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Chapter 1 Embarrassment after Crossing

On the fourth day of March in the seventh year of Chongzhen, the fall of Daming entered the countdown not long before the Jiashen Revolution.

The sun cannot be seen in the vast sky, and there is no hope in the gray.

Yongping Mansion, which is located in the east of the capital, is not very famous in the history of the late Ming and early Qing dynasties.

"Hey, is that so? Let me tell you something. Can you think of a way to save me?!"

In the street corner alley in the west of Yongping Mansion, in the backyard of a dilapidated house, Zhao Zhi squatted on the ground in ragged clothes, holding his pineapple mobile phone, and finally got through to the phone that had never been able to make up his mind.

"Hello, here is the One One Zero Emergency Center. Did you just ask us for help? Where are you? What's the situation around you? Could you give us a brief explanation?"

A righteous and reassuring voice came from the other end of the phone.

Zhao Zhi took a deep breath with a slightly excited tone, "I said, I am now in the Ming Dynasty, do you believe it?"

"You said that you are now in the Ming Dynasty, aren't you? Could you tell me whether this Ming Dynasty was a town or a village? Or the name of a certain area? Please also make it clear that it is convenient for rescue workers to arrive in time!" The police officer asked calmly, apparently not expecting that this was the Ming Dynasty in history.

"No, it's not a village or a town. I'm in the Ming Dynasty. It's the Ming Dynasty of Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, it's Yongping Mansion on the fourth day of March in the seventh year of Chongzhen!" Zhao Zhihurriedly explained.

After Zhao Zhi said these words, there was an obvious pause on the phone, and then his tone became serious, "Sir, the false police need to bear legal responsibility, please explain your true situation, so that rescue workers can find it easily!"

"I am really in the Ming Dynasty, and I suddenly passed through. I don't know why. Listen to my explanation. In another ten years, the Ming Dynasty will perish. Do you know Jiannu? They will certainly engage in a massacre, or I will die. I don't know what happened. My mobile phone was with me when I passed through, and there was power all the time. The signal was still full, so I wanted to call the police to see if you had any way. Please believe me! " Zhao Zhi stood up and said hurriedly.

The police officer on the other side of the phone paused for a longer time. After more than ten seconds, his voice completely turned serious, "Sir, please tell the truth about the recording of this call!"

Zhao Zhi scratched his head and said painfully, "I'm really in the Ming Dynasty. How can I explain that?"

"Sir, you need to bear legal responsibility for reporting false alarms. If you have nothing else, please hang up the line and don't get busy to prevent people who really need it." The voice at the other end of the phone began to warn.

Zhao Zhi didn't give up, "Hey, hey, I didn't panic!"

Zhao Zhi yelled at his mobile phone, but there was a busy tone.

Looking at the hang up sign on the mobile phone screen, Zhao Zhi felt an unspeakable sadness.

Zhao Zhi, originally an engineer of an industrial machinery research institute in the 21st century, had an accident on his way home from work five days ago. When he woke up, he found that all the scenes had changed.

The tall buildings are gone, and the thatched houses are replaced. Even his own body is gone. He is attached to a boy named Zhao Zhi, and only left this mobile phone beside him.

Strange to say, this pineapple phone is really powerful.

It has been five days since the mobile phone was fully charged, and even the signal can access the Internet.

Zhao Zhi has studied this beyond common sense for several days, but still can't figure out what the reason is.

I wanted to call my relatives and friends or the technical staff of the research institute to see if there was any way to make myself cross back again, but I thought it over.

After all, Zhao Zhi is a dead man now. It's all a question whether people can answer the phone, whether they believe it or not, and whether they will regard him as a telecom fraud.

After hesitating for several days, he called Yao Yaoling, hoping to find a way back. Unfortunately, this is the result.

Having accepted the memory of the teenager and fused his soul, Zhao Zhi also knew his own situation today.

Yongping Mansion is located on the fourth day of March in the seventh year of Chongzhen, and this Yongping Mansion is located in the east of the capital, very close to Shanhaiguan, and even closer to the side wall.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, this was a troubled world, a time when human life was inferior to that of dogs. A slight carelessness would be the end of death.

Apart from the three massacres in Jiading, Yangzhou on the 10th and Jiangyin on the 80th, Zhao Zhi's current situation has been extremely difficult.

To put it bluntly, if life is bad, it is not certain whether you can live to that time.

This year is the seventh year of Chongzhen. According to the historical trend, in April and May this year, Jiannu Society entered and looted from Xuanda, and only left the customs in August.

Although the main goal of the slave building this time is to the west of the capital, there will be no accident. How can Zhao Zhi survive in such an environment if he runs here with a hot head and settles down in poverty?

A bigger disaster is still waiting for him.

In the ninth year of Chongzhen's reign, the slave chieftain Huang Taiji will become emperor in Shenyang City, changing the country's name to Qing Dynasty. At the same time, he will send troops in three ways to enter the pass from Dushikou and other places, and finally leave the pass from Qian'an County and other places to the west of Yongping Mansion.

This time, Jiannu was attacked by Zhao Zhi, who was the main target of Jiannu's looting. At that time, there would be another bloodbath and massacre everywhere.

In addition to external causes, Zhao Zhi's internal causes are also extremely poor. His identity after passing through is not that of a rich son, a dignitary, or a local tyrant, but that of a poor man who is extremely poor and has countless debts.

The only difference between Zhao Zhi in the late Ming Dynasty and an orphan is that he has a seriously ill mother and a debt.

Two years ago, Zhao at the end of the Ming Dynasty sent his father Zhao Ping to get sick. I don't know why, and the muscles of his whole body began to atrophy.

At first, he could walk with his hands on the wall. Later, his illness became worse. His muscles were all stuck to his bones. He could not walk, speak or eat. Finally, he starved to death.

Zhao Zhi's father is a scholar. He has some reputation in Yongping Mansion. His family is not as rich as those who have become famous scholars and scholars, but it is also much better than ordinary people.

As a saying goes, there is only a serious illness between well-off and poor people.

In the year from the beginning of the illness to the death, there was no need to drink less medicine and spend less money, but it was useless.

Finally, he emptied his property, sold his house, sold his land, borrowed money, and still didn't keep anyone.

Before Zhao Zhi's mother Liang Cui got sick again, she vomited blood from time to time and could not find the cause of the disease.

In order to make a living, Zhao Zhi had to work in Huixing Building (small hotel) to earn money.

Even this courtyard was rented, but now it still owes rent for several months.

The money for working in Huixing Building is not enough for medicine, let alone debt and rent.

The last bit of money in my family was used to buy medicine. Now I have nothing left. I am really poor and destitute.

It's hard to defeat heroes without money.

When he first came here, Zhao Zhiyi wanted to imitate those big men who had gone through the country, set up industries, set up schools, seize cities and occupy territories, fight against Jiannu and fighter gentry, and build a peaceful and prosperous society. But these days, the reality has given him a big mouth.

This is the end of the Ming Dynasty, a feudal society, a troubled world, a little carelessness, is really going to die, not the modern kind of fair society to find the police.

Ambition can't stand the cold reality. When the food supply in the family has bottomed out, the mother's illness relapses, coughs up blood, and the creditor comes to collect the debt, he has no money, nothing of value, and nothing to do. Only then did he understand what is difficult and what is despair, and he especially admired Zhu Yuanzhang.

I wanted to use my mobile phone to see if I could find a way back, but it turned out to be like this.

The final way home was also blocked.

Zhao Zhi looked at the mobile phone in his hand, and his heart was half cold.

If you only rely on going home, if you can't achieve it, I'm afraid that you will only go to the end with the lonely Ming Empire.

Looking up at the vast and dim sky, Zhao sighed: "The possibility of going back is very small. We can't rely on luck to do things, nor can we hope to go back. From this year, Jiannu's attack and natural and man-made disasters will increase exponentially. If I can't form a self insurance team before the year after next, I'm afraid I will lose my life in the year after next."

If you want to build a self insurance team in this year, you need at least one thousand elites.

This is a thousand well-equipped elite soldiers, not a thousand guard beggars.

Not to mention the provision of food, weapons and equipment for these 1000 people, including their families and relatives.

It is indeed extremely difficult to form a team of 1000 people within two years.

But now, Zhao Zhi has no way out.

"There is no way out now, so we have to fight with each other to death, or we will be killed. All of us have died once, and we don't care about dying one more time. People can't live like dogs. What if we succeed? What if we defeat Jiannu and build a new world? What's more, I have a mobile phone that can communicate with modern people and access the Internet. Maybe it has other magical functions. "

Zhao Zhi gradually calmed down and began to think about his future.

The top priority is how to get rid of poverty.

I want to eat my own food, I want to see a doctor, and I want to set up a self-protection army. This is all money.

At Zhao Zhi's current level, it's a problem to have enough to eat, let alone recruit people.

"Money, we have to find a way to make money. We should eat our fill first. We can't starve ourselves to death before the ninth year of Chongzhen!" Zhao Zhi shook his head.

One man's power is sometimes exhausted, and ten thousand men's power is infinite.

Zhao Zhi gave full play to the spirit of the Internet, opened the posting forum, found the Ming Dynasty, and without saying a word, sent a post.

"Dear brothers, what should we do when we cross to Yongping Mansion on the fourth day of March, the seventh year of Chongzhen in the late Ming Dynasty? Wait online, it's urgent." Then attached a funny expression!


Just sent out a few seconds, someone left a message.

Zhao Zhi hurriedly refreshed the page, and a line of small characters appeared.

"Zhan Lou, experience 20+, and beauty!"

After waiting for a long time, there was no useful reply except for the advertisement and the waste post of the experience of occupying the building water.

I can't help it. I have to put it aside first, and I will cook medicine for my mother later.

He always helps others when he occupies their son's body. Zhao Zhi is not that kind of cold-blooded and heartless person, let alone the soul of his original body, which also has a certain impact on Zhao Zhi.

I put my mobile phone in my arms, adjusted my mood, walked out of the backyard and came to the front yard.

This is a small yard with two mud rooms. There is a well in the middle of the yard, and firewood is neatly placed on the corner.

As far as I can see, I can hardly see anything of value. Compared with my bare walls, there are more roofs, doors and windows.

Liang Cui, her mother, is busy in front of the shabby loom in the hall. Although she is seriously ill, she still loves her son. She usually weaves some coarse cloth to exchange some money.

But the money is just a drop in the bucket.

He was only thirty but not forty years old, but his hair was gray and his face was wrinkled. She is plagued by a long illness, and her breath is very depressed, giving a person a languid look.

Although his clothes are worn, they are clean. These mud rooms are also in good order.

Looking at her son, Liang Cui smiled, "My mother recently weaved more cloth and changed more money. After today, I don't want to buy any medicine. My body knows that, like your father, I am a bottomless pit and just waste money. You are going to talk about marriage right away. I will save some money for you while my mother can move. You can keep the money you earned from working in Huixing Building. Don't spend it on my mother. I can't cure my illness. "

"I will think of a way to deal with the money. Don't worry!" Zhao Zhi said firmly.

Anyway, if you occupy someone's son's body, you should always do something for him.

Not to mention, the memory left by Zhao Zhi has also had a great impact on him.

Liang Cui looks at her son like this, and her eyes are full of heartache.

The action in hand is fast again.

Zhao Zhi squatted on the ground, carefully poured the medicine he had bought into the boiling pot, scooped a ladle of water from the water tank at the door, and then pulled out some firewood from the firewood arranged in front of the courtyard wall. He built a simple stove in the yard to start boiling medicine.

"Bangbang Bangbang!"

Before the medicine was ready, there was a knock outside the door. Before Zhao Zhi could open the door, a middle-aged man in a long gown came in.

Looking at the man's appearance, Zhao Zhi frowned, and the creditor came to ask for the debt.

This man is Li Pingsheng, a scholar in Yongping Mansion. He had a good relationship with Zhao Zhi's father, Zhao Ping.

In order to save Zhao Zhi's father's life, he borrowed a lot of money from him, which added up to almost sixty or seventy liang.

This shabby courtyard is still his home. Zhao Zhi and his mother and son have been renting it for a long time, but they still owe a lot of rent.

Liang Cui looked at Li Pingsheng who came in, hurriedly leaned on the crutch beside the loom and greeted him with a smile. "My husband Li is coming, come in and sit down quickly, my son, and pour water quickly!"

Li Pingsheng stopped in the yard, waved his hand and said, "That's not necessary. I came here today to ask when I will pay the money and rent I owe you. My son got married a few days later, and my mother got sick again. Now we are short of money. Please forgive me!"

Liang Cui's face was full of embarrassed smiles. She stood carefully next to Li Pingsheng and said in a low voice, "Can you give me a few more days? This is really, really..."

"I remember you said that last month, didn't you?"

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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