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Chapter 1 The seventh year of Taikang in the Western Jin Dynasty

Zheng Sheng held the bowl in his hand and looked at the pale yellow liquid in the bowl. He was a bit silly, so he frowned and drank carefully.

The feeling was still cool and delicate. He said to himself, "What's the matter? Where's the bean dregs?" Could it be that his voice has lost the painful feeling?

Thinking of this, Zheng Sheng painfully lies back in a blue and white satin quilt with cloud patterns, feeling very uncomfortable.

"In this backward feudal society, even if there is no TV or mobile phone, it will torture my throat. And... Alas." Zheng Sheng thought of something, sat up again, took a bowl and drank a big mouthful, "No, no, this soy milk is not right!"

Take another sip, "It's really wrong. It's not an illusion, it's really no voice." Staring at the bowl, he thought about all possible reasons, took up the bowl and walked out of the room.

This is a courtyard near the mountain and water. There are wing rooms on both sides of the backyard. The outside of the wing room is planted with flowers and plants. The remaining space is about 40 to 50 square meters covered with green stones. Looking out from the yard, you can see the distant green mountains in layers and hear the flowing water. At this time, the sky was just light, and the world was dim and quiet.

Zheng Sheng came out. He was already familiar with everything here and went straight into the kitchen near the front yard in the east wing. Put down the bowl in his hand, he began to search, and finally found what he wanted in a small pot beside the stove: soymilk.

Pour the soy milk from the jar into another bowl, and Zheng Sheng takes a sip of it solemnly. It's cold and loud. Zheng Sheng drinks it with a frown, and then drinks the milk from the previous bowl, which is delicate and not loud.

"It's really different." Zheng Sheng scratched his head for a while and realized that it was the result of something, so he laughed heartily.

A little girl ran over in fear. She stared at her confused eyes and said in a simple voice: "What's the matter, son? Ah! Why did you come to the kitchen again? Get out!" She grabbed Zheng Sheng's bowl and pushed him out.

She is not very old. She is only eight now. Although she is only one year older than Zheng Sheng, her strength is unmatched by Zheng Sheng. Zheng Sheng rebelled, "Qinger, wait a minute, I'll show you something good, and I'll go out myself."

She asked curiously, "What is it?"

"This." Zheng Sheng gave her the bowl.

Qing'er took the bowl and said helplessly, "Son, isn't this soymilk?"

"Not the same."

"Different?" Zheng Sheng seemed to be joking. Qing'er took a drink. "It seems that there is something different."

"This bowl."

Qing'er took another suspicious sip, and she also felt the difference: "Shizi, where is the bean dregs? Why is there no bean dregs in this bowl?"

Zheng Sheng smiled and went out. "It's a secret."

Zheng Sheng left the yard and came to the river. At this time, the sun had just risen, and Zheng Sheng was in a good mood looking at the beautiful world.

He started running.

First run along the river, then turn into the mountains. This is a road into the mountains.

Zheng Sheng has been here for three years, although he is nominally seven years old.

In fact, Zheng Sheng originally lived in the 21st century. He has just passed the college entrance examination, has survived high school life, and will soon enter the university.

Maybe it's because I overdrawn too much in high school. As soon as he relaxed after the college entrance examination, he fell down. He has a high fever and is unconscious. He will wake up again

The world has changed.

In three years, Zheng Sheng accepted the reality that "he has passed through".

In three years, Zheng Sheng has adapted to life here.

In three years, Zheng Sheng learned what era this was.

It is now the seventh year of Dajin and Taikang.

Fortunately, the science student has not forgotten all about history. Even luckier, his father worked hard to make contributions in the War of Pingwu seven years ago, and was awarded the title of Marquis of Danyin Pavilion by the imperial court. His father Zheng's deeds made his ears prickle.

He verified each other according to his memory and reality. I finally decided that I was in the Western Jin Dynasty after the Three Kingdoms.

He has read all kinds of stories about the Three Kingdoms and is familiar with the characters of the Three Kingdoms.

But his memory of the Western Jin Dynasty is only a few fragments, and all of them are bad words.

For example, Emperor Huidi of Jin asked people why they didn't eat meat porridge when they couldn't afford it, or the Eight Kings Rebellion, or the Five Hooks Rebellion, or

No more. Zheng Sheng only remembers this. As a "traverser", I know little about this era. What should I do?

But it doesn't matter. The key is that he remembered that the existence of the Western Jin Dynasty seemed to be very short, and the five wild flowers were probably what he had to face. What should he do then? How can a small son of Tinghou survive in troubled times?

The way is that after the Western Jin Dynasty, there is the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The Eastern Jin Dynasty is in the south of the Yangtze River. He can go to the south of the Yangtze River. His home is in Shunyang County, Jingzhou, not far from Jiangnan.

With this idea in mind, Zheng Sheng began to do one thing, running. There is no doubt that when fleeing, a person who can run and has enough physical strength is more likely to survive than a person who takes two steps and is breathless. Since last spring, Zheng Sheng has been running every morning.

In addition, Zheng Sheng also intends to increase nutrition for himself to grow stronger.

Zheng Sheng began to eat meat desperately, but eating only meat was not good for his health. Zheng Sheng began to look for other nutritious foods in this era, such as eggs, tofu, soymilk, etc. There is also milk, but sheep milk. Zheng Sheng tried it, and there was mutter smell. He couldn't stand it, so he had to give up.

Zheng Sheng could only complain to himself about the bean products. The soybean milk here was milled with a stone roller. Although it was filtered once, it was still very loud to drink, but Zheng Sheng was tolerant.

A bowl of soy milk is indispensable every day. Zheng Sheng puts this bowl of soy milk before running every day.

It's a bit hard for Qinger. In order to cook the soybean milk that Zheng Sheng drank in the morning, Qinger got up earlier than Zheng Sheng. As a servant girl, she had to rest after Zheng Sheng slept every day. The young man who gets up early and goes dark naturally points to his dark circles and often complains.

In the past two years, Zheng Sheng and Qinger have been together all the time. As a former youth of the new era, he doesn't care about the high and low. Along with Qinger's personality, "He who is close to others will be black". It is also common to make a scene with the owner, complain and complain. This is unimaginable for Jin people.

As for Qing'er's sleep problem, he has a new way recently. Zheng Sheng told Qing'er that she could cook a bowl of soymilk the night before and put it on the table beside his bed. He woke up the next day to drink. Summer is coming, so you can have a cool drink.

Qinger dared to talk with Zheng Sheng, but when it comes to safety, he didn't dare to be careless: "Son, let it cool all night, will you get upset if you drink it?"

Zheng Sheng understood her concern. "Don't worry. I won't have trouble with my stomach. In addition, I have to let the freshly cooked soymilk cool before I drink it, which will take me a lot of time."

Qing Er can't beat Zheng Sheng, so she has to obey. After observing for several days, Zheng Sheng was found to have no symptoms of illness, and finally she was relieved to sleep late.

However, Zheng Sheng is still bitter about the bean dregs in the soymilk. Although it doesn't hurt my throat, after drinking soy milk, my throat always protests.

Zheng Sheng has pondered over his own bean grinder and improved the gauze used for filtering, but it seems that there is no residue in the slurry. After boiling, it is still unbearable after drinking it into his mouth.

Qinger could not understand this: "Soya bean milk is such a sweet and delicious food, but you have to drink it with a worried face. Why do you want to remove the bean dregs, Shizi? Soya bean milk and bean dregs are all milled from beans. Is it still soymilk without bean dregs?"

Zheng Sheng also agreed with Qinger that without soybean dregs, it is certainly not soybean milk. But it can grind the bean dregs very fine, so that the throat will not be hurt.

Just as Qinger could not understand the electric light, she did not expect that a machine called soy milk machine would appear more than a thousand years later. Naturally, she could not understand what is soy milk without soy dregs.

Zheng Sheng's forehead was sweating slightly. He had already run two or three miles.

It's time to go back, Zheng Sheng thought.

Brand: Chinese Online
Launch time: 2014:00:50, November 18, 2020
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