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Chapter 1 I was changed into a system by the system

"Grandma, let me help you cross the road!"

A young spirit man on the road saw an old woman standing on the side of the road and hurried to help.

She set up her grandmother and walked to the other side of the road. No matter what she said, she was still immersed in her own world.

"Ha ha, it's too easy to do a good job. The last good thing will be done. I don't know what the reward is."

Only when he came to the side of the road did Xiao Ming vaguely hear what the old lady said, "Why did you pull me here when I just came here?"

Xiao Ming, who had recovered, was not a bit embarrassed. He smiled and said to the old woman, "You're welcome, Grandma."

"Bah, who is polite to you? It depends on the situation when young people do good deeds. You brought me here as soon as I got there. You are making trouble, aren't you?" The old lady was still indignant, pointing at Xiao Ming and scolding.

Xiao Ming still smiled and left without paying attention.

Walking on the way to school, Xiao Ming couldn't help recalling a strange thing that happened more than three months ago.

I went to see the meteor shower with my friends, but I was hit by a meteor. I thought my life was over.

Unexpectedly, not only did he not die, but he also got a system called "good man system". As long as he did 100 good deeds, he would get a reward.

Although I don't know what the reward is, I have read novels for so long, not to mention Transformers, spaceships, but also some martial arts secrets, such as Johnson pills.

I thought it would be difficult to do good things, but what I didn't expect was that Xiao Ming found that whether you really help others, or whether others need your help or not, or even help them.

As long as you think you are helping others, it is a good thing, but only one "good thing" can be counted in the task every day.

Today is the last day, and we just finished the task. As long as we wait until 12:00 p.m., the task reward will be paid.

Thinking about it, Xiao Ming's mouth watered a little.

Quickly call out the system interface:


Do a good job 100/100

Explanation: (Give roses to others, and you will have lingering fragrance in your hands! Help others sincerely, and you will be happy while you are happy!)

Reward (depends on the completion!)

Xiao Ming was a little listless when he came to school all day.

Finally, he managed to stay up until school was over. Despite his best friend coming over and saying that he would go to the private room to surf the Internet, he flew home. Although he would not receive the reward until 12:00 p.m., Xiao Ming has no idea of going out to play.

Finally, he managed to stay at home until 11:55. Xiao Ming was staring at the task interface. At this time, he was no longer interested in anything else.

The time slowly came to twelve o'clock, only to see the original unchanged task interface appeared on the receive button.

Excited and trembling, Xiao Ming did not hesitate to click to get it.

Suddenly, the task interface changed:


100/100 good deeds (failure!)

Explanation: (Give roses to others, and you will have lingering fragrance in your hands! Help others sincerely, and you will be happy while you are happy!)

Reward (depends on the completion!)

Evaluation: those who cheat! I don't really help you. Although I am happy, I bring inconvenience to others. Only one of the 100 good things is a real good thing, or a good thing done unintentionally. I have never seen such a brazen person.

Reward: Only when you understand that you can really help others out of your heart can you get the truth that it is really fast. This system decides to let you start the task again.

Task restart: 0/99

Before Xiao Ming could react, his eyes became dark. When Xiao Ming opened his eyes again, he found that the world had changed. It was dark. Even Xiao Ming thought he had not opened his eyes.

Quickly open the task panel:


Help people in need. (If you look for people who need help, you will appear in front of them in a systematic way.)

Requirement: the principle of equivalent exchange.

Progress 0/99

"In a systematic way? What do you mean?" Xiao Ming noticed the abnormal scene in a moment.

Before Xiao Ming could figure out what was going on, Xiao Ming's vision quickly moved forward. Xiao Ming didn't know how fast it was. He only saw that everything around him had become a line, and everything around him had become colorful lines.

Xiao Ming was a little uncomfortable and felt dizzy. He didn't know how long it had been. He seemed to hear something vaguely, but he couldn't hear it clearly.

When Xiao Ming opened his eyes again, he saw that the picture in front of him actually moved by himself. This feeling was strange, just like watching a virtual movie.

Try to rotate the head, no response, rotate the eyes, no response.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Ming panicked.

The picture in front of me is still going on, and I haven't stopped because of Xiao Ming's action or mood.

After struggling for a long time, Xiao Ming gave up. No matter how he moved, he could not get the picture out of his eyes. Even if he closed his eyes, he could not see it. It seemed that the picture appeared directly in his mind.

This picture is very strange. It seems to be the first view of a person. There is no sound and no person is seen. From the picture, we can see that a person is walking in the room corridor.

The corridor was long, as if it had no end. The man walked like this.

It's not the usual way to walk. It's very slow. Every step needs to stop to confirm what is the same, and there is no sound of footsteps.

Gradually, Xiao Ming was also attracted by the picture. There was no sound. He did not know whether it was the influence of the surrounding environment or the careful action of the picture owner, which made Xiao Ming inexplicably nervous.

Suddenly Xiao Ming saw something swinging from the top right corner, and the owner of the perspective seemed to be aware of this, and his eyes moved up, but he saw nothing.

Xiao Ming became nervous in an instant, which made him feel like watching a horror film. The owner of the perspective withdrew his eyes after seeing nothing.

Continue to walk along the corridor, passing a door and looking at the sign, 109.

"Is it in Room 109? Li Qian seems to have got something from Room 112. I can't lose to him."

Xiao Ming heard this passage, which seemed to be the owner's self talk, as if he was not very satisfied with Room 109. It means that someone went to a larger room number, so he was dissatisfied with Room 109?

As expected, the owner of the visual angle turned his head and continued to walk towards the deep corridor.

I don't know if it's an illusion. Xiao Ming felt that his sight seemed a little dim, and the owner of the perspective walked more slowly, as if it was harder to walk in.

"Damn, is the repression here so fierce? How did Li Qian get to room 112? Did he use any props? Damn second-generation."

Xiao Ming heard such a sentence again, suppression? prop? Xiao Ming didn't understand the meaning of this paragraph, but saw that the owner of the camera walked more slowly, and every step was like an old man with a candle in the wind, trembling.

But it's strange that Xiao Ming never heard the footsteps no matter how he walked, as if they were eaten.

"No, 110 is my limit. If I go on like this, I will collapse, but I am not reconciled." Xiao Ming can feel the reluctance of the man from the perspective from his tone.

At this moment, Xiao Ming saw a few lines of words:


1. Help others to do what they want to do

2. Fuck him! (A person who likes to cheat should not meddle)

3. If you fall into a well, you will be punished! (A despicable person should do despicable things!)

Different choices will have different consequences, and different consequences will be borne by you. Choose, choose who you want to be.

Xiao Ming was stunned. What does that mean? I have just been forced to watch TV here because of cheating. Would you like to dig a hole for me? No door.

I chose 1 without hesitation. Xiao Ming immediately chose 1. He still remembered that the system seemed to ask him to help others. If he chose 2 or 3, he would never know if he would watch TV again.

Suddenly, the handwriting disappeared. Just when one hand wanted to open the door of Room 110 in the picture, Xiao Ming only felt tight all over his body, as if he had something on his back. He felt depressed and had difficulty breathing.

Xiao Ming

"What's the matter? I've just reached the limit, how can I feel relaxed again? Who is helping me?" The hand reaching for the door handle quickly withdrew.

"No matter who helps me or what, I will surpass Li Qian."

When Xiao Ming heard this sentence, he saw that his perspective was moving towards the deep corridor again, and his pace was much faster than 109 to 110.

The farther he looked in, the heavier Xiao Ming felt the pressure on his body. At this time, ten thousand divine beasts rushed past Xiao Ming's heart, and he finally understood what the pressure was.

Experiencing it personally, Xiao Ming didn't understand that the system must have made him and the man of perspective share the pressure, which is called help.

Xiao Ming felt more and more difficult to breathe. At that moment, Xiao Ming felt that it was not bad to cheat. Of course, if he chose again, Xiao Ming would still choose to help.

"It's 112, but it's not the limit yet! This is Li Qian's limit. Can I still walk?"

The picture slowed down a lot after 112, but it was still moving forward. At this time, Xiao Ming wanted to say, "Don't go away, brother, you haven't reached the limit, I've arrived, and you're not far away from my limit!" If he said it, even if he said it, people would not hear it. Xiao Ming had tried it earlier.

Two meters, one meter, closer, closer.

"Coming, 113, hoo..." Long exhalation.

"Hurry up, don't fret. It's almost here. What are you going to rest for? If you are in the mood to talk, you might as well save your strength and hurry up." Xiao Ming shouted in his heart.

Then the picture rises and falls, as if the picture rises and falls with the breath.

Finally, in Xiao Ming's crazy cry, the picture moved again, still very slowly, but very firm, and very uniform.

Came to the door of Room 113 and reached for the door handle.

"I don't know what it will be. It can be put in Room 113. It's not bad."

The door of the "Ka" room was still opened. The room was dark. The world outside the door was bright, but the room was dark.

As if it were two worlds, Xiao Ming suddenly had a bad feeling.

The door was fully opened, and the picture did not hesitate. After opening the door, he walked in. Once inside, Xiao Ming felt relaxed and the pressure on him was gone.

"Huh" was a long sigh of relief, and Xiao Ming just felt relaxed.

Nothing could be seen in the house. No matter how hard Xiao Ming tried to open his eyes, he didn't have a clear meaning. Suddenly, a vague outline appeared in his vision.

"Are you going to show up? It's not too bad to be locked in Room 113!"

"What do you mean? People are locked in these rooms?"

Xiao Ming was a little confused, but now no one can give him an answer, so he had to continue to read.

The sound of a match being slid and lit.

Then I don't know when, but the owner of the picture doesn't know where to take out an oil lamp. With the light of the oil lamp, a person appears in the vision, standing in the corner of the wall.

He was motionless, wearing a black coat, black trousers, and standing with his hands, giving people an unspeakable strangeness.

In the picture, one hand raises the oil lamp, and the other hand holds a piece of yellow symbol paper. I don't know what I want to do. The picture moves slowly towards the person in front.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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