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Chapter 1 Rebirth

Chapter 1 Rebirth

"Give it to me!" In the cave, a tall man with blood on his face grabbed a handful of pills and poured them into a young man's mouth like crazy.

The teenager was almost scared silly. He was the only son of the general of the dynasty. He was spoiled since childhood. When did he encounter the current situation.

"I eat, I eat. Don't hit me, whine......" The boy cried, his mouth kept open, and countless pills poured in.

Half an hour later, the cry never stopped. I don't know how many pills I have poured down. Anyway, hundreds of pills in the bag beside me have bottomed out now.

"My stomach is so swollen, so painful, I can't eat any more." The boy's face looked frightened and prayed.

"You have to eat if you can't eat! I don't have time to waste." The strange man pinched his mouth, turned around and grabbed a handful of pills. When he poured them into the boy's mouth, he was stunned because he had passed out.

"This medicine is unbearable. You deserve to be a waste all your life." After kicking the boy, the strange man left him to look for food.

The sound of water dripping in my ears made my head swell and ache.

Li Mu opened his eyes in vain and found himself in a cave.

Here is

"Ah..." Suddenly all kinds of thoughts in Li Mubai's mind collided with each other, and memory fragments crisscrossed across the sky, causing him to roll around in pain.

The pain stopped for a long time, and another person's memory was added to the brain.

So far, he understood one thing. Looking at the clothes with several holes on them, Li Mubai shook his head and smiled bitterly. "I didn't expect that I would become a fairy and have to regenerate others." He was originally a celestial being in the fairyland, but he was an immortal. He was called one of the three immortals in the fairyland. He walked sideways in the fairyland and was attacked because of the intersection with the fairies in the population.

People all thought that the fairy Li Shuxue had entrusted him with a set of immortal methods, but they never thought that it was the evil plan set by the fairy, and they never gave him such a set of immortal methods. In the face of thousands of powerful immortals, Li Mubai is unwilling to yield to the explosion of elixir and die with them. After that, his world was empty, and he only felt that there was a mysterious force wrapped around him to go somewhere.

This guy is also called Li Mubai? Li Mubai learned from the memory of the original owner of his body that this is the mortal world, called Dongzhou Continent. There are also people who cultivate immortals, and the practice of cultivating immortals is very popular.

The original owner of this body is a waste. After more than ten years of cultivation, he is still walking in the same place. The reason is that his energy channels are blocked by nature, and he can hardly absorb Reiki when he breathes. People can only absorb Reiki from the outside world after they have access to the energy channels. Ordinary people usually have access to one of the energy channels, but Li Mubai has not opened one.

"No, the channels are blocked!" Li Mubai felt desperate. It's better for him to die in self explosion than to practice. I was busy checking my body, and finally found that the situation was not as bad as I thought.

The energy channels are like water pipes. If there is something blocked in them, it is really impossible to cultivate. Now the energy channels are small and squeezed together. Li Mubai secretly said, "As long as there is strong energy, it is not impossible to get through the channels."

Thinking of this, he could not help but be complacent and clenched his fist. "Now, if I work hard once, I will have a chance to re-enter the fairyland, and then I will find Li Shuxue to settle accounts!" He could not swallow this tone anyway. Li Mubai had made up his mind to re-enter the fairyland and cut Li Shuxue with sword.

"Ah, it's so painful!" Li Mubai suddenly felt an extremely severe pain from top to bottom. When I opened my sleeves, there were bags beating everywhere under the skin of my arms.

"Awful!" He thought of something! I came here because my predecessor went hunting in the mountain today. Just entering the forest, he was caught in the cave by a strange man with blood on his face, forced him to take pills, and finally passed out alive.

Li Mubai took the next pulse. He was shocked at the sight of it. It was like a war. The energy channels of this body are blocked, and there are too many pills to feed. The powerful energy can't find a place to pour out, just like a group of wild horses galloping in the body. The worst thing is that there are still a lot of pills that haven't played their roles. If they are aroused, the body will explode immediately.

"Is that guy out of his mind? People are starving to death when they torture others, but you are still alive!" Li Mubai is extremely depressed.

wait! At the next moment, Li Mubai's face was filled with ecstasy. Water can carry a boat and also can capsize it.

"These energies are so powerful that I can use them to get through the energy channels! As long as the energy channels are opened, the danger of explosion will be eliminated, and on the contrary, many accomplishments can be improved."

Just because others don't know how to get through the channels, doesn't mean they don't! In his early years, Li Mubai was able to dominate the fairyland because of a wonderful book... The Rhyme of Flowing Wasteland.

There are few skills in it. It mainly records how to get through the channels. After all, the more channels you get through, the faster your strength will improve. The meridians are divided into twelve external meridians, eight odd meridians and the middle meridian. The absorption speed will be increased with each pass. It is said in the book that if you cultivate to the highest level, you can get through all these channels. Immortals usually open three or four channels. Even the supreme Immortal Emperor only opens the outer twelve channels and the middle channels. After cultivating Liuhuang Jue, he is more powerful than the Immortal Emperor.

The Liuhuang Code says that the most easy way for the human body to get through is the right hand meridian of the twelve external meridians. The method is called suffocation. The principle is to divide the body into twelve parts, four hands and feet, above the neck, two atria, stomach, lungs, liver, and two kidneys, blocking the other eleven positions. Hold your breath. In this way, the energy inside can not find a pouring mouth, and will naturally strive to impact the meridians.

Li Mubai clicked dozens of acupoints in a skillful and accurate way. Immortal cultivation first requires physical cultivation. Immortals who have been cultivating for so long can't explain why they are not clear about all parts of their bodies.

Only the right hand channel is left, and the other 11 channels are blocked. The energy activity space is reduced to 1/12. The pain of the right hand is also increased dozens of times, and the whole arm suddenly appears congestion. The pain of splitting the body was unbearable, and Li Mubai almost fainted.

Li Mubai took a deep breath and held his breath. After a while, his face became red and his eyes became bloodshot. The right hand is swollen and full of energy. The huge energy constantly impacts the meridians, obviously feeling that something is obstructing. The impact of energy on flesh and blood brought Li Mubai great pain, and his teeth were almost broken.

Chi, it's a very small voice. He feels the energy channels expand. This is what he expected.

Do the same and hold your breath for more than 20 times. Most of the channel from the right hand to the elixir field has been washed away by energy.

Half an hour later, Li Mubai snapped, "Break it for me!"

Shit! The first meridian is finally open!

The energy finds a breakthrough, like a runaway wild horse galloping freely, flowing from the meridians into the elixir field! Gradually, the swelling of the right hand disappeared, and the pain of the body was relieved.

Not only that, once the meridians are connected, the energy immediately flows through the body, the bones of hands and feet become larger, and the flesh and blood become more compact.

Cultivating immortals first cultivates the body, and improves the physical condition by practicing qi. There is a small amount of qi strength in the elixir.

The second layer of Qi training can help you look inside your body. There is a lot of Qi strength in the elixir field. You can live a hundred years without disease or disaster.

It has three layers of qi training. The skin and flesh are as hard as iron bark. The bones, swords and swords can't stop cutting. Can live 130 years.

There are four layers of Qi training. The blood is extremely strong. The Qi force can be attached to the weapon blade to increase its power. Have a life span of 170 years.

There are five layers of qi training, blood and flesh coagulate, and a membrane grows under the skin. It is vital and can prevent all diseases.

By analogy, people who practice ten layers of qi can use their qi strength to control the magic weapon. They can take the leader a hundred steps away and have a life span of nearly 500 years. At that time, bones were as solid as gold, and even if they died, their bodies would not rot for a hundred years.

Now Li Mubai's condition has been considered as one level of Qi training. There is a trace of air flow in the elixir field.

"There is still a lot of energy in my body that has not been resolved, and when the remaining pills in my stomach are activated, they will also blow up my body. You must open another channel!"

Sit down with your knees crossed and continue to use the breath holding method. Two hours later, the left hand meridian was opened, but the third one could not be opened in any case. Li Mubai's left and right hands are the best two channels to open. The other channels are extremely stubborn, and the suffocation method has no effect.

"The two channels have been opened, and even if the effect of pills can be exerted later, they can be channeled into the elixir field in time." Not only that, he is now not the waste material before, but a genius without a trace!

You should know that ordinary people only open one channel, and only one in tens of thousands has opened two channels. More channels will double the absorption efficiency. At first, it may not have many advantages, but there is a long way to cultivate immortality. Over time, he will only throw others away.

What we need to do now is to guide the energy into the elixir field. "Hmm? What's the matter?" Li Mubai stopped when he started to run the Liuhuang formula. At this time, he looked at his mind in surprise. A book with golden light was floating in the center. Half finger thick, simple animal skin cover with three words of "Liuhuang Jue" written in zigzag ancient prose!

Liuhuang Jue was not destroyed, but came to the world with his own soul! Li Mubai was shocked. After thinking for a long time, he didn't understand what was going on, so he simply stopped thinking about it. At this time, he was a little excited even though he was calm. The Liuhuang Jue was originally there, so he had a chance to open the next chapter!

Not only that, there is another thing that excites Li Mubai. He mutters to himself, "My soul has lost a lot from the fairyland to the mortal world, and many magical powers cannot be used. But now it seems that the magical power of storing and taking out things is still there.

Then he thought of a certain possibility, "Since the magic power of my soul to store things is still there, then other things stored in my mind should also be there..." Li Mubai thought that his heart beat faster, but there was a Jiuyou Fairy Sword in his mind, as well as a golden cicada clothing. If I really brought it to the mortal world, wouldn't I exist invincibly in this world?

Li Mubai licked his lower lip and looked into his mind with great hope.

Brand: sweet potato
Launch time: 2010-11-04 17:51:54
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