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Chapter 1 Little Kunlun Taoist

In the hollowed out carved window, the sun shines in small spots. The boy wakes up on the wooden bed with a headache.

"I'm dead."

His name is Lu Daoyi, and he is a student of a university in the 21st century.

The family used to run a small noodle shop. Although they were not too rich, they were also very happy.

Parents are also kind-hearted people. They often help people in financial difficulties and give them free pasta.

Until the year when Ludao was a sophomore.

One day, several migrant workers came in to eat noodles.

Because the food in the shop was not enough and it was raining, their parents refused them to come in to eat noodles.

However, I didn't expect this event to be posted on the Internet by good people. In order to increase the number of visitors, it was said that the noodle shop disliked migrant workers and refused migrant workers to eat noodles in the shop.

In the Internet era, news is flourishing. Once it was posted online, it soon attracted attention.

People who eat melon are unaware of the truth and accuse the small noodle restaurant in succession. Even those TV stations, in order to hype, also discredit the small noodle restaurant in succession.

No matter how their parents explain, no one believes them. Occasionally, one or two people on the Internet are sober, but they are also drowned in the vast army of accusations.

People's words were awesome. Soon, the noodle shop at home closed down.

Even Ludaoyi in the school was treated with colorful glasses.

However, those people are still unwilling to let their parents go!

Many people harassed Lu Dao's family in the name of being angry for migrant workers, until they drove the old couple to distraction and jumped down from the high-rise building to prove their innocence.

As soon as Lu Dao heard the news, his heart turned to ashes. He didn't understand how the evil of human nature could reach this level.

My parents have been kind to others for half their life, but they ended up like this!

When he tried to talk to the media, he became more and more miserable. Even his girlfriend, who had talked for a long time, left him and ended up alone.

Finally, he couldn't stand it. After stabbing down the reporter who had been distorting the facts at the gate of the TV station, he went back to school, climbed to the highest floor, and went with his parents.

Various memories came from his mind, including the memory of the previous life and the original memory of the body, which filled Lu Daoyi's whole head.

"My name is Lu Qichen in my life, and I am a young disciple of Taoist Qingyuan on Kunlun Mountain."

Lu Qichen receives the memory in his head,

"The Daqing Dynasty, which was founded more than a hundred years ago, has a vast territory. It was originally strong, but in recent years it has gradually declined.

This dynasty is very similar to the previous Qing Dynasty, and its geography is very similar, but it is much larger than the previous one, like a parallel world.

In this world, there are friars, Taoism and ghosts. When a great friar cultivates to a high level, he can move mountains and fill the sea. He can do anything and leave this world. "

Lu Qichen is excited. As a person in the 21st century, he has read countless novels.

I think I can reach the summit in a different world, just like in the novel.

More importantly, this world has hell, soul, and resurrection methods.

Maybe I will succeed in the final cultivation and find a way to return to the original world. Maybe I can change everything!

After a long time, Lu Qichen received all the memories and found a very strange question. How did he regenerate to this little Taoist?

The original Lu Qichen followed his master to practice on the Kunlun Mountain. He was quiet and healthy. He didn't encounter anything threatening his life. How did the original Li Qichen die?

Moreover, when I received the memory of the original owner of the body, I didn't feel a sense of disobedience. On the contrary, I felt that it was my own body.

Lu Qichen thought for a long time, but he couldn't figure it out. He temporarily put aside his doubts and looked at the room.

The room is antique, and there is a statue of Sanqing Taoism. In front of the table is a big tripod, in which there are three bamboo sticks standing in incense, and the inside is full of incense ash.

On the red sandalwood shelf on the left is a huge collection of Taoist treasures, and on the lacquer shelf on the right is a white jade chime.

There is a peach wood sword hanging beside it, and in the middle of the west wall is a picture of bamboo.

There is a couplet hanging on the left and right of the Painting of Bamboo.

"Haze leisure skeleton, spring stone wild life“

Lu Qichen gets up, puts on cloth shoes, and then puts on the blue Taoist robe hanging on the side, and looks at it in front of the bronze mirror.

The person in the mirror is extremely beautiful, with sharp edges and corners. His black hair is tied with white ribbons, and he is wearing a blue Taoist robe. He has a white silk ribbon on his waist and a piece of suet white jade on it.

The eyebrows grow into the temples, the skin is white, the lips are red and the teeth are white, and the eyes are slender and gentle.

It can be said that:

When drinking magnolias in the morning and chrysanthemums in the evening, they will fall into the sky. Therefore, they will be as rich as jade and elegant.

Anyone who saw it would have to praise: What a charming young man, a exiled immortal who fell into the mortal world.

"Well, it's good, although it's a little worse than my last life."

Lu Qichen is quite satisfied with his appearance. This image should not drive thousands of girls crazy on the previous earth.

He walked out of the room, and the Taoist Temple was located in a deep mountain deep in Kunlun

Embellished in it.

Around a lush bamboo forest, there is a bamboo house with smoke curling in the air.

In front of the house, there was a sea of bright white dandelion flowers. He walked along a small cobblestone path, past a bamboo table with a chessboard, and slowly entered the cool room.

The layout of the house is very simple, with a pair of three clear pictures hanging, and a simple copper incense burner.

Burning spices, a touch of green smoke slowly drifted out, and Li Qichen sniffed it gently. It was superior ambergris.

One old Taoist sits on the futon while the other one is empty. In addition, the whole bamboo house has nothing else.

The Taoist priest has white whiskers on his knees and sparse eyebrows. He wears a simple blue Taoist robe and holds a brush. He has a sense of immortality.

The Taoist priest is his master, Taoist Qingyuan. Lu Qichen comes forward and bows.

"I have seen Shifu."

He also bowed down to the Sanqing statue, and the Taoist kowtowed, which was different from the secular kowtowing.

Although the Taoist kowtows with a pad, he actually throws himself into the ground with his feet and hands. When he kowtows, he should touch his hands with his head.

The Taoist priest opened his slightly closed eyes and said:

"If you are late today, you will be punished to copy the Tao Te Ching a hundred times. Please sit down and practice, and get an early introduction to the true scripture. Don't slack off."

"I will follow the master's instruction."

Lu Qichen sits down on the futon beside the old road and meditates.

He and his master are the only two people in the whole mountain.

He is an orphan. He has been wandering around since he was young. When he was twelve years old, he was taken up the mountain by his master. It has been four years since then.

The memory before climbing the mountain is still vague, as if he had a serious illness and lost memory. He only remembers that he is an orphan, and even his name was taken by the master.

I heard the master said that he still has a senior brother, but he has never seen him.

The bamboo house in the deep mountain is quiet and quiet, with only the sound of birds chirping. Fresh air flows through the house, bringing gusts of breeze.

He felt the freshness that he had never felt in the 21st century. His mind was gradually relaxed, his breath was smooth, his breath was continuous, and his mind was clear.

Taoist Qingyuan belongs to the Zhengyi Sect. Lu Qichen, as his disciple, practices the Zhengyi Scripture.

Lu Qichen found the path of Zhengyi Jing from his memory, and an aura came into the air

His body.

This aura flows through his channels like a fish, improving his body slightly.

Lu Qichen runs the method, carefully guiding the aura and bringing it into his own aura.

But I saw that the aura had just arrived in the sea of qi and dissipated into chaos, leaving no trace.

"As long as I can keep this aura in the sea of qi, I will be considered as a beginner and have magic power."

Lu Qichen frowns slightly and draws a aura from the air again. After repeating the operation, the aura disappears again.

He has repeated this operation for four years, each time without success.

In my memory, the original Lu Qichen once asked the master in frustration if he was stupid,

Not suitable for monasticism.

However, the master told him that he was the most talented seed of cultivation, but he had not yet got the hang of it.

Taoist Qingyuan treats Lu Qichen very well. For Lu Qichen, Taoist Qingyuan is both his master and his father, so he firmly believes in what Taoist Qingyuan said, and has been insisting on breathing into the body for many years.

Today, as always, Lu Qichen returns without success, which makes him doubt his master's words.

In fact, I'm really lack of talent. Did the master say that for his own sake?

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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