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Chapter 1 Drowning Crossing

The summer vacation is finally over! As soon as the final exam was over, Liu Qian'er quickly packed up and planned to take the bullet train at noon tomorrow to return home 300 miles away.

In the evening, she went out to eat a good meal with her roommates, and then slept in happily. The next day, at 10 o'clock, she got up to eat instant noodles. Then Liu Qian'er went to the bus leisurely. The school is not far from the railway station, and the new bullet train line opened this year has reduced the six or seven hour journey by train to less than two hours, so at 3:00 p.m. Liu Qian'er appeared at home with her luggage.

"Mom and Dad, I'm back!"


After only a few days at home, Liu Qian'er, although she enjoyed her parents' love at first, had to finish speaking more words, and finally returned to insipidity and even a little boring. Her home is in a small county town, not as many interesting places as in a big city, and there are not many places to eat. So after meeting with her former classmates several times, Liu Qianer spent most of her time at home chasing novels.

"Alas!" She looked at it and wanted to abandon the article. The novel was very old. It said that the female leader brought her own aura, through her own intelligence, she married the male leader and became a virtuous wife to live a happy life with the male leader.

To her annoyance, there is a supporting actor in the book whose name is only one word different from her - Liu Qian. This Liu Qian is just a passer-by. She is the wife of the second man. Because the second man likes the woman, she was taken off miserably. Finally, she was not only robbed by robbers, but also killed miserably.

Why not be robbed? That's because she is fat and ugly, and she looks down on gangsters, which is too tragic. It's better to be a second daughter. Although the second daughter is a scorpion, most of them are as beautiful as a fairy and equal to the female leader.

After Liu Qian died in the book, Liu Qian'er was also lost. She went through the directory directly, and probably knew that later the second man also hung up, and the female leader and the male leader continued to fight with each other to get through the difficulties. They had both children and lived happily.

boring! Liu Qianer decided to abandon Wen. As soon as she left the interface, she received a call from her high school friend asking her to go swimming.

The swimming pool in the small county town was popular when the country hosted the Olympic Games. It was built with funds allocated by the town and has a history of more than ten years. She swims there every year, which is one of her many beautiful childhood memories. Besides, the weather is so hot. It's time to go for a summer vacation.

Liu Qian'er packed up her bathing suit, shouted with her mother who was taking a nap in the room, and went out. Mother Liu is taking a nap in her room. Hearing this, she can't help laughing. Qian'er has already gone to college and is still so popular.

Liu's mother works as a finance officer in a company, and she can retire in a few years. Liu's father is an engineer who manages machines in the factory in the town. Liu Qianer also has an older brother, who is seven years older than her, and is old enough to create a generation gap.

My brother has graduated from college for several years. After graduation, he worked hard in the first tier big cities. He was OK, but he was too busy. Only on holidays can he come back to visit his parents. In the past two years, because of the epidemic, plus Liu Qianer went to other places to study, it is because the brother and sister have not met for more than half a year since the New Year.

I met my friends at the gym and changed clothes. There were many people in the swimming pool. Because in the summer vacation, most of them are children, playing with their parents is very lively.

Liu Qianer didn't want to crowd with the children, so she went straight to the deep pool to swim. There are fewer people in the deep water area, so it's much more comfortable to swim. She even began to compete with her friends.

Before long, I saw many people running towards the corner of the swimming pool, and there was a lot of noise. Even the lifeguards in the deep water area were attracted by that place. Liu Qian'er thought that someone might choke on the water, right? When she is nervous, she has cramps!

How careless! Liu Qianer thought that she came here on foot and had the right to warm up. She didn't stretch before going into the water. Liu Qian'er hurriedly shouted for help. Unfortunately, the attention of the whole natatorium was attracted by other places, and no one paid attention to her at all. Her friends swam in front of her, and did not know her situation. In the water depth of 1.8 meters, she could not step on the bottom.

My life is over. How sad she would be when she thought of her parents sending the white haired man to the black haired man. She choked during the struggle and coughed more water into her nose. It's so uncomfortable. Why is the water colorful? I have never found that it would be better if my lungs were not so painful before.

Slowly, the colorful water bottom began to turn black. Liu Qianer's last thought was that it was not suitable to travel today, and she had known that she would not come to swim!


It's so uncomfortable. It seems that my chest is under the pressure of stones. I can't breathe. I can't move my limbs. Is this the feeling of death? Liu Qian'er thought.

Suddenly, a force hit her chest, and Liu Qian'er's whole body jumped up in pain. Then she vomited, vomited several mouthfuls of water, and coughed repeatedly. She almost didn't breathe. After her breathing was smooth, she realized that she was not dead!

Thank God, Liu Qianer, who was pulled back from the gate of death, was moved to tears, but she was stunned the next moment.

In front of her, there were a crowd of people whispering around her, but they were all dressed in ancient clothes. Originally they were swimming pools, but now what catches the eye is the blue sky and the... green trees. Before Liu Qian'er's head returns, she heard someone around her say coldly, "Get up as soon as you are all right." Then a strong force came from her arm, and she was pulled up.

She turned her head to see a young man with sword eyebrows on his temples. His eyes were small, and he was squinting slightly. His lips, which were not thick, were pursed into a line. At first sight, I knew that he was a tough person, ruthless and mean.

Perhaps frightened by his eyes, Liu Qian'er could not help feeling a little cold and sneezed in frustration. She could not help hugging herself with her arms. Now calm down, she finally understood the situation. She should have passed through after drowning.

Before she had time to think, a warm dress covered her face, and she quickly pulled it off and put it on her. I saw that the man next to me was only left with a bottom coat. His figure looked very good. It seemed that he was cold outside and hot inside.

At this time, the crowd of onlookers saw that she was awake, and they comforted her for a few words and then gradually dispersed. One of the remaining people suddenly smiled and said, "Sister Zhao is very lucky. Brother Ming, you are very lucky. Ha ha ha." Several people around laughed as if they were laughing.

It turns out that the person who delivers clothes is her current husband. Liu Qianer followed her voice. She was talking about a thin man with triangular eyes, a big nose, and a little mustache. She was looking at her with a bad stomach. She was squinting at her, and she immediately got goose bumps all over her body.

In addition, the hecklers also felt like they were in a bad mood. Liu Qianer felt very uncomfortable and could not help hiding behind the young man just now. Although this was not an easy to get along with, he took off his clothes for her and should be a good person.

Liu Qian'er subconsciously tightened her tight clothes, felt something was wrong, and looked down at herself. It didn't matter. She almost wanted to die in situ.

The original small waist has disappeared, replaced by a bucket waist. Because the whole body is wet, clothes are stuck on the body, and there is no clothes below the knee to cover the curve at a glance. Why is she so unlucky? Is it the wrong day for her to dress like a fat girl?

Liu Qian'er was depressed. The man beside her grabbed her arm and walked forward. He took her by the hand and left without paying any attention to the men who had just laughed.

Perhaps the man's indifferent attitude angered them. The man in charge was about to move forward. Just one step away, he stepped on the water where Liu Qian'er had been lying. His feet slipped and he was about to move forward. His hands were not well balanced, and he rushed into the river without stabilizing the momentum.

"Young master!"


A few people were left calling in panic.

"Please pull me up!" The man was wet all over, slapping the water and roaring angrily.

"Flutter, Flutter", in order to pull the man up, the rest of the people scrambled to jump into the river. I can't help it, because the big rock on the bank is relatively high, and there is a certain distance from the water. It is absolutely impossible to reach out and pull people, so I have to jump down and pull people. As a result, the splash splashed the man's face.

"You fools!" the drowning man scolded with water.

Copyright: Yunqi Academy

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