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Chapter 1? This is me, a different fireworks!

Chang'an, Tang Dynasty, Tai Chi Palace

"Your majesty, your majesty, something has happened." A flustered figure rushed into the imperial study located in the Liangyi Hall.

"Hmm?!" Li Shimin, who was reviewing the memorial, looked up slightly and said, "Why are you so nervous?"

"Your Majesty, it is the Third Highness."

"Third child! What did he do again?" Li Shimin's heart clucked for no reason when someone mentioned the third son Li Ke.

This guy is the legendary loser. From childhood to adulthood, he had a catchphrase: My father is the emperor, and he has plenty of money!

He doesn't make big mistakes, but makes small ones all the time. The other sons didn't make more troubles than he did half a year ago.

The visitor did not dare to snub him. He said quickly, "Your Highness Three gave a challenge to the Imperial College, saying that he would challenge the whole Imperial College and justify himself."

"Poof..." Li Shimin almost choked to death with saliva and slapped his hand on the table: "When and how can I repay you? Where is the third brother now? Let him come to see me right away."

The visitor said with a bitter face, "Your Majesty, it's too late. I'm afraid the Third Highness has arrived at the Imperial College by this time."

Suddenly, Li Shimin's head was as big as a fight.

What evil did you do in your last life? Why did you have such a worry free thing.


In the Ningyin Pavilion in the Imperial Garden, two beauties in palace attire are playing chess in the pavilion. Occasionally, they chat a few words, all of which are secrets in Beijing.

At that moment, a eunuch came hurriedly with a solemn expression: "Empress, Empress Yang, something has happened."

"What's the matter?" Empress Changsun gave a little meal as she was about to leave her son.

"Back to his mother's words, the Third Highness sent a challenge to the Imperial College and threatened to challenge the whole Imperial College and justify his name."

Empress Changsun: "..."

Is it so arrogant?

Challenge the whole Imperial College?

When did Xiaosanzi become so expansive!

Don't say that Empress Changsun can't figure it out. Even Li Ke's mother, Concubine Yang, can't figure it out: "What you said is true?"

"It's absolutely true to go back to the Empress of Concubine Yang. At present, all the people outside the palace have gone to the Imperial College."

"This son is a traitor." Hearing this, Concubine Yang almost fell down and turned to bow down to Empress Zhangsun. "Empress, my younger sister is so incompetent to teach her son. She has broken the court's law, so please condemn her."

"Let's get up, sister. It's not the time to blame anyone. Let's think about how to deal with the aftermath." Empress Zhangsun obviously doesn't like Li Ke, comforted Princess Yang, and said to the eunuch who came to report, "Send someone to the Imperial College to inquire about the situation, and report as soon as there is news."

"Promise, I will obey the order of justice." The eunuch answered and bowed down.


At the same time, outside the gate of the Imperial College, there were a huge number of people, including the dandy in fresh clothes and the common people in short linen clothes.

Everyone is looking forward to the future.

The so-called "it is not too big to watch the excitement" refers to the current situation.

Li Ke, the third prince, challenges the Imperial College. One side is the prince, and the other is the highest school in the Tang Dynasty. No matter who wins or loses, this melon will be enough for everyone to eat for half a year.

However, seeing the sun rising above his head, Li Ke was delayed in the future, which made everyone worried.

Some people can't bear it. They can't help muttering to their companions: "Hey, you said the third prince will not come, right?"

"How can we not come? People are fighting for breath, Buddha is fighting for incense, and all the cruel words have been released. If we don't come, the reputation of the Third Prince will really stink in the future."

"What's the use of coming here? It's not the same as losing. The Imperial College is the highest school in the Tang Dynasty. All the supervisors here are Wenqu stars. Even if the third prince is full of mouth, he can fight several times."

"I think we are probably cheated. The Third Prince is not stupid. How can we challenge so many people alone?"

"Hey hey, you all dare to speak up here without knowing anything. Do you know why the Third Prince challenges the Imperial College? Do you know why the Third Prince wants to spread the news all over the city? To tell you the truth, the cause of the matter will start half a month ago."

"Half a month ago? You mean the last time Yan Lailou fought, the Third Prince injured four students in the Imperial College? In other words, the Third Prince's challenge to the Imperial College is not a military challenge, is it?"

The voices of small merchants and peddlers occasionally mingled with the voices of the people talking.

Before Li Ke came, the masses had already set up their benches and were ready to eat melons.

However, most people don't think highly of Li Ke and think he is insulting himself.


"Brother, why don't we go back?" Go to the carriage of the Imperial College. Twelve year old Li Yin looks at his brother, who is four years older than him, and his face is full of worry.

"Afraid?" Li Ke stretched out his hand and rubbed his head. He looked out of the window with bright eyes. The sun shone on his handsome face, giving a sense of majesty.

Li Yin's small face was bitter: "I'm afraid my father will be angry."

Li Ke took his eyes back and corrected him, "No, he would be angry if he lost his father, but not if he won."

Li Yin said quietly, "But can we win?"

"Of course, don't you believe me?"

Li Yin: "..."

"If you don't talk, I'll treat you as if you believe it." Li Ke shrugged his shoulders and suddenly looked grave: "Xiaoya, you have been asking me why I challenge the Imperial College? Now I'll tell you.

Because you are my only brother in the world. In addition, I have only one relative, my mother and concubine.

I will not allow anyone to question my blood and the identity of my mother and concubine. The Imperial College stepped on this line half a month ago, so I beat them.

Now they still don't know how to repent, so don't blame me for trampling them under my feet, so that they will never turn over. "

The domineering declaration made Li Yin straighten her waist unconsciously, and looked at Li Ke admiringly.

But soon, the little guy seemed to think of something and asked nervously, "What about the father?"

Li Ke was silent for a moment: "Father emperor, father emperor is a good emperor, but not a good father, otherwise I would never have the opportunity to challenge the Imperial College."

The carriage was rattling, and the Imperial College was already in sight. Looking at the crowd in front, Li Ke patted the carriage and stopped the carriage: "Liu Quan, just stop here. Xiao Yao, you stay in the carriage and wait for me. I will go back soon."

Li Yin followed Li Ke, stuck his head out of the car and said, "Brother, I'm with you."

Li Ke smiled and pushed his younger brother back into the car: "You don't need to go. Since my elder brother said he would challenge the whole Imperial College alone, he would certainly keep his promise. If I bring an extra dog, I will lose."

Li Yin: "..."

Sure enough, everything is fake, and the third brother is still that funny character.


Copyright: Kunlun Chinese Website

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