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Chapter 1 Crossing the Star Age

In 243 of the first year, outside Tanggao Xingcheng District

A teenager was digging fine sand in the desert. His skin was chapped and his clothes were shabby, but these were not his concerns. What he cared most was whether he could dig plants under the fine sand.

That is the key to his satiety.

"Only, we have to go first. Today's cactus seedlings are hard to find, and the sandstorm is coming, so it's better for you to hurry to the city." The adults together with the teenagers shouted anxiously.

The only thing I didn't look up at them was that I was still digging.

Adults can't say more when they see him like this, so they have to shake their heads and leave. After all, there are many people like teenagers.

The adults started to talk after they left

"It's really pathetic. I lost my parents when I was only 8 years old. I have to live with my lazy sister. It's really pathetic to see him like this." A younger uncle sighed.

"Hey, don't be too compassionate. Everyone is the same, but he has such a sister. If he can wake up and leave here to study in Yuanxing at the age of ten, he won't have to suffer like us civilians."

"Impossible. Who didn't know that he and his sister were both exiled by the family, which proved hopeless. Isn't his sister abandoned?" one denied

"It's hard to say, after all, Yu Susu is almost 20 years old. This year, she is 19 years old, and her second awakening is fast. Otherwise, do you think the city lord will let her live there without paying taxes?"

These conversations were not heard by the only boy. He just buried his head in looking for cactus seedlings. People who do not have the ability to awaken or are skilled here can only earn a living by digging plant seedlings to exchange nutrients.


In an iron house beside an abandoned river in Haitang City

"Cough... Is it worn?" Yu Susu's voice is hoarse. She has another memory in her head. Those fragments gradually become clear, so that she knows her current situation

She was lying on a dilapidated bed, and the window in the room was closed so that she could not see the outside. The whole room was less than 20 square meters, which was her present room.

She is not a person of this era now, but a blue star resident ten thousand years away from here. Yu Susu was a botanist. When she did another experiment, she mistakenly dropped a few drops of liquid from a mutant plant, which led to the failure of the experiment. Then she woke up and became this 19-year-old girl with the same name. When her memory was fused, Yu Susu felt like returning to the liberation overnight.

The girl in my memory is seven times like her. Now she is just like her when she was in the orphanage. Her beautiful figure is gone forever.

In 243 years of the first year, human beings have stepped out of the blue star for ten thousand years, entered the universe, and developed hundreds of habitable planets. Science and technology has gradually developed, with the emergence of advanced technologies such as optical brain and flight machinery, but plants have become the biggest obstacle.

The living environment of plants has become bad, the land pollution and water pollution are serious, and the frequent natural disasters are mostly caused by the sharp decline of plants. The powerful Warcraft constantly attacks the urban areas of human beings, and human beings have to rely on awakening to defend their homes.

The protection of the city is to maintain stability by the energy shield created by the Awakened.

Yu Susu stood in front of the window and looked at several flying cars in the air and the sand and dust free desert area outside the energy shield. He could not help but feel nervous. In his memory, there were also terrible sandstorms, tornadoes, and dangerous natural disasters everywhere, all of which were reminders of what kind of world Yu Susu had come to.

While she was still lamenting the scenery outside the window, the door was gently opened. She looked along the voice, and a thin boy was standing outside the door looking at her, and his eyes flashed with surprise.

Yu Susu knew who he was through memory,

This is Yu Dui, the original owner, who is now Yu Susu's younger brother. She was 8 years old. In her memory, she failed to awaken when she was 10 years old. At that time, Yu Dui was not born. Yu Susu's parents did not abandon her because of her failure to awaken, but just let her continue to live a rich life,

All happiness ended when she was 16 years old and her parents died. She was sent here by the uncle who inherited her parents' family business as a waste and lived alone here for two years. Then she was exiled to her as her only brother. Because she was a minor, she needed to be taken care of as a direct line

The two strangers lived under the same roof. The original owner hated the younger brother more and more, and was extremely bad to him. He always ordered him to dig cactus seedlings for her, while she hid at home every day, hoping to leave the backward planet to learn power in Yuanxing Academy by the second awakening opportunity.

After the memory, Yu Susu looked at the boy across the street again. She was flustered. She had no relatives in her previous life. She had always been helpless in the orphanage. With her own hands, she worked hard to get a little famous scientist. Now she suddenly has a younger brother, who is still related by blood to her present self. She is more or less uncomfortable.

Before Su Su was about to say something, Yu Dui over there said, "Sister, this is today's nutrient. I didn't finish my share for two people, so I had to exchange one bottle with Mr. Eric."

After saying that, he didn't look at Yu Susu. He just put the nutrient on the bed table and left, because he didn't want to hear the sentence "oil bottle, since there is only one bottle, I will drink it."

Yu Susu saw that he was leaving and said quickly:

"Wait a minute. Since there is only one bottle, we should have half of it. I'm not hungry anyway. Go and get a bowl."

In fact, Yu Susu's stomach was already very uncomfortable. The original owner had not eaten for a whole day, and the whole stomach was very cramped. But she looked at the bottle of dark green liquid, a small bottle. In her memory, the nutrient was made from some expensive plant juice. After drinking it, she would not feel hungry for 10 hours.

She was very hungry, but only had one bottle, which was bought by the boy opposite. It was obviously unkind for her to drink alone.

Yu Yiyi paused after hearing what the person in the room said again. A crack appeared on his cold face with his back to Su Su, but soon disappeared. He didn't speak and walked to the kitchen.

While Yu Youyi went to get the bowl, Yu Susu opened the silver bracelet on his wrist

"Open to read the latest stars."

Yu Susu's words came out in front of her, and the light brain page appeared. The stars inside kept rolling. Yu Susu looked at the advanced page and the clear picture, and accepted the recent situation.

As a botanist, she has traveled all over the Blue Star. She wants to know a strange area, that is, learn more about the local situation.

Even if there is the memory of the original owner, it is not enough to rely on the memory of the original owner alone. The original owner has been decadent since he was exiled. He ignores the outside world and only wants to awaken again

Copyright: Yunqi Academy

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