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Chapter 1 Prelude (Seeking Collection, Seeking Sao Comments, Seeking Living People)

11:25 midnight

On the roof

A tall young man, just over the male standard, was standing on the roof to blow.

It seemed that he was sad and worried. He held a cigarette in his hand and puffed out a smoke

"Good morning, good afternoon, good night, everyone!"

"When you see this sentence, you should also understand it."

"Yes, I am Zhou Yan, the hero of this book."

"It's a great honor for you to come here. I believe all the people who can come here are eighteen year old fairies or little brothers who are alienated because they are too handsome."

"Am I bored now?"

"Oh, yes. You should not like the first person very much. Let me change it."

Zhou Yan is very upset now. Everyone who can click in knows that this is a book of unlimited flow of the heavens, and he is the hero of this book.

But unlike his predecessors in the past, he did not testify to Da Luo. It is clear that he has done a lot of great deeds and left many legends, but still can not change the fact that he has not demonstrated.

for instance:

He once left Linglei Baruch's painting of women's clothes in his childhood in front of Delia, the future master of Hongmeng and Lin Lei's wife. But he was safe and retired.

He once transformed himself in front of the future detached man Ba Ba Song, leaving the squirrel at a loss.

He once left a shocking legend of XXXX in front of Nobi Daxiong, the Sun King, the Demon King Slayer, the pioneer of prehistoric civilization, the terminator of Bermuda civilization, the first sharpshooter in the universe, and the legendary swordsman.

He once walked under the eyes of the emperor, leaving the truth and hope for Su Ming, who was seeking the truth but struggling with his fate all his life.

He used to be the only healthy person in the old village until one day a river came. For the sole title, he left the legend of "daughter body" Mu Tianzun.

In the coffin trilogy, he taught [patient] Hong Maodong how to become a reasonable neurosis without being bored.


He is Zhou Yan, a traveler. He walks in the heavens and all worlds, leaving footprints in every world he arrives. But even so, Zhou Yan still failed to demonstrate the Dharma.

He held a cigarette in his finger and wondered, "Why do you think such an excellent person like me can't testify? Why is that?" Zhou Yan took a puff and said, "Hmm?" He found out the truth?

Zhou Yan turned around the filter in his hand and found a cigarette. He smoked half of it and half of it was windy.

Zhou Yan shook his head and didn't follow suit. I think the wind should also have trouble!

However, I was smoking because of my troubles. The more I thought about it, the more angry I became. So... "I # * * * *" Zhou Yan began to smoke.

It took a while to earn back half of his cigarette.

Zhou Yan's illness broke out and his temperament was very complicated. He blinked at the sky with big dark and clear eyes and said to himself:

"If you haven't given up yet, congratulations. There are two hundred words left, and the introduction of [prologue] is about to end. I......"

Suddenly, a loud voice came from downstairs.

"Ah Yan, don't you want to go to bed at night? Get down and go to sleep!" Mother Zhou's eyebrows drooped, her eyes glared and shouted angrily.

Zhou Yan unconsciously shrank his head. He rushed downstairs and shouted, "Yes, yes, I'm coming." Zhou Yan quickly put out the cigarette end on his hand and threw it into a nearby flower pot.

As he walked down, he did not forget to remind: "Seeing this, our [Preface] is also over. The following story will be left to you to explore. My mother asked me to go to bed. Goodbye!"

"That's right! I was prompted by friendship: first watch the Emperor Shennong test drugs, then choose to watch this book!"

The familiar roar came from downstairs again: "Ah Yan!"

Zhou Yan shouted, "Come on, come on." He pointed to the void and said, "OK, that's it. You can see the story behind." After saying that, he hurried downstairs.

[The first book for beginners, because 404 is too many times,

The previous updates are unstable and it is difficult to sign a contract,

If you have good ideas, you can comment on them,

Write if you can, withdraw if you can't!

There will be no eunuchs in the full text. Please stay+1 for handsome men and beautiful women.]

Copyright: Chuangshi Chinese Website

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