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Chapter 1 Property Panel

Guanglin County.

The Whale Gang.

"Grandma, the bandits outside the county town are more and more rampant. Previously, they would give way to the flags of our gang. Now, all of them are crazy. They met three times on the way. The one eyed guy was behind his ideas and was cut off by a group of masked imps at the gate. The top of the pumpkin was three kilograms and two ounces..." The bare chested strong man drank and ate meat, and could not see any sadness, Even the words are faintly self mocking.

Maybe I will be the next one to die.

Chen Guang clenched his fists secretly, but was caught by a bare handed bull. "Chen Guang, don't hate, really, after joining the Whale Gang, you should think of this end. If you really hate, you should practice martial arts hard, kill those ghosts and revenge them with one eye. Don't show your teeth before you lose strength."

"Does Uncle Daniel know who killed Uncle One Eye?" Chen Guang asked.

Daniel shook his head and said, "It was dark at that time. I can't see people clearly. Don't say I don't know. If I know, I can't tell you. Little guy, you are different from those fools who are licking blood. We missed the age of practising martial arts. We can't practice all our lives without being ugly. You may not be able to be the leader of the Giant Whale Sect in the future."

Grasping the leg of a cow and tearing off a piece of meat, he patted the dogma of his right hand on the stone table, "Boys, get out to practice martial arts for me. Three months later, I can't practice the first move of [Rock Breaking Palm], so don't come here to humiliate me."

The figures gathered in the yard immediately dispersed and punched in the scorching sun. Chen Guang sighed and began to practice his fists.

It was not until dusk that Daniel sent everyone home.

Chen Guang dragged his tired body to the butcher's shop and bought two liang of meat. When he returned to his house, the old door creaked open and two small heads stuck out. He chuckled and flicked a note on their heads. "What are you doing, sneaky?"

"Ouch." Chen Yun, who carved jade balls with powder carving, opened the door with her head covered, and complained: "I said I can't scare you, but if you don't believe me, it's all your fault. Sobbing, it hurts so much."

Chen Kongpi, blame me?

The two kids are Chen Guang's brother and sister, Chen Kong and Chen Yun. Chen Kong was born a cup of tea earlier, a pair of twins.

Chen Guang cooked a meat dish, and the two kids who ate it were greasy at the corners of their mouths, but still couldn't help licking the oil stains.

Since Chen Guang practiced the first move of [Rock Breaking Palm], his position in the Iron Mountain Hall of the Whale Gang has improved to a higher level. With the recommendation of One Eye and Daniel, he met the leader of the Iron Mountain Hall, Wu Tielong, and then his monthly money rose to one cent.

Therefore, he can buy a few loaves of fat every once in a while to add oil and water.

After dinner, Chen Guang habitually practiced boxing in the yard. Chen Yun watched with interest, "Brother, I also want to practice martial arts. I want to be as good as my brother."

Chen Guang smiled and touched her head. "It's not bad to practice martial arts, but the elder brother only has [Stone Breaking Palm], a kind of hard bridge and hard horse martial arts. If two months later, I will give you another soft and elegant [Falling Leaves Palm]."

[Rock Breaking Palm] is the basic palm technique of the Iron Mountain Hall of the Whale Sect, and it is not taboo to teach it to family members. Except for a few special martial arts, none of the martial arts of Guanglin County are secret. Some basic fist and foot skills can be bought for a few liang of silver, and the unique skill of the Eagle Claw Martial Arts School [Eagle Claw Skill] is only ten liang of silver.

But you can't reach a high level if you have fist manual. You must use the secret medicine of the martial arts school to help you cultivate. [Stone Breaking Palm] The lowest level secret medicine, Shipi Soup, is sold at half price to the disciples of the Big Whale Sect for one coin. Just selling the secret medicine will make the Big Whale Sect make a lot of money.

Chen Yun shook her head in disgust, "I don't want to learn the soft [Falling Leaves Palm], but I want to learn the [Stone Breaking Palm] from my elder brother."

Chen Guang didn't immediately agree. This matter needs to be reported to Tieshan Hall.

After an hour of practice, Chen Guang was exhausted, so he took a cold bath and went back to the room. There was no one around. He said to himself, "Open the property panel.".


[Name: Chen Guang]

[Martial Arts: Stone Breaking Palm (First Move)]

[Reiki: 0]

This attribute panel was attached to him three months ago. With him, there were some fantastic memories. Chen Guang could not tell whether he was reborn or had a strange dream.

the second day.

When I first arrived at Uncle Daniel's residence, I saw a group of people who didn't practice martial arts. They gathered around and whispered about something.

"Hutou, what are you whispering about?" Chen Guang asked doubtfully.

A burly young man in the crowd turned his head and trotted to Chen Guang and grabbed his arm. "Chen Guang, you don't know. Uncle Daniel was attacked and seriously injured last night. His life is on the line, and I don't know which son of a bitch did it."

"Uncle Daniel is injured?" Chen Guang's heart thumped.

Daniel and One Eye are not only their coaches, but also their umbrellas. When he first joined the Whale Gang, the newcomers usually took the task and set out with the team. It was Daniel and One Eye who made the public debate and let them live in peace for three months. One Eye died and Daniel was seriously injured. The word "conspiracy" was growing in his mind.

Chen Guang asked anxiously, "Where is Uncle Daniel?"

Tiger shook his head and said, "I don't know. We haven't seen anyone. Don't worry about it. The hall leader won't let Uncle Daniel be in trouble. But once he is injured, our good life will come to an end. We may be assigned to various dangerous teams to carry out tasks."

Some of them are ready to contact other leaders of Tieshantang. They intend to give up their own Daniel and switch to other leaders after the exact information.

The so-called human nature is cold and warm, and the world is inhospitable.

This is it.

As soon as the words ended, a thin monkey came to the yard, and the tiger head whispered, "Qian Biao, the sixth master of Huang, is the right arm of the master."

The sixth master Huang glanced at the tiger's head, which made the latter lower his head. Then he solemnly announced, "From today on, the tiger's head, the iron pillar, the dog's remnant and the second tiger will go to the medicine gathering team, the sea shark, the three dogs, the four dogs, the aquatic animal and the cat will go to the pearl gathering team, and Chen Guang will go to the escort team."

Everyone was in an uproar.

Under normal circumstances, unless it is absolutely necessary, one coach's staff will not be scattered to other teams unless they are dead or abandoned, or they break away from the Whale Gang.

But Daniel was injured before 12 o'clock, and the order of the hall leader arrived

Chen Guang followed Sixth Master Huang and asked softly, "Sixth Master Huang, stay here."

The sixth master turned around with a hum, "You didn't hear clearly?"

Chen Guang shook his head. "I hear you clearly. I want to ask you about Uncle Daniel."

Master Huang said with a sneer: "You are very interesting. Others are afraid to avoid Daniel, just like encountering the plague god. Don't ask about Daniel. It was Jiang Long Qin, the top thug of the third leader of the Black Evil Sect, who hurt him. He could kill him and avenge Daniel if he could."

Then he left the yard with great strides.

"The unrighteousness of the dragon Qin..."

His mouth kept whispering the name. Chen Guang's eyes lit up and he left the yard even without saying hello to everyone.

Different ways do not agree with each other.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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