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Chapter 1 To Be Eaten!

Gongsun Xi had never thought of it. He was just 40 years old, but he also understood the world and knew how to spend the rest of his life. One night, in order to save a child crossing the road, he was hit by an oncoming truck.

"I'm finished!" When he was heavily dropped on the ground, he was in great pain. Before he closed his eyes, he looked at the bright star sky and smiled at himself inexplicably.

At this time, the onlookers were busy cheering and holding up their mobile phones to shoot small videos for forwarding, and no one noticed that a meteor in the sky flashed across

Have you ever dreamed of falling from a high place? And always wake up from the dream at the moment before landing. When you wake up, you will feel that your heart is still under heavy pressure, breathing fast and even sweating all over. Even after a long time, you will still have lingering fear in retrospect.

At the moment, Gongsun Xi was awakened by the shock of falling down heavily. However, for him, the last time he was hit by a truck and fell to the ground, this time he was a little lucky. At least it was in the grass.

But this heavy fall still left him in a bad way, and it took him half a day to recover. Then, he found a more passive thing. He was reincarnated as a baby, wrapped in swaddling clothes, with only one face exposed, and could not move at all.

What made him feel even worse was that from the time he was awakened, he first heard horses hissing and people roaring outside the grass, and then a burst of swords and sabres crackled and screamed, until everything rolled away with the sound of horses' hooves, and then there was a dead silence around him.

For Gongsun Xi, since he was in the grass when he landed and could not move when he was facing up, what happened just now was all based on hearing and brain. However, after all, he was reincarnated. According to the previous life's film and television dramas and the knowledge reserves in books, Gongsun Xi estimated that it might be a relatively tragic massacre or pursuit. He had to be thrown into the grass to save his life.

"Alas, this is the end of my life again. I don't want to say my identity as an abandoned baby, but I was wrapped up tightly and thrown into the grass, just waiting for death." Gongsun Xi thought to himself, his boss was not happy, but he could not help it.

What about rich experience? I'm not helpless. It depends on God whether I can survive. Unless God gives you a way to live, you will either starve to death or be eaten by wild animals, which will kill you.

"Why don't I shout twice to see if someone will save me? No, what if I bring in the wild animals? In addition, I'm just so loud. Is it the crying of a baby or talking like an adult? If I shout this and shout people's words, and the adult finds me, will I be killed as a monster? Or, just be careful, I'll cry twice first to try?"

Gongsun Xi was just thinking about it. Suddenly, there was a sound of baby crying outside the grass. "Oh, I'll go. There's another one out there!" In great joy, he quickly listened carefully.

"Hey hey, the crying sound is very strong! I have to shout for me first, and I will shout after someone comes to save me!" Determined, he pricked up his ears, listened carefully and identified the surrounding situation. After all, the baby is bright, he is dark, safety first.

When he was still pretty, suddenly, there was a sound of sighing on the branches and accompanied by the wheezing of wild animals.

"The recumbent trough is broken. It's going to be finished!"

Gongsun Xi felt his face green in an instant. This time, he was really afraid. After all, he was torn to death. No one would want to experience it.

"Brother dei, you should cry more loudly! Don't blame me for being cruel. Everyone is the tender meat on the chopping board, just who is the first and who is the second. Besides, I saved a child last time, didn't I? Is there no good reward?!" Although he is still taking chances, it seems that he is in danger.

Sure enough, a wild animal that didn't know what it was rushed up to the baby's cry, and the baby's cry and scream came to an abrupt end with a hissing bite of the wild animal

But it's too exciting for Gongsun Xi, who is very close and can't move when facing up in the grass. The biting and chewing of wild animals and the wailing of infants rely solely on hearing and brain to fill all kinds of pictures. Even if you close your eyes, your ears will not be blocked.

In a word, Gongsun Xi spent the whole journey in fear, which might lead to nightmares. But what can we do? This is also the case with myself. Like the baby who hung up first, it's just a meat dumplings. The only hope is that the beast did not find him after eating. The problem is, even if we escape this time, what about next time?

"God bless you, don't find me! God bless you!" Gongsun Xi is really afraid. Everyone is afraid. He even hopes that this reincarnation will be scared to death. If he is unlucky, he will be unlucky

At this time, the great sense of fear made him tremble uncontrollably. He wanted to shout out loud to vent, but he couldn't bear it.

Just as he was about to open his mouth, he suddenly heard a "whoosh" sound. Something flew from far to near, and then "puff" penetrated into the beast, causing it to scream, followed by a "whoosh" sound, and then a "puff" sound. After the beast screamed again, there was no movement, It means that he was nailed to the ground.

Then, the sound of horses' hooves came from a distance, and in a moment, they came to the grass. Only one person jumped off the horse and ran straight to the accident site. After only a few seconds of silence, he suddenly gave out a long cry of grief and indignation, which shocked Gongsun Xi's eardrum and made it painful. Finally, he couldn't resist the pain and shouted with pain, but to others, it was just a crying baby. Just as Gongsun Xi shouted, the long whistling stopped suddenly. He heard the man rush to the grass, cut through the grass, and stood still.

Gongsun Xi finally saw what he was like. He was dressed in black armor, with messy long hair, and his whole body was covered with knife marks and blood stains. Some armor pieces had been cut to pieces. The man's face was still masculine and handsome, not like a bad man. He was in his twenties, and looked like an expert.

The elder brother was also stunned when he saw Gongsun Xi lying in the grass. He picked him up with both hands. Because the elder brother might have been extremely angry, and Gongsun Xi was also extremely afraid and nervous just now, both of them suddenly saw each other from an extreme emotional state, causing them to look at each other with four eyes, big eyes staring at small eyes, and both of them looked confused.

The setting sun is like blood, the bones are everywhere, one is holding the other, the two sides are facing each other, except for the roaring mountain wind, the time seems to be frozen, and the picture is very strange

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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