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Chapter 1 Becoming Strange

In 2048, the 11th District of East Asian Communist Union, the post disaster reconstruction of Tokyo City.

Late at night, drizzle.

Phantom 16 Research Center.

The light in the biological laboratory was bright, and the original maple was disassembled in the sterile isolation room.

The corpse of the mutant product.

His job is to separate the available parts from the corpse, and then put some organ samples into the instrument for professional analysis by colleagues outside.

It is different from the ordinary scientific research laboratory.

This is more like a corpse recycling station for mutants.


[Current progress: 100%]

The sharp edge was cut around the mutant's joint, and two seriously alienated forearms fell on the shelf. A percentage value appeared in front of Ziyuan Maple.

After working in the laboratory for more than half a year, this progress bar is finally full.

The reaction of the original maple was flat.

It seems that nothing can make a ripple in his heart. He puts human like organs and muscles into the active substance recycling device without pausing.

When he finished the work at hand, Akasaka's voice sounded from his isolation suit helmet:

"Minasang... let's deal with the rest tomorrow. Qu Yuanjun comes here..."

Akasaka Ryo is the head of the second department of research. He has gold rimmed glasses and a middle split head. He has a refined appearance.

He was standing outside the sterile room, looking at him through the glass.

Feng Zheyuan nodded to him, even if he responded.

The knife is put into the washing cabinet, and he enters the buffer room for disinfection, ultraviolet radiation and drying. He changes back to the original white coat and leaves this isolated sterile area.

"Zhe Yuanjun, it's like this..."

Akasaka took the terminal plate.

"There will be an overseas mission tomorrow. The important people will follow the reaction team to collect biological samples from the ghost faced spider nest. One for each department."

In addition to the minister himself, only Zhe Yuanfeng will collect mutant bodies in the second research department.

Of course, this task belongs to him.

Even if it needs to bear certain risks.

In today's world, mutation analyzers are very scarce talents.

Forensic doctors dealing with normal corpses are extremely scarce, not to mention the mutants that are both weird and lose San value. Few people are willing to do this.

And the threshold is very high.

Zhe Yuanfeng is very talented. After only half a year of service, he has been able to compete with the seniors who have worked for four or five years.

It's just that he has a strange personality, which is not a shortcoming.

Eighteen years after the disaster, the people inside the city wall gradually became comfortable. There are not many people who work hard like this.


The voice of Zheyuan Maple is flat.

It seems that my mind is not on it.

"The response team takes action at 12 noon."

Nodding, Akasaka Liang didn't care about his indifference. The people in the research institute were used to it and reached out to check his name on the tablet task assignment.

"It's your VM..."

The VM (vital sign detector) on Feng Zheyuan's wrist receives the message and lights up.

"Also... there is news that the headquarters will set a threshold for the evolution level of laboratory staff. There is no direction system level II, but there is direction system level I..."


Zheyuan Feng did not answer.

He is a first level evolutioner with no direction system, which happens to be an obstacle to the company's progress.

It's hard to improve the level of evolution.

As for direction

It needs a lot of money.

This matter is rather troublesome.

"If you are worried about losing control and spend a lot more money, you can choose a strengthening medicine. The future is broader than now. If you are short of money, I can..."

"No need."

After being rejected cleanly, Akasaka Liang nodded with a premonition and left a sentence before leaving: "Well, if you need to talk to me again, it's hard today..."


Zheyuan Feng didn't respond.

Click the touch screen of VM on the wrist, and the task details are projected in 3D.

After a brief look, he was ready to go home from work.

Go to the gate of the research center.

Look up.

Tall buildings stand like towering trees, and shorter buildings surround the scale ratio of tall buildings. The virtual projection of advertisements squeezes the remaining space between buildings, from which aircraft and drones shuttle back and forth.

It looks like a Cyberpunk style.

However, a 100 meter high wall that encircles the whole Tokyo is showing the limit of vision——

This is a world where mankind is on the verge of doom.

18 years ago.

This blue planet was attacked by a group of meteorites. A large number of missile interceptions were useless, and human settlements were destroyed in a large area.

disasters pile up on one another.

The Tianwaitian meteorite carries a special high-energy polymer with a black crystal shape, which is named by a group of scientists: black crystal.

Black crystals are radioactive, which will cause serious gene mutations in animals and plants, and then transform them into highly dangerous mutants. In order to meet the energy demand brought by cell division, they will devour living things crazily.

Suddenly, sudden change events swept the world.

The global population has plummeted to 30%.

It is vital to the survival of mankind. Countries in the same plate have united into political alliances, divided by regions, unified currency, integrated resources and fought against threats.

The world is now dominated by the three political alliances of East Asia, Western Europe and North America.

Japan is the 11th region of East Asia.

The arrival of natural disasters is not only disasters.

A small number of people with gene mutation do not lose their sense, but have more excellent physique, or ability in various directions. More importantly, their bodies can withstand more powerful mutation radiation sources.

It is named [Evolutioner].

There are some brainpower evolutions among the evolutionists. Civilization has made rapid progress for this reason. In just 18 years, new technologies have exploded and scientific and technological problems have been overcome. Many international metropolises have become an incurable cyberpunk world.

At the same time, people set up high walls and control defense lines at the edge of the city to isolate the intrusion of external mutants, and some even set up mobile cities.


The street after the rain is suffused with a faint smell of earth.

Putting away the VM bracelet of the research center, Feng Zheyuan walked slowly back to his apartment after stepping through the puddles reflecting neon lights in the heavily polluted night sky.

This is a simple one bedroom apartment.

There is no latest cutting-edge high-tech smart home. Except that the home appliances are slightly more advanced, there is little difference between them and those before the disaster.

Because this is the outer city of Tokyo, the conditions can not be compared with the inner city.


Picking up a handful of water and patting on his face, Zhe Yuan Feng raised his head. A handsome face was reflected in the mirror. Under the eye frame, there was a symbolic thick black eye circle, like a specially made eye shadow, adding a touch of mystery.

He doesn't make up, but after staying up too late for a while, the dark circles under his eyes can no longer be removed. Slowly, they have become a symbolic feature.

After washing, Zhe Yuanfeng came to the room and took off the simple pendant around his neck.

The pendant is ugly. It seems that three ropes with their own directions are intertwined and mutually stressed. It is tight and firm. I don't know what the meaning is.

She reached out and rubbed her hand.


The pendant looks like lard hitting a hot pot, and it even melts into his skin... If it is not for the empty rope, it can even make people suspect that it has never appeared.


Zheyuan Feng paused.

Feel something extra inside.

Before the death of the last life, someone gave this to him, but the pendant followed him to this parallel world, and only he could see it.

At that time, I wanted to be a souvenir, and I would wear it for twenty years.

Yuanfeng has experienced a lot these years.

From having both parents and a harmonious family, you can go back to being alone and carefree.

Living all day is like a walking corpse.

This pendant

In his later exploration, he knew that he could get progress by contacting dead mutants or absorbing the mutant black crystal, but his role was not discovered for the time being.

To this end, he completed his studies ahead of schedule and entered the Mirage 16 Research Center under the recommendation of his aunt.

More than half a year later, the progress bar was successfully accumulated.

Then came the scene that the pendant melted into the body.

Now, the pendant seems to exist in the body of Feng Zheyuan in another form, and he can control the appearance of the cursor more freely and flexibly with his mind.

The pendant has full energy and can be activated once.

Although I don't know what will happen next, the person who sent the pendant won't hurt him. It's meaningless, so I started without hesitation.

Immediately, Zhe Yuan's eyes darkened.

Consciousness instantly transferred to another corner of the world.

But the body followed its instinct and continued what it had done before - staring blankly.

When the picture reappeared before his eyes, he saw an arc of glass and the outside of the glass

A group of people standing far away in white coats, like giants of scientific researchers.

"... giant?"

Feng Zheyuan was a little stunned. Later, he realized that he had become smaller.

Or... this is not your body.

He looked around, his vision was full of bright red viscous fluid, like red Slim mucus, like a pool of thick blood?

Some can't understand, but

He did become such a strange thing.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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