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Chapter 1 Mechanical Hunter Settled in Marvel

Location: Earth parallel space and time, Marvel Universe, Queens, New York, USA, No. XX, XX Road.

Time: Marvel Universe in January 2008.

Ye Jiujiu was very worried at this time. One moment he was playing games at home, and the next moment he appeared in this strange environment inexplicably.

Looking at the strange environment in front of me, Ye waited quietly for a long time, and something strange happened to him.

Yes, because he clearly knows that his body is not the body he used to be.

Sure enough, the next moment, accompanied by the brain's sudden heart wrenching pain, Ye Jiujiu knew that 70% of the passers-by would begin to experience memory fusion.

Biting his teeth and struggling to endure, the pain suddenly disappeared after a long time, just as it had no signs when it came, it also went without a trace of sloppiness.

At the next moment, Ye Jiujiu learned his current identity and world through his predecessor's memory.

His predecessor's name is also Ye Jiujiu. He is a 16 year old Chinese American who is studying in high school and lives in Queens, New York. His parents died in a car accident. He left a lot of property, at least not to make Ye Jiujiu worry about future life problems.

This body is 175cm tall and weighs 75kg, which is very healthy.

Standing up, Ye Jiujiu went into the bathroom to see what he was like now and to calm down while continuing to look at his predecessor's memory of the world.

Yes, he needs to calm down, because he knows from memory:

This world is not the original earth. To be exact, it is the Manway multi universe world that he is too familiar with!

The only thing that can make Ye Jiujiu feel a little relieved is that it is still 2008. It will be several years before Marvel Universe is really chaotic, and at least Ye Jiujiu will be saved!

If possible, Ye Jiujiu really doesn't want to cross the world.

He really doesn't want to face the endless villains in the world, the powerful aliens who are not rivals, and even the tyrants who defeated the Avengers Alliance.

The thought of his snapping his fingers would destroy the power of half the population of the universe. Ye could not calm down for a long time.

Look in the mirror, I am familiar with my appearance, because his appearance now is exactly the same as that when he was 16 years old in the time and space of the earth.

At the next moment, Ye Jiujiu starts to worry and whispers to himself:

"What should I do? Marvel Universe is a world where the poor rely on variation and the rich rely on technology! But what about me? I can't find a way to change, and I can't afford to rely on money?

Can't be bitten by a mutant spider like Spiderman Peter Parker? Can we survive gene fusion after being bitten? The key point is that without Peter's genes, they can't mutate? Give up!

As for being irradiated by gamma rays like Hulk... It makes people shudder to think about the survival probability of one in a hundred million. Forget it!

As for the indirect variation of blood using Hock... forget it! I don't want to become such an ugly monster. Give up!

As for taking the scientific and technological route, like Tony the Iron Man, he is engaged in scientific and technological inventions and manufacturing steel battle clothes!

forget it! For one thing, he doesn't have the money and technology of Big Mac Stark Industries to support him. The key is that he doesn't have Tony's super intelligence and mechanical talent! "

When I was whispering here, Ye's long-awaited system voice suddenly sounded in my mind:

"Congratulations to the host, say the key words - IQ, mechanical talent; trigger the special class system, and the system starts to start... starting... 1%... 2%... 100%... starting up!"

Ye Jiujiu felt that there was an inexplicable current surge on his body that made him very comfortable. It lasted only ten seconds, and the feeling disappeared.

Then, the sound of the system rings again:

"Congratulations on the successful data transformation of the host's body and the successful loading of the special occupation module - Mechanical Hunter. The host can view the occupation information on the information panel!

The exclusive mechanical space of 100 square meters has been expanded in the host's mind! The host can store necessary materials in the space and carry out mechanical manufacturing and modification! "

After listening to the system, Ye Jiujiu can't wait to open his information panel in his head and check:

Name: Ye Jiujiu

Age: 16

Occupation: mechanical hunter (with excellent melee ability, use various weapons to attack the enemy, and operate various mechanical creations to fight)

Grade: Grade 0 (0/100)


Strength: 1 (attack strength 100 kg)

Physical strength: 1 (physical recovery, including trauma and internal injury; and high-intensity sustained combat time=1 hour)

Intelligence: 2 (learning, understanding, design, mechanical invention and manufacturing, modification ability)

Spirit: 2 (energy consumption of manufacturing, refitting and operating machinery crops=1/100 energy)

Agility: 2 (attack, reaction, running speed)

Speed: 10m/s

Energy: 200 (2 points/minute recovery speed)

Professional talent skills:

1. Junior combat master (as a hunter, you can skillfully use various melee skills, swords, bows, crossbows, hot weapons and other weapons to fight)

2. Junior mechanical master (consumes a certain amount of energy, can manufacture in mechanical space, transform lower level mechanical creations, and have a high affinity for mechanical creations)

Pet: None

Mount: None

Special space: 100 square meters of machinery manufacturing space (space cannot store living creatures, including hosts)

Note: Time space shuttle function remains 1 time

Note: The only main line supernatural task - kill the bully and his henchmen! Six cosmic gems will be rewarded if the mission succeeds.

After reading his own panel information, Ye Jiujiu has a basic understanding of the five attributes, except for the energy of spiritual transformation.

After all, according to the law of conservation of energy, he doesn't believe that his own energy only has this effect? Everything needs to be experimented one by one in the future, waiting for your own discovery.

As for the only supernatural task, Ye Jiujiu chose to ignore its existence directly.

Unfortunately, although Ye Jiujiu got the system, he didn't get any gift package for novices, that is to say, Ye Jiujiu didn't even have weapons.

However, Ye Jiujiu needn't worry about it. After all, in this world, guns, crossbows, daggers, and alloy swords can be bought, just before the battle.

When the panel information is closed, Ye Jiujiu's consciousness enters the mechanical space to view, and a dark Ye Jiujiu's consciousness enters a space.

When you look carefully, you can see a space of 100 square meters. There is nothing but a boiler and a console. Ye Jiujiu will consciously touch the boiler and console.

Get the details of these two things:

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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