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Chapter 1 Crossing


A glass on the top floor of the highest skyscraper in the city was pushed away, and a tall black figure quickly got into it, rolled on the ground, and stood up without making any other sound. The light in the room was suddenly turned on. Under the light, a beautiful blonde with outstanding long hair and pajamas came into the room.

"Yi, you finally come back. I know you won't fail!"

The man who was called "Yi" was a Chinese man with a height of 1.86 meters and a body as hard as iron. He was 21 years old and had an iron brush like head. His face was white, his legs were long and his waist was thin, and the blood vessels on his arms were bulging. He was obviously a person who had been highly trained. Although he wore a bullet proof vest weighing more than 10 kilograms, he could still clearly see the inverted triangle shape of his upper body, His broad shoulders, thick chest, bright eyes like spotlights, thin lips and straight lip lines show his rebellious character. And the charm that makes any woman crazy. His full Chinese name is' Yitusheng ', nicknamed' Yitusheng '.

He quickly took off his bulletproof vest, the rope for climbing the wall and the black tight T-shirt. Yi Tusheng was sweating all over, and his muscles moved on his body like wandering mice, with his chest undulating. Hehe sneered: "If you should reward me when the task is completed!" The blonde smiled; "Show me the things first!"

"Wait a minute!" Yi Tucheng put his hand into his pants pocket and shrugged his shoulders smartly: "Would I be so stupid to wear something on my body? I only have this picture, you can have a look first!" Then he waved his right hand, and a picture flew to the blonde beauty. The blond beauty caught the photo with two fingers on her right hand like darts, her face sank, looked down at the photo, and said sternly, "How can you hand it over?"

Yi Tusheng kept a gentle smile and said: "It's very simple, Miss Lisa, this time I will hand things over to the boss, this is my ladder for promotion!"

Lisa said firmly, "No way, the boss will not see you!" "Ha ha!" Yi Tusheng smiled, "Then he will never see what you have!"

Lisa's body was shocked and suddenly smiled: "Yi, why are you so stubborn? Come on, let's enjoy life first. The unpleasant things will be left to tomorrow!"

Yi Tusheng looked at Lisa's slender waist, which was barely able to grasp, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said with eyes shining, "This proposal can be considered!"

In a hysterical cry, Yi Tusheng finally fell down from Lisa's body. Put on your pajamas, go to the toilet, turn on the faucet, wash your face, look at the resolute face in the mirror and think: this time maybe I can finish the task. It has been two years. This undercover task is really hard!

On the pink sheets, Lisa, the female spy of the largest arms smuggling group in N, is sleeping soundly. It seems that she has completely trusted Yi Tusheng. Yi Tusheng's undercover mission is to find out the real identity of the smuggling boss, Lao K, through this woman. Lao K is very cunning and cautious. Although Yi Tusheng has built miracles for the smuggling group under the arrangement of the intelligence bureau for two years, he is still not qualified to see this person. But this time it's different. I heard that Lao K is developing a high-tech device, which can fool the customs. I don't know what it is?! However, the startup of this equipment requires something that is not easy to get, that is, the latest generation of nuclear weapon research achievements of the Nuclear Atomic Energy Agency - thermonuclear bomb!

In order to catch Lao K, the heads of the intelligence bureau agreed to let Yi Tusheng take the thermonuclear bomb out of the laboratory so as to complete the plan of luring the snake out of the hole. Yi Tusheng clearly knew that the science maniacs of the Nuclear Atomic Energy Agency had already manipulated thermonuclear bombs, but ordinary people could not see it. However, Lao K and his subordinates are not easy to cheat after all, because the intelligence agency still dare not cheat people with completely fake goods.

After washing his face, Yi Tusheng returns to bed and continues to "sleep soundly". About an hour later, he walked into the living room barefoot.

After she left, Yi Tusheng suddenly opened his eyes and adjusted the pointer of the Sony wristwatch on his wrist to the direction of twelve o'clock. After a slight sound of "drop", a series of English characters appeared on the screen of the watch. That's the message that Lisa used the Internet to contact Lao K. Yi Tusheng has long been manipulating her computer. His watch is a high-tech product that steals network information and a new achievement of the intelligence bureau.

A series of English flashed before his eyes, and Yi Tusheng could not restrain his excitement. Lao K finally agreed to meet him, for which he had prepared for two years.

As soon as Lisa got back to bed, Yi Tusheng crushed her down

"Lao K has promised to see you. We still have two hours, so you should get ready quickly!" In the morning, when the first ray of sunshine passed through the curtains, Lisa had dressed neatly. She looked serious. She was totally different from last night's debauchery. Yi Tusheng almost didn't recognize him.

"You need to dress so neatly!" Yi Tusheng said.

Lisa said: "Lao K doesn't like others to dress casually, especially his subordinates! You should also wear formal clothes."

Yi Tucheng chose a black suit and put it on. He unconsciously looked at his watch and said, "It's too late. Is it possible that Lao K is in this city?"

"You'll know later!" Lisa opened the door.

Lisa took him to a three door Cadillac waiting at the door. Yi Tusheng's eyes were immediately covered by a black cloth.

"What does that mean?"

"This is the rule, everyone should obey it!"

Yi Tusheng didn't protest too much. He sneered and said, "What are you worried about about our relationship?" Lisa looked out of the window without answering. The car starts and moves forward slowly. Yi Tusheng immediately started the GPS global positioning and navigation system hidden on his belt buckle, and the data was continuously transmitted to the headquarters.

The car is driving very fast, and it has turned countless corners. It seems that the place to go is very far. However, Yi Tusheng, based on his years of training and practical experience, believes that this is just a trick played by the enemy to completely disable his sense of direction. Lisa suddenly said, "Your forehead is sweating!" So she took a handkerchief to wipe his sweat. Yi Tusheng lost consciousness when he smelled a strange smell. It took him a long time to wake up.

Lisa touched his face and said, "You are so cute, my dear child, get off the bus!"

Touching his aching head, Yi Tusheng knows that he has been drugged and secretly scolds Lisa as a bitch. Lisa took off the black cloth in front of him and pulled him out of the car.

After a long time, Yi Tusheng's eyes returned to normal. He found that his car had been replaced by an off-road jeep, and his position seemed to be a valley. By this time, it was dark. The sky over the valley was bright with stars. The valley was silent. The road was like the surface of Mars. The valley was full of loess, white stones, and no trees. There are some large and strange mechanical devices scattered in the valley, one of which is a satellite receiver stuck in the ground like a cauldron.

There is a large iron warehouse that covers an extremely wide area in front. The warehouse is large enough to accommodate more than ten civil aviation aircraft. There are two big iron doors in front, the big iron door and the small iron door. There is a password keyboard outside the small iron door. There are many mercenaries with AK47 in camouflage clothes patrolling around the door. Yitu sighed: "It's tight enough!"

Lisa did not know when she had changed her dress. She wore a black tights, her long hair was braided into a twisted braid, and two huge M92 automatic pistols were hung on the wide belt around her waist. Liu Haile in front of her forehead was floating in the evening wind.

The bodyguards at the door found their whereabouts, one by one raised the M16A4 semi-automatic rifles and shouted, "Nobody move!"

Lisa responded loudly: "The boss asked us to come, don't shoot!" The mercenary still held the gun, and was on guard, shouting: "Whisper!"

Lisa frowned and said, "Buildings, knees, pits, generals!"

The bodyguard put away his gun and waved: "You can go through if you pass the code!"

Yi Tusheng followed Lisa and asked, "What's this code? It's strange!" Lisa smiled, "This code has no special meaning. It's all the boss's temporary idea. It's changed every three hours!"

When passing the gate, Yi Tusheng found that four MK43MODO heavy machine guns were hidden in four difficult to find sniper positions. The fire power of this gun is known as the world's most ferocious. When it was fired, the airtight bullet rain accompanied by a hurricane hit the target. Suddenly, the wall collapsed, and people were killed!

Behind the large tin warehouse is an arched building. There is a downward spiral staircase on the top of the building, and the staircase is usually completely closed. Seen from the surface, it is just a cement reinforced floor. However, as long as a button at the door is triggered and a set of digital information is input, the floor will separate to both sides and a dizzy escalator will appear deep underground.

They walked down the escalator for about 60 or 70 meters before a laboratory appeared. This seems to be the main control room of the whole base, because there are many busy people in white coats. Lisa led her through a large glass window and saw a beautiful white woman in a white gown and black rimmed glasses sitting on a swivel chair looking at herself.

Yi Tusheng saw that she was tall, well proportioned, elegant, and had dark brown short hair. Her expression was very attractive.

"This is Dr. Isabella, and this is Yi Tusheng, the best agent in the organization!" Lisa introduced them quickly. When Isabella stood up, Yi Tusheng's specially trained eyes accurately saw that nothing was wearing in her white coat, the ravine in her chest was like a white tunnel, and the triangle area was even darker.

"Hello, beauty, please tell me your phone number, where you live, and how to contact you in the future!" Yi Tu became very angry, shook hands with her and stared at her chest.

Isabella smiled at him and said provocatively, "How dare you!" Yi Tusheng said with a smile, "There is a saying in China, 'The brave starved to the cowardly!'

Isabella smiled and said, "I'd better meet the boss first. Please come with me!"

"Can I go to the toilet?"

"Of course!"

Yi Tu was born in the toilet. He took off his tie clip, took out a pen and a lighter, and quickly assembled a pistol. The tie clip was the trigger, the pen tube of the pen was the gun chamber, and the lighter was the cartridge clip. At the same time, he hid a sharp blade in his mouth.

Quickly remove the belt buckle, turn it over, press it down with your fingers, and an ultra-thin LCD screen appears in front of you. The crisscross green longitude and latitude lines on the screen are like a dense fishing net. Five red signs are scattered around the fishing net, slowly coming to the middle set.

This is an assault force named "Storm", which is composed of 20 M114 Humvees and 1000 marines. The troops were divided into five routes, each of which was opened by four Humvees.

The M114 Humvee was clearly equipped with an M212.7MM heavy machine gun. It was driving in the wind and the clouds, blowing sand and fog. The back seat was full of armed detachment. The Hummer family took part in the 'Desert Storm' battle and peacekeeping in Somalia. As the Hummer was frequently attacked by Somali militants and destroyed by landmines, people without armor protection suffered losses. The British and American military quickly transformed the Hummer. The latest generation M114 Humvee was equipped with light armor and bulletproof doors, which can withstand the attack of 7.62MM armor piercing bullets, The bottom of the car is equipped with explosion-proof armor plate, which is enough to withstand the attack of a 5kg mine. The vacuum tire can also travel 48km after being hit. The bullet hit the car body, sparking, but it could not pose a threat to the people on the car.

In addition, there are four military armed fighters above the Fifth Route Army, each carrying bombs, ready to carry out a devastating attack on the base of Lao K.

57342 yards!

The instrument accurately shows the distance between the assault force and the base.

Yi Tu breathed a long breath when he saw the troops coming, and his mood was much calmer.

The three people came to the deepest part of the laboratory when iron gates were opened. In a clean and tidy office, a middle-aged man with prominent eyebrows and cheekbones was sitting. He was tasting cigars and playing with his lighter. Yi Tusheng thought that this must be Lao K.

As soon as Yi Tusheng entered the door, he was hit by two pistols at the same time on his left and right temples.

"32, hello, I'm glad to come to my base!" Lao K stood up and said, "I knew you were an agent of the intelligence agency for a long time, and this time you threw yourself into the trap!"

Lisa suddenly turned her head and held his eyebrows with M19: "The boss deliberately attracted you, just to want your thermonuclear bomb!"

Yi Tusheng was shocked and quickly responded. Knowing that he had reached the critical point of life and death, he pretended to be calm and said, "I have already said that the thermonuclear bomb is not on me!"

Old K stared at Yi Tusheng with sharp eyes like a hawk, and smiled: "It doesn't matter, I have enough time for you to tell the truth!" Yi Tusheng laughed: "I'm afraid you don't have much time, our people will come soon!"

Lao K laughed more loudly: "I'm more sorry, I'm afraid all of you will die here this time!" Yi Tusheng sneered: "You overestimate your strength. Although you have many bodyguards, you can't fight against the regular army of the government!"

Lao K snapped his fingers, pointed to a cabinet type instrument behind him and said, "This is a newly developed instrument that I spent 300 million dollars on. Its function is' space transfer '. It can transfer an object from one area to another. This laboratory has completed its mission, and I am preparing to abandon it. So, several tons of explosives have been placed here. When your regular army arrives, the explosives will be detonated, and I will move to a safe place through 'space transfer'. In other words, the intelligence agency's wishful thinking failed! "

Yi Tusheng said in surprise, "Are you kidding me? Do you think this is a science fiction film?"

"Believe it or not, you will soon realize its function, because you will be the first passenger. In order to get the thermonuclear bomb, I will first transport you away! Somebody, tie him up!"

With three guns on his head, Yi Tusheng could not make it out even if he had the ability to do so. He had to be trapped and stuffed into the big cabinet.

"Pen!" The cabinet door was closed.

The temperature in the cabinet rises sharply, Yitusheng sweats like a sauna.

Lao K looked at Yi Tusheng's embarrassed appearance outside the cabinet and slowly waved to him, "See you later!"

"Bad boss, the index of the instrument is abnormal. It seems that it has been interfered by some similar magnetic pole and has resonance... Oh, no......" Isabella shouted.

"What will happen..."

"I don't know..."

When they were at a loss, the instrument suddenly emitted white smoke, followed by a loud bang, which triggered dozens of tons of explosives already buried underground

The whole base flew into the sky

Time of listing: 14:43:30, November 18, 2020
Shanghai Yuewen Information Technology Co., Ltd. has obtained legal authorization, and has produced and distributed

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