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Chapter 1 Wisteria Flower

1 Wisteria

Although the sun was shining on the steps of the yard, it was still cold. There was a little girl sitting on the steps. It was a cold winter. There was a hole in the girl's clothes. She was still wearing a single autumn dress, and her toes were all red with cold.

"Don't bask in the sun, Ah Qi, you lazy lady, go and wash your clothes." The stepmother brought a basin of clothes.

The little girl went to the river. The river was frozen. The little girl tapped the ice gently because she really didn't have enough strength. There was no crack on the ice.

There was a sledge on the ice. On the sledge sat an old woman with white hair, but dressed in red. "Little girl, the ice is so thick that you can't break it," the old lady kindly reminded.

"What should we do then?" The little girl said.

"As long as you tell me who is the worst here, I will help you break the ice," said the old woman.

"There are only good people here, not bad people," said the little girl.

"Well, I won't force you to say, but I'm hungry. Do you have anything to eat? After eating, I will have the strength to help you."

The little girl said, "I have nothing to eat. I'm still hungry."

"Forget it, I'd better eat my food." The old lady took out a pill and put it in her mouth. "It seems that I can't eat any more."

"Grandma, I know there's something good to eat, you wait." The little girl ran home, filled a bowl of rice, and brought it to the grandma. "This bowl of rice is mine, you eat it, I'm not hungry."

The old granny smiled and said, "I have stomach pills here, and I will not be hungry after eating them, but my mother-in-law is greedy, and I still want to eat after eating stomach pills." The old granny took the little girl's meal and ate it with relish.

After eating, the old lady wiped her mouth and said, "I will give you three pills. One pill will fill you up. The second one will be planted in your yard, and wisteria flowers will grow next year. As long as wisteria flowers are there, you will be safe. The third one can be given to a person who loves himself, so that he can realize his wish."

Ah Qi took the first pill, and as expected, his stomach was not hungry, his body was warm, and his body was still strong. The ice was quickly broken.

"This is Powerful Pill," said the old woman with a smile. "Then you won't need my help."

In the spring, Ah Qi planted the wisteria seed according to her grandmother's request. It was a magic seed. Only three days later, its vines covered Ah Qi's house. On the fourth day, wisteria bloomed, and clusters of flowers hung down, attracting birds to settle down. On the fifth day, the wisteria had been circling most of the village. The stepmother wanted to cut down the wisteria: "This tree will collapse the house." But after cutting for a long time, she did not cut down a single wisteria. The stepmother called Ah Qi's father: "You are a big man. You cut down the wisteria that is pressing on the kitchen before eating."

Ah Qi's father took the wood knife and cut at the wisteria, but the wisteria did not move. Dad cut down the wisteria for a whole day without cutting it off. Dad was worried and hungry. Ah Qi couldn't help it. She begged her stepmother, "Please spare Dad and let him have a rest!"

The stepmother didn't allow it. Dad couldn't stand. Ah Qi cried. Her tears fell on the wisteria. The wisteria shrank back, and they began to fall. Dad soon cleaned up the wisteria on the kitchen roof.

The night had been quiet, but suddenly dark clouds were gathering. A big fire ball fell from the sky and burned the whole village. Only the place covered by wisteria did not catch fire. Qi's kitchen was also burned down. So the villagers thought that the Wisteria vine was a fairy to save everyone. The village head also protected the wisteria, and forbid others to cut it down.

Since then, the village has been called Wisteria Village, because a big Wisteria tree protects the village.

Over the years, Ah Qi has grown into a big girl and become the most beautiful girl in this area. The beautiful wisteria blooms all year round.

At the east end of the village lived the biggest rich man in the village, who had a dementia son. His stupid son is not only ugly but also unable to walk. He stays on the corner tower every day. He has seen beautiful Ah Qi.

The rich man came to Ah Qi's house with a cart of silver.

"As long as your daughter marries my son, you can guarantee her a good life every day."

Dad said: "Your family conditions are so good that my daughter is not worthy of you."

The stepmother said, "In fact, this family is very good. It's a rich family. Ah Qi won't lose if he gets married."

The village head said, "This is a good choice. Ah Qi will be happy. His family has endless money. Every day, the servants eat better than ordinary families."

The rich man brought Ah Qi home, and Ah Qi became a bird in a cage. He kept Ah Qi in a high corner building. Ah Qi cried on it every day. The wisteria leaves in the village turned yellow and the flowers fell, and he saw the wisteria dying.

The village head came to find the rich man and asked him to let Ah Qi out for a walk. The rich man said, "It's none of our business if Wisteria is dead. Ah Qi is my son's daughter-in-law, and the rule of our rich families is not to come out."

My father came to the rich man and said, "I don't want your family's things. You can give my daughter back to me."

The rich man said, "You can't go back. Your daughter is my family regardless of her life and death. She can't go out of the building even after she dies."

Ah Qi is upstairs every day and embroiders flowers every day to serve the foolish son of the rich man. Although the fool is foolish, he treats his daughter-in-law very well. Seeing that Ah Qi is sad, he is also very sad.

"My mother said that my father had done too many immoral things, so I was foolish. Ah Qi, do you know what immoral things are?"

"I don't know," said Ah Qi.

"As long as you don't cry, the wisteria in our village won't die," said the fool.

Qi stopped crying, and she shed tears in her stomach. Wisteria blossoms again.

The fool said, "If I don't stay, they will let you out?"

Ah Qi said, "In fact, you don't stay. You stay with them."

The fool said, "Didn't you tell me that my father would not beat you if you had taken Powerful Pill? Why are you still here sadly?"

Ah Qi smiled. She forgot about it. She was very strong, but she didn't dare to tell others.

"Ah Qi, go away, I will not do immoral things!" said the fool.

She decided to leave the rich man's house. Before she left, the fool said that she wanted something on her body as a souvenir. Qi felt that the small pill was of little use, so he gave it to the fool. She said to the fool, "Just make a wish, and it will help you make your wish come true."

The rich man couldn't keep Ah Qi, so he had to take back the cart of silver. Since then, Ah Qi will look at the corner every day as long as he passes by the corner tower. But for a long time, Ah Qi will also be sad. What are the idiots doing in the corner tower? Why don't they take pills to restore their health? Maybe he is born a fool. Why didn't he think that he wouldn't make a wish..

The wisteria flower even slowly thanked again. The old village head was very worried. He asked Ah Qi's father to find a good marriage for Ah Qi as soon as possible. Ah Qi, the young man in the village, doesn't look up to him. Do you want the handsome boy in the city outside the village? If she had to marry the prince, Ah Qi would be satisfied.

Ah Qi said, "I will never marry again. I will accompany my father."

But wisteria told everyone that Ah Qi was unhappy. The fool in the corner looked at the withering wisteria and made his first wish: "I will make Ah Qi happy." He swallowed the third pill.

The turret suddenly changed. It was no longer dark. The sun penetrated into his cabin. The scar on his face was healed, and his feet could walk.

The fool was very strange. He didn't make this wish, although he always hoped that he could recover. He ran downstairs, and the rich man's father looked at the handsome young man in surprise. He shouted, "Dad, I'm going to find Ah Qi, so that she won't be sad anymore."

Ah Qi really saw the scene in his dream. He rode a tall horse to pick him up. Everyone went out. Wisteria blossoms were very beautiful. The whole village was covered with Wisteria flowers again. A woman in red appeared at the entrance of the village and brought a big red sedan chair for marriage. From then on, they lived happily in Wisteria Village.

Copyright: Chuangshi Chinese Website

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