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Chapter 1 If I have a future life as God, I will kill all the righteous people in the sky!

The Snow Flower Kingdom was originally the most beautiful country in the sky.

Its god, Long Xuehua, demonstrated the truth with medicine and showed his kindness to all the heaven and the world.

It can be said that more than 90% of the gods in the heavens have received the grace of dragon snowflakes.

It is a pity that the only sacred treasure of statehood in the heavens, the Second Source Medical Classic, has attracted the coveted gods of the heavens.

At this moment, the once beautiful God's country is littered with corpses and flames of war, and the originally blue sky becomes gray.

All the gods and lands were lost, and all the enemies gathered in front of the Snow Palace.

There are still some soldiers of the Kingdom of God who protect the God. They look at the enemy angrily. Even if the enemy is dozens of times larger than our side, no one has laid down their weapons and surrendered.

"Xiao Chongyi, the god hand of Huntian, lay down your weapons and surrender to me. I want you to be my first-class god general!"

The speaker is the fifth god of the heavens, the god of thunder - Daoleiqi.

"Get out of here, TND! Doraege, you almost exploded at the beginning, but it was our god who made the thunder slurry source dew that saved your life!"

"I knew you would be ungrateful, so I should have blown you up. If I wanted to follow you, there was no way! Bah!"


Doraege looked angry and stopped talking.

"Wanxiang Fantasy Willow Shuyu, if you surrender to me, you can choose the position of the Kingdom of God!"

The speaker was Lan Zhiyu, the eighth god of the heavens and the god of wood.

"Lan Zhiyu, have you forgotten the grace of the wooden pavilion flowers? Surrender is impossible."

"Alas, since that is the case, it is useless to talk more."

Then many gods came forward to persuade them to surrender, but none of them surrendered.

Finally, a dignified and handsome man came from high with golden wheels on his back and auspicious clouds on his feet.

The man looked up at the Snow God, and then looked at the man next to him.

"Chen Fan, are you willing to surrender?"

It was the second god of the heavens, the God of the Holy Heaven - Diyi.

Chen Fan silently pulled out the Sky Chopping Sword, pointing at Diyi.

"It's a pity. Dragon snowflake, let the world see whether it is my Holy God or your Snow God!"

"Chen Fan, a battle in heaven!"

Under the throne of Emperor I, the Holy Heavenly God will fight unyielding and fly high into the sky, followed by Chen Fan.

This is the battle of the strongest divine generals in the heavens, and everyone is waiting for the result.

It was not long before everyone waited, and the outcome was known.

Chen Fan flew down from the sky and his right hand holding the sword disappeared.

"Very good! Chen Fan, I really saw you right!"

Emperor Yi saw that Chen Fan was not angry because of his defeat.

"Unfortunately, no matter how strong you are, you will still die today. Chen Fan, I asked you for the last time, will you surrender?!"

Chen Fan, holding the broken sword in his left hand, slowly raised it and pointed at the people.

Long Xuehua gently lifted her hands and stroked Chen Fan's sideburns.

"It's hard to take care of me for so long."

A soft color flashed in Chen Fan's eyes.

"You gave me my life. I will pay you back today, and I won't owe you any more."

Chen Fan holds the sword.

"If we have a future life as God, we will kill all the righteous people in the sky!"



Many gods will rush to the snowflake crowd like a flood, and the strongest wave of gods in the sky will gather in this place at this moment.

No matter what the result, I'm afraid this battle will be forever recorded in the annals of history, unprecedented!

In the first battle of the Snow Kingdom, 30% of the top 100 generals in the sky died, and nearly 60% of the top 100 legions in the sky died.

The snowflake kingdom is hard beaten into dust.

After this war, it is unimaginable that only the resources spent by reviving the divine general and the divine army. All the gods' finances were in trouble for a long time after the war.

The focus of the war, the "Secondary Source Medical Code", has become a mystery.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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