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Chapter 1 01 Birth

"Ah...! Ah... My husband, you must bless our children to come to this world safely! Ah...!" In the dilapidated house, a pregnant woman was struggling with life and death. She used the last breath of her life to clench her teeth and grasp the bed board. Under this circumstance, a little baby came to this world crying loudly.

There were no other adults in the delivery room, and only a five-year-old girl beside the bed did not know what to do.

Tian and Chen opened their eyes and looked at their daughter who was guarding the bed and said, "Juxiang, be good, don't be afraid, go and see whether it is a younger brother or a younger sister!"

Juxiang slowly moved to take a look, and said in surprise: "Mother, she is a younger sister. She is not scary at all, but very cute, beautiful, and pink!"

Chen Shi didn't know whether he was lost or resigned, but he failed to leave a trace of incense to his husband. She was sorry for her life. Two months ago, Tian Tiejun went into the mountain to catch a pheasant to mend her body and fell off the cliff to die. If there is an afterlife, she will be his wife and make up for the debt she owes him in this life.

Chen Shi taught his eldest daughter in a weak voice: "Juxiang, go to the table and get scissors. There is clean cloth beside them. Wipe the scissors clean."

Juxiang picked up the cloth and wiped the scissors clean as her mother said, "Mom, the scissors are clean!"

"Take the string beside you and cut the umbilical cord on your sister's belly with scissors!"

Juxiang was startled. "Mother, how can you cut my sister's belly?"

"Juxiang, go and cut the umbilical cord on your sister's belly. Tie the umbilical cord on your sister's belly with string. Go! It doesn't matter. It's the same with your birth!"

Chen's strength was exhausted when he said so much at once.

Juxiang followed her mother's instructions, then gently picked up her sister and came to her mother's side. Chen Shi looked at her little daughter in Juxiang's arms, and finally managed to smile. Her white, white, pink face smiled at Chen Shi, but Chen Shi cried again: "Son, you are doomed to suffer when you are born in my belly."

"Mother, what's your sister's name?"

"Although she is doomed to suffer, so she should be free from all worries and restrictions, and her sister is called Wunian. Juxiang depends on you to support her. You should take good care of her sister, you know?"

Sure enough, the poor children had already become masters. Juxiang seemed to know what was going to happen. She hugged her sister and said to her, "Mom, I will take good care of my sister!"

Chen Shi looked at Juxiang holding Wunian and shed red tears. She shouted to the sky: "God is unfair, how can I live with these daughters?"

Chen swallowed his last breath and died.

Juxiang pulled a piece of rag to wrap up his sister, took her to the main room, knelt at the gate and cried, "Please grandpa, please grandma help me find a doctor to see my mother! Please! Please go to see my mother!"

Tian Zhuangzhu, who was sitting at the top of the room for dinner, raised his head and asked Wang Shi to have dinner with him:

"Old lady, is this the girl of the third room outside?"

Wang was having dinner when he was suddenly interrupted. He was very unhappy and depressed

"Yes, I'll take a look"

Next to Tian Tieshan, the second child, said, "Mother, I just passed by their house and heard the third younger brother and sister shouting. Is she going to have a baby?"

Ma pulled Tian Tieshan's sleeve and said, "Hey, what do you want to do? Do you want to meddle, or do you feel distressed about those three brothers and sisters?"

"Oh! How can I? I want to ask!"

The old man Tian Zhuang Zhu looked at Tian Wang and put down his chopsticks and said, "Go and have a look, old lady. The child is still his own blood."

"Got it! It's all a worry."

Wang put down his chopsticks and came to the door to see Ju Xiang holding a baby in his hand. He came to him and pulled Ju Xiang's collar up, saying, "Your mother gave birth?"

"Yes, Grandma, my mother gave birth."

"Is it a boy or a girl?"

"It's my sister."

"Your mother, who doesn't want to win, has produced another loser."

"Grandma, please go and see my mother! Please!"

"What are you looking at? It's better to die inside! Death star, unlucky."

With these words, Wang went to the broken house. Soon, Wang ran out of the house in fright and rushed into the main room dining hall. Seeing that the old woman was out of breath, Tianzhuang Zhu asked what was wrong?

Copyright: Yunqi Academy

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