he will end up. If he travels, he will survive.

But Li Changqing is just fish on the board now. Can he resist? These things are completely beyond the resistance of an ordinary human being.

No matter what the so-called gods are and what ideas they have, there is still a wish.

A wish! Anything you want can be achieved! Li Changqing trembled with excitement at the thought!

Take a deep breath and force his trembling body to calm down. Li Changqing looks at the ball of light.

"So please give me an Aladdin magic lamp. The one that can realize three wishes!"



Li Changqing looks at the cloudy sky and regrets that there is no sun today.

It was obvious that the idea of wishing for dolls failed, perhaps offending the gods, and Li Changqing was deprived of the right to make a wish. The rule is changed to draw rewards.

A stingy god.

But fortunately, Li Changqing was lucky enough to draw superhuman power. The god was kind enough to compensate Li Changqing and eliminate his fear of kryptonite.

Superman and Li Changqing also know that people can become stronger when they are exposed to the sun, such as silver, gold and thinking. One by one, we have gained the capital to settle down in the world.

After a month's exposure to the sun in this world, Li Changqing has become inhuman. He is invulnerable to weapons. Whether heavy weapons can resist is unknown, but pistols and rifles have no lethality to him.

Both clairvoyance and clairvoyance are being developed gradually, and flight and thermal vision are not available for the time being.

If he could fly, Li Changqing would have gone to embrace the sun. How slow it is to dry on the ground? Superman has been drying so hard for more than ten years.

Feeling his own strength, Li Changqing was curious about the film General Li Luode. Why did they become so powerful after a few days of sun exposure?

"Li! Changqing! What are you staring at? There are still six streets for you to clean!" Mika Maria looked at Li Changqing who was in a daze and roared angrily. His fat body and cross face made him smell like Bogang.

"You dog, if it weren't for the sake of the police station, there were many vagrants in this town who wanted to work!" Bo Gang pointed at Li Changqing's nose and shouted, spitting wildly.

It seems that he wants to see Li Changqing afraid, but when he sees Li Changqing's indifferent face, he doesn't say "Go away, go to work!"

Yes, because Li Changqing was penniless when he was just getting dressed, and there was no sun in the town for several days, he almost starved Li Changqing to death on the road.

Li Changqing, who was regarded as a vagrant, was taken in by the police and arranged to sweep the streets.

Remembering what happened in the first few days, Li Changqing is now a little scared, penniless, homeless, and has been raining for several days!

The surrogate of our god almost died in the first step.

Fortunately, he has survived. Now he has a job and a place to live. Li Changqing has nothing to ask for. He just wants to bask in the sun.

When it's time to fly, embrace the sun directly! Most of the world can go.

The gods do not have a clear indicator, and do not know when to end the journey of a world.

However, we should take it as we come. Anyway, Li Changqing doesn't think that there is anything in an ordinary world that can kill him.

A very normal world, the United States in 2000, no Iron Man, no other superman, no alien, monster reports, very normal.

Except for the occasional shooting, robbery and missing persons reported in the news, everything is very common. Free America, gunfight every day.

Li Changqing doesn't take these things seriously. He is not a great sage or a superhero. As long as he doesn't meet them, he doesn't want to care so much. He just wants to lie in the sun.

Not only Li Changqing didn't take things seriously, but also the residents of the small town. Everyone looked indifferent when watching the news, and even the newscaster looked calm.

Holding his broom, Li Changqing walked slowly to the construction site in his charge, cleaned up quickly, and saw if he could bask in the sun today.

One of the streets is next to a primary school. Strangely, it is very quiet. There is no sound at all. Whether in class or at school, the children are all dull looking.

Li Changqing was curious before and wanted to look closer. He found that the teacher and the children were sitting in the classroom motionless. It seemed that he would slowly turn his head and stare at Li Changqing when he felt Li Changqing's peep. He kept saying a word "Take off?"

flying with you? Strange. Li Changqing has never been near that school since then. If there is any problem in this town, it must be that school!

It may be haunted.

Li Changqing is confident that his physical defense has reached the level, but he has no confidence in magic defense. He can't see and touch ghosts.

If you don't get close to that strange school and those children, you will have no problem.

"There should be no sun today." Even Li Changqing's clairvoyant eyes could not see the sun because of the heavy clouds. I felt pity and packed up my equipment at the same time.

Li Changqing has never felt hungry since he was exposed to the sun. In addition to eating snacks occasionally to satisfy his cravings, Li Changqing spent most of his money on wine at the bar.

For nothing else, Li Changqing just wanted to see more hot girls, although no one would like to date a street sweeper.

But what if? You should know that this is a free America. If someone has a unique appetite, and Li Changqing feels handsome.

"A glass of brandy, thank you."

The mixed air was filled with the smell of tobacco and wine. The music was played to the maximum, which almost shocked the deaf people's ears. Both men and women were frantically twisting their waist and hips on the dance floor. Women in cool and gorgeous clothes were happily playing among men, flirting with those men who could not control themselves with frivolous language.

The woman is charming and shrinks in the man's arms and chirps about me. The man drinks and fools around with the woman at the same time.

The hot foreign girl danced hard on the platform and took off her coat from time to time, causing a whistle below.

After finding a deserted corner, Li Changqing followed everyone to enjoy the hot dance. I have to say that the cultural development of the United States is not without benefits.

After three rounds, Li Changqing was also a little dizzy, sighing that even Superman would get drunk. The head is in a trance, and the scene before becomes blurred.

The lively bar becomes desolate and dilapidated, changing repeatedly, like a cassette tape.

Seems to have forgotten something?

Li Changqing shook his head. In front of him, it was still the busy bar. "Can't you really get drunk?" Li Changqing was a little confused, and his mind was a little stuffy, as if he had really forgotten something.

"Handsome guy~alone?" I don't know when the dancers on the high platform came down, and their clothes were basically stripped, leaving only a thin layer.

The dancer sat on Li Changqing's table and stroked his arm.

Li Changqing was a little bored, and felt sick. He didn't have time to answer the dancer in front of him. "It's OK, let me slow down. I'm a little uncomfortable."

As if she had not heard, the dancer sat down in Li Changqing's arms and stroked his body, as if she could not see him looking sweaty and white eyed.

"What are you afraid of?" The dancer leaned over to Li Changqing's ear and asked slowly, like the devil's fascination.

I am here... What are you afraid of?

The voices around them quieted down. Everyone looked at Li Changqing silently, looked calm, and asked in unison, "What are you afraid of?"

What are you afraid of?

Many people, floating.

Their tattered bodies and frightened faces are all repeating a word.

Many people are asking Li Changqing to fly with them~

Li Changqing has a splitting headache, and the world has been flashing in his eyes, "Ah --"

With a jerk of her head, Li Changqing opened her eyes and breathed heavily.

The original bar disappeared, and Li Changqing was suspended in the air, with the moon and countless suspended bodies overhead, adults, children, and all the bodies suspended on Li Changqing's head.

At this time, the original hot beauty has become a face of white paint, the corners of her mouth are extended to the roots of her ears, her mouth is full of sharp teeth, and her limbs are slender and huge, like a locust.

Such a huge but still a clown's dress, and even a small red ball on his nose.

"Li Changqing~What are you afraid of?" Seeing Li Changqing awake, the clown monster opened his mouth and whispered in Li Changqing's ear, he wanted to open his mouth, but thought of the broken teeth, he stopped.

"What on earth are you? You suddenly appear in this world. You haven't eaten or starved to death for so many days. You are more strange than me." The clown around Li Changqing.

The clown monster recalled that Li Changqing was found by himself when he first came here. He had a fight with himself, and he was very powerful.

If it had not devoured all the people in the town, it would not have been able to do Li Changqing.

"Look, where are they waiting for you? Why don't you fly with them?" The clown monster pointed to the floating corpse in the sky.

Li Changqing looked at the clown monster around him and remembered everything.

It turned out that he had just come to this world when he met this monster. Fortunately, it was in the daytime, and the sun was burning high. He combined with the monster with his rapidly changing physical quality.

It's a pity that I didn't do it in the end. I was knocked unconscious by the monster and brought back to my nest. Then he slept in the world of monsters.

"Hehe, you are the devil. Wait for me to blow you up." Li Changqing looked at the clown monster and said contemptuously. This monster is ordinary and can't break his own defense, but it seems that it can target what others are afraid of.

After looking at the floating corpses in the sky, what's the concept of tens of thousands of corpses floating in the sky?

It's like a cloud of corpses. It's so vicious.

Even if Li Changqing is not a saint, he also has a great impact on the soul.

Fortunately, the clown monster did not know that he became stronger by basking in the sun. Although his head was covered with corpses, he would still be exposed to the sun.

As long as you become stronger, you can break free. When the time comes, blow up this ghost.

"You will tell me, you will!" The clown demon grabbed Li Changqing, opened his mouth, and his head was empty. Three slowly rotating light balls shone on Li Changqing through the clown monster's mouth.

Li Changqing struggled violently, but still couldn't get rid of it. He slowly became dizzy and closed his eyes.

When Li Changqing fell asleep again, the town fell silent again, with floating corpses and weird clowns.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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