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Chapter 1 Introduction

Perhaps no one can know that the world has changed to a level that is almost unbelievable. Hundreds of years later, human beings are not only doing this kind of movement, as if they have returned to the myth of ancient times.

One hundred years ago, the world entered a three day day without days. People who have been accustomed to living under the sun for a long time have undergone tremendous changes in these three days. At that time, the world was releasing a message: the end of the world!

At the end of the world, people also fight and rob like crazy! And some people, looking up at the sky, seem to be waiting for the arrival of death.

Black shrouded, the time of the world entered a chaotic time, but they did not know that in the black sky, little black spots slowly fell, fell on people's bodies, fell on food

The human body has a strong reaction, genetic problems, some people become ferocious monsters, and their temperament has changed greatly, while some people have become capable of their own very human ability, they hunt, drink blood, and the world has fallen into a panic era

People find that human blood can give them the ability to become stronger and stronger. They will kill more and eat more powerful human beings, and their ability to improve will become stronger and stronger. The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit.

The panic hasn't stopped yet. Another wave of attacks has marched into the human race. The monster of the giant is constantly invading, grabbing people and biting them in the mouth.

No one can beat a monster more than ten meters high. Just when people were in panic again, a small team appeared. Ten people, seven men and three women, restrained their internal abilities and learned how to use the abilities sent by heaven to repel a wave of monster attacks.

But is that enough? No, it is far from enough. They also know clearly that there will be something more powerful and frightening behind.

They can only need more powerful power. Their ten people's power is limited. They need more people and more abilities. In just half an hour, they have evolved from ten people to one hundred people. The number of people is increasing. The next wave of war is getting closer and closer. The monster population is also growing, Now the number of people has increased to 1000

An old man leaned on his crutch and walked slowly at the front, holding a worn book in his hand. He slowly closed his eyes and kept talking about words he could not understand. He took his crutch and gently knocked on the ground, "different fields..."

He slowly opened his arms, and the two boys behind him put their hands directly on his back. Everyone followed this posture. Under the dark sky, the colorful colors in the crowd lit up the whole night sky. Suddenly, the air seemed to be completely frozen. The old man slowly twisted his hands, and the air was directly controlled by him. All his abilities were gathered in his chest.


At last, there was a loud thunder. Everyone clearly found that the whole sky seemed to be under their control, which was controlled by the distance between the old man's hands.

"I hope that after this disaster, it will be sunny and rainy, and the rest of you must reproduce and live a good life, so that we will not waste the sacrifice of a thousand people......"

Everyone was shocked, but at this time, the powerful ability needs to be built on the dead people of more than 1000 people

Greedy for life and afraid of death, some people are ready to leave, but they are soon absorbed back by the old man's ability.

The black sky seemed to be torn, and the whole world began to tremble. The old man slowly opened his eyes and looked at the vast crowd. The book on his hand was hidden on the ground.

In that room, all the air stopped directly, and the old man put his hands slowly into the air, "everyone, work harder!"

At this time, the old man was shining all over, and his hands were tearing open the space forcefully. Suddenly, the strong wind and sand continued to blow the old man and more than a thousand people behind him, but they always stood, even if they used all their strength, there would be subsidies from people behind them.

"I need more powerful ability! I need you! Death is not terrible! Waiting for death is the most terrible!"

No one knows what method the old man used to spread his voice all over the world. In order to survive and protect his family, everyone also took action. In the same way as them, the old man's crutches floated directly above him, and all the energy borrowed from the world was infused into the crutches, which directly reached the old man.

"Thank you!"

The old man who is only one meter and five meters tall slowly grows bigger, two meters, three meters... five meters!

His hands once again tried to open the space, and the dazzling light directly blinded people's eyes. The old man once again recited the mantra, and the whole world sent out a kind of wailing, trembling, sighing.

"Absolutely profound... different fields!"


The surface of the earth was torn, and all the monsters of the behemoths were suddenly stopped. Their four claws grasped the ground, and the whole soul was quickly evacuated!

The body of tens of thousands of people slowly appeared phantom, slowly disappeared in the world, and all the monsters in the world were absorbed into the old man's different realm!

The crack slowly appeared on the old man's body, but he still gritted his teeth and insisted, never letting any monster stay in the world to harm human beings! He closed his eyes again, and his voice once again resounded throughout the world

"I left with the lives of tens of thousands of people. Don't blame me, but I haven't killed the monsters, but they no longer exist in the world and can't harm you. But I'm afraid that one day they will break out of the prison, so you should practice your abilities given by heaven!"

As soon as the voice dropped, the old man's body suddenly leaned forward, and the whole person was completely evacuated. The news was in the world

Brand: Nanjing Moyue
Launch time: 2022-11-17 17:09:58
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