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Chapter 1 Farewell of a Valorous Girl

"Yazhang said goodbye to the Phoenix Tower, and the cavalry circled the Dragon City"

——Follow the Army Tang, Yang Jiong.

"Forgetting oneself and leaving the Phoenix Tower, reporting to the country and taking the Dragon Court"

——"Send Governor Zhao to Daizhou to get the green words", Tang Dynasty, Wang Wei.

————Body divider————


In the chaos of the army, Jun Ci made a backhand stroke, and a string of blood was drawn from her long gun and splashed into the sky. Several enemy soldiers fell down suddenly. She shouted at her father who was fighting with the enemy generals in the distance.

The familiar voice made Jun Xuan's hand tremble with the iron boring. I can't believe that his daughter has mixed into the army and even entered the battlefield!

When the enemy attacked with a big knife, the distracted Jun couldn't dodge, so he had to raise the iron boring bar and fight with a long handle.

The enemy general was brave, powerful and powerful, which made your hand numb. The long handle of the iron boring machine was cut on your shoulder.

On the other hand, when he saw this, he looked back at the enemy soldiers who were approaching her with a stab, thrust the enemy soldiers who were pierced by her in the chest and stepped back to block the enemy soldiers who continued to kill, and rushed to the targeted iron sword.

With a kick at her foot, the blade of the sabre flew up. She pulled the long gun hard, and a stream of blood sprayed on her. Without blinking her eyes, she made a light jump and swept her arms. The long gun hit two enemy soldiers who were coming up on the right side with one stick.

When she knocked down two enemy soldiers, she found a gap, raised her legs and kicked on the handle of the falling blade, while shouting: "Ah! Go!"

Chen Xuan, who was ten steps away from her, hardly needed to look at her. The tacit understanding of growing up together made him quickly wave the long gun in his hand. His fat body was full of strength, and the straight gun was thrown out of a soft arc by him, sweeping a way from left to right.

The blade hit straight, and Chen quickly fell back and put his hands on the ground. At the moment when the blade flew by, he jumped up flexibly, quickly waved his arms and shot, and once again entered the army.

In the midst of the battle, the blade pierced all over the face with excitement and wanted to take advantage of the weakness of Jun Jun in the chest of the enemy general.

When he fell down, he opened his eyes and refused to close his eyes!

As expected, you kept on killing the enemy and at the same time, you never forgot to fly your eyebrows to your father who was still in fear.

Jun Teng continued to kill in the direction close to his majesty, and could not help muttering: "Stinky girl, Aye will be killed by you sooner or later!"

The one who was killed just now is one of the powerful generals of Donghu. Jun Xuan has been entwined with him for a long time and has been on a par with him all the time. Seeing his majesty trapped in the middle of the crisis, Jun Xuan is a bit worried. If he delays further, he will inevitably lose.

Jun Ci thought he saw it and deliberately exposed himself to sneak into the army, which distracted him in amazement. He gave the enemy and generals a loophole. The enemy and generals did not understand their language. Naturally, they did not know who was calling, so they would not be prepared.

But the girl is not afraid that he will be too distracted. If she can't show her ability, she will lose her life!

The timing is not right now, or he will bring her out for a long time.

Jun Xuan's skill is extraordinary. Except for a few senior generals, almost no one can resist him. Seeing that he was going to break through the siege and kill the emperor of the Northern Dynasty, the chief general of Donghu made a gesture, and a large number of soldiers and horses rushed to Jun Xuan like a flood.

Even Donghu Khan Donu, who has always been out of the battlefield, put up his broadsword and hacked at His Majesty's side of the North Dynasty.

Jun Xuan was surrounded by a wheel battle, and the East Hu soldiers did not want to die, so he could not move.

Your majesty's generals who protect each other fall one by one. The famous Donu Khan committed suicide himself. The reinforcements are not coming. If your majesty is captured, the general trend will go!

Junci twisted her waist and drew a circle along her waist with her long gun. She swept away the gathered enemy soldiers. Her long, sharp eyes quickly swept around. What she saw in the field of vision was only one glance and she engraved it in her mind.

A feasible route for the first Donu Khan to step closer to His Majesty came to her mind.

She bent over and carried a long gun, and was swept away from below. She cut a row of neat weapons together again, and shouted at Jun Xuan, "Aye, let me help you!"

Before the sound fell, Junci tightened his grip on the spear and pushed all the weapons pressed on the spear back. The enemy soldiers holding the weapons were also pushed back by a huge force.

Junci took advantage of her body to soar into the air. The end of the long gun in her hand hit the ground with a thud. In the dull sound, she held the long gun in both hands and kicked repeatedly.

Fly around the long gun and kick away all the enemy soldiers around. When they land, the long gun in their hand sweeps again. The sharp head of the gun cuts across the neck of several enemy soldiers and sweeps away the enemy soldiers centering on her.

On the other side, Jun Xuan, who has a good heart to heart with you, is also a long iron boring machine that keeps turning between his hands with the rotation body behind him, sweeping away the surrounding area, and holding the iron boring machine high with his hands.

Junci just stepped on it, and the long spear ran across the chest of several enemy soldiers in the middle of the air. She leaned on the long iron borer that Junxiang held high with both hands, and flew out with strength: "Ah, help!"

Chen Xuan on the other side was very powerful. When he threw his long gun, a lot of shots were thrown at the enemy soldiers. Some thin enemy soldiers could not stand the strong force and vomited blood immediately, while others were swept away by a shot.

After clearing the gap, Chen Yufei quickly glanced at the leaping Junci, and his fat body slipped forward on one knee. The falling Junci stepped on his bowed thigh, leaped up again with the help of his strength, and several fell down towards the place where his majesty was.

What was waiting for the resignation was the weapons stabbed up by the surrounding enemy soldiers. However, the resignation had not yet fallen. When the resignation jumped up, Chen Xuan rushed forward with a force of brute force. The enemy and our soldiers were indiscriminately defeated by this huge but swift force.

I don't know how many soldiers died of vomiting blood on the spot.

Jun Cishun fell in front of his majesty. At this moment, a sharp arrow was aimed at her as early as she jumped up with the help of Chen Xuan. The sharp arrow came out of the sky. Jun Cishun had already caught a glimpse of the cold light under the sun, and had already taken countermeasures before landing.

Her feet had just landed, and she lifted her hand while leaning.

The burning pain came from the palm. The arrow was accurately seized by Junci in the middle, and rushed forward a few steps with Junci. The tail of the arrow was firmly held by Junci.

The commander in chief Donghu, who shot the arrow, stared at the slender figure holding his secret arrow in disbelief.

What made his pupils even more constricted was that the soldier holding the arrow turned around and threw the long gun in the other hand at Donu Khan not far away.

"Khan --" With a frightened cry, Donu Khan's subconscious body gave way and narrowly escaped the shot.

Just when all the people in Donghu were caught in the heart by the backhand shot of Junci, who attracted all the attention, Junci came to his majesty. He had no time to salute or ask. He grabbed his majesty's shoulder, grabbed his sword with one hand, and protected his majesty to fight out.

——- Cute divider -——

As usual, the first chapter is free of charge. Here is a piece of nonsense. Those who are free and willing can take a look at it.

① This article is an ancient military article, which focuses on fighting in troubled times and conquering cities and territories. The history of this article is well researched, and the party is careful to enter. It is generally in line with the background of the times, with a small number of private settings.

② Insect catching and intellectual mistakes are welcome to be corrected. The rest are still Jinhuang who does not accept guidance.

③ Jin Huang's Wenjin Huang is the master. The glass heart has not been cured, but has a tendency to become cancerous. You can't give a bad comment. The warm voice of a good voice can persuade you. Come up and give a bad comment. Don't blame me for turning into a hater!

④ This is a pure article, Shuang Jie. The female leader, Iron and Steel Straight, just wants to defeat the heroes. Therefore, the female leader of this article is also called "She Wants to Dominate the World". The male leader, a black hearted white lotus, wanted to be honest, but his body would be so bad that others would beg him! Therefore, the main theme of this article is "On the Subordination of Black Heart and White Lotus". The main perspective is female, and the big woman is cool!

⑤ War writing is sure to kill people. All decent and villainous people will have it. Take precautions first. Don't wait for the decent people you like to sacrifice to scold me later. Although I won't cause psychological shadow, I will scold people, which will destroy my gentle and virtuous personality.

⑥ There is no manuscript left, and it is temporarily scheduled to be updated before going to bed at 10 o'clock every night. I hope that readers and the author who is gradually becoming an aunt will read the rest regimen together.

⑦ The early update is stable, and the later update is to be determined. The plan is to end in about one year, about 1.5 million to 2.5 million yuan. There is only one sentence for the update:

Jinhuang's works, never hydrology, never rotten tail, never abandoned pit!

It seems that there are not many authors like me who are dedicated, gentle, loving, persistent... (The ellipsis represents innumerable words of praise to myself). Are you sure you don't want to support them more?

⑧ ⑨⑩ It is still unfinished!

Copyright: Yunqi Academy

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