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Chapter 1 Preface Memories

"Old Butterfly, the colonel urged again, hurry up!" A Cai, who was wearing a new female mecha, urged outside the door!

"Got it!" I replied impatiently.

Seeing the bed full of all kinds of guns, I don't know which one to take to carry out this assassination mission!

"Baby, just you!" I picked up a tough six barrel heavy machine gun from the bed!

"Hey, buddy, are you wrong? This is our assassination mission, and you take such a big guy?" Acai took off his armor helmet and looked at me contemptuously.

"No, I just bought it! It cost me more than 10 million yuan and has not been used in the task yet! Let me use it. The assassination task also needs heavy firepower, right?" I insisted!

"It's enough for a heavy fireman to have a big one and a gun! You should take the short gun honestly!" As he said, A Cai shook his mini submachine gun!

"All right, all right!" I reluctantly agreed, reluctantly put the heavy machine gun back on the bed, listlessly walked to my short gun cabinet, and opened the cabinet door to tumble!

Crash~A crisp sound, an old shotgun like a fire stick fell to the ground!

"Old gun barrel?" I looked at the old gun on the ground and said to myself.

I bent down to pick up the gun and gently wiped away the fine ash attached to the surface of the gun. The wooden butt was still solid as before! On the spur of the moment, I put the gun in my hand and tried to make a few gestures. The feeling that I was familiar with came back to me in an instant. With this familiar feeling, the scenes of the past in my mind are like old photo albums opened, which are remembered one by one!

"Ah Cai, do you still remember it?" I show the gun in my hand to Ah Cai!

"This is not... is this an old gun? Of course, I remember that this is your first gun. I bought it with you, and I borrowed the money to buy it from you!" Looking at the old gun in my hand, Acai's anxious mood gradually calmed down, and his face became more calm with memories!

"Old man, come with me again!" I whispered to Old Gun.

I grabbed several boxes of bullets from the gun cabinet and stuffed them into my backpack. I shouldered my old gun - the old gun barrel, greeted the dazed Ah Cai, and strode towards the parking lot where the assembly was held!


"Old Butterfly, you can come here. Ah Cai will be sharpening her tongue. Why are you sharpening her tongue more than she?" The big man squatted down there and scolded me with half a cigarette in his mouth.

"I'm going, Laohu, why did you bring out your antique firestick?" Ada, with sharp eyes, teased me when he saw the old gun on my shoulder!

Ade's words also attracted the artillery and the chief steward who were sorting out the mecha. When they saw my old guns, they both shouted in unison, "Old gun barrel?"

Looking at the surprised expression of everyone, I held the old gun barrel in my hand, pulled the slider under the gun barrel, loaded the bullet, aimed at a broken bottle fifty meters away, and pulled the trigger!

After a loud bang, the cans were blown to pieces!

"Old and healthy!" I yelled at the crowd with my face up.

"How many times have I said, don't shoot in the guild base, don't shoot in the guild base, why are you disobedient!" Uncle Long, the president of mercenary guild, came out from nowhere and began to nag us!

"Uncle Long! Morning" "Morning, Uncle Long!"...

Seeing Uncle Long coming, everyone stood up warmly to greet Uncle Long!

"Good morning! Where's your captain?" Uncle Long looked around!

"Colonel, Uncle Long is looking for you!" The big one shouted to a cross-country jeep at the other end of the parking lot!

After half a minute, the captain of our mercenary, the Colonel, came out of the jeep and walked towards us in a daze!

Before the colonel came to him, Uncle Long began to nag again, "Oh, colonel, look at the time, you haven't started yet! The employer is worried!"

The colonel yawned, put his arm around Uncle Long's neck and whispered, "Uncle Long, this is not the first time we have carried out our mission. Don't worry!"

"If you want to reassure me, you can start quickly! Alas? Where's your car?" Uncle Long noticed that there were no other cars in the parking lot except the captain's jeep!

The colonel calmly took out his walkie talkie, put it to his mouth and said lazily, "Stick, I will give you ten seconds. Speed appears in front of me!"

"Old Butterfly, I'll bet you that the stick will come back in 8 seconds! 200 galactic coins!" Ade leaned close to me and said.

"Five seconds, 400 galactic coins!" I said disdainfully.


"Ten, nine, eight, seven..."


A screeching braking sound came from the exit of the parking lot, and a heavy armored vehicle appeared in our view with a precise drift! And the wonderful performance is far from over. The huge armored vehicle, taking advantage of the great inertia brought by the drift, slowly lifted up one side of the body, which was worthy of drilling into a small gap between the barrier and the guard box at the entrance of the parking lot. It came to us at a high speed, without any intention of slowing down!

When we all applauded the wonderful performance of the stick, Uncle Long murmured with a gloomy face: "I specially asked the guard to change a longer barrier, and the stick boy can still come in! No, tomorrow let the guard change a completely closed barrier!"

When I applauded, I didn't forget to proudly ask Ade for money. Ade took advantage of the situation and put four sniper gun bullets into my hands. He said angrily, "When the mission comes back, take the bullets and exchange money with me!"

After the screeching brake sound, the heavy armored car like a hill stopped steadily in front of the Colonel!

The colonel looked down at the front panel of the armored vehicle, which was only ten centimeters from his chest, and said weakly to the stick, "Stick, your skill has regressed. The last time it was less than ten centimeters, this time it was nearly twice as bad!"

The emaciated stick popped out of the cockpit and said with a wry smile, "Captain, this is my first time to drive this car! I'm not familiar with it, and I dare not play too much!"

The colonel looked at us blankly and turned to ask us, "Are you ready?" Then the colonel's lazy eyes swept over our faces one by one!

The big one grabbed the butt of his cigarette and took a puff, then threw it aside and twisted it with his feet, saying, "I'm waiting for my hair to grow!"

"Be ready at any time!" The artillery always shouted slogans like a movie!

"Don't look at me, Captain, I'm sure I'll be fine!" Ade said and brightened his heavy sniper gun!

"I'm ready!" The chief executive also showed the big travel bag he had to take with him for every task!

"Captain, look at my posture, I know I'm ready!" I carried the old gun barrel to show my new fighter armor!

"Report, report, captain, prepare, finish! Hey hey!" A Cai patted the big medical box in front of him and stuck out his tongue mischievously!

"Go!" The colonel waved his hand, and everyone got into the armored vehicle one after another!

When everyone got on the bus, the colonel put his arm around Uncle Long, who was still blowing his beard and staring at him, and said, "Don't worry, Uncle Long, you don't know my brothers. When did they embarrass you?"

Uncle Long grunted angrily, and his face softened a lot. "I know you all have abilities, but when you do things, you must keep your spirits up, and be careful to make the ship last forever! You are all my trump cards, and I will die without any! I am old and afraid of death! But I don't want to see you walk in front of me!" Long Shuyue is more emotional!

"It's all right. It's been so many years. The last time I came here without any danger! Don't worry!" With that, the colonel patted Uncle Long's shoulder gently, showing a rare smile, and turned to the armored car!

Buzz~~~The armored car starts, drags our screams out of the parking lot, and goes straight to the destination!


I sat in the car, fumbling for the old gun barrel in my hand, and asked the superintendent beside me: "The superintendent, do you still remember this gun?"

"Bullshit, I gave you a reference at the beginning!" The chief executive gave me a white look!

I smiled and thought that after all these years, we all remember!

"Old Butterfly, how long have you been in the guild?" The big man on the other side threw a cigarette at me and asked me casually.

Several years ago, I counted year by year, but now I don't care! I counted with my fingers and said, "It's been seven or eight years since I was a kid in his early twenties, but now I'm almost thirty!"

The big one lit a cigarette, took a sharp puff and said, "I am half a year earlier than you! I introduced you to the guild at the beginning!"

"Yes! Time is really fast! The brothers have been together for so many years in the twinkling of an eye! We were too poor to buy a knife in those days, what do we want now?" I said, pulling out a very sharp titanium alloy spike from the right thigh armor!

"At that time, they were all poor. Who didn't start from scratch? We came here a year or two earlier than you, and we were just a little better than you!" The chief executive beside us also sighed!

"Yes, at that time there were fighting mecha, that is, artillery. He was still an old fighting mecha with several models that could enter the museum. Now, who is not the best fighting mecha on the market, and who is not the best weapon in his hand?" Ade took a picture of the titanium alloy fighting mecha on his body and the heavy sniper gun beside him!

"Alas? I said, what's the matter? Brother? Today's topic is nostalgia?" The stick still tells us how poor we are!

Seeing that no one paid attention to him, the stick changed a slightly deep tone and continued to ask: "Alas? I have a question. At the beginning, everyone got together and risked their lives to shed their blood for money, but now who doesn't have tens of millions? Why are we still working here?"

No one expected that the stick that was not in line all day could ask such a deep question. It was very quiet in the carriage for a while!

You look at me, I look at you, it seems that the answer comes to mind, but no one is shy to say!

At last, the chief purser said first, "I've been used to going through life and death together for so many years, and I can't enjoy a peaceful life! Besides, I can't bear to leave so many brothers who accompany me to the mountain of swords and the sea of fire, crawling among the dead!" Maybe I feel a little numb, The chief purser hurriedly added: "In fact, it's mainly because he's afraid that I will leave. You can't adapt! You can't live without me!"

"Alas~~~" All of them expressed their disdain for the chief steward with one voice!

"But thanks to you brothers, I would have died dozens of times earlier! Thank you!" I said with some emotion, and sour water came out of my nose!

"No, don't be so polite, you have saved my life! Besides, who hasn't saved anyone ten times or eight times?" Ada said, reaching out to shake hands with me!

I smiled, stretched out my hand to hold Ade's hand and said thank you in a soft voice!

Others also reached out to hold Ade's hand and said thanks to each other! Even the stick held the steering wheel with one hand, and the other hand reached into the carriage to hold with us! Ah Cai, who was still a little girl, was already sobbing!

Just as the atmosphere in the compartment reached its peak, the colonel, who had been dozing in the corner of the compartment, suddenly sat up and said, "What's the matter? What about your emotional play? It's numb, not numb? I'm cold! What thanks do you say after all these years of climbing and rolling together? Don't you feel lucky?"

The colonel looked at us blankly, moved his body and lay down on his side, muttering, "Thank you for all these years of hard work, brothers!"

"Alas~~~" All of them expressed their contempt for the colonel again!

After the colonel made such a noise, the atmosphere in the carriage was much calmer, and they all bowed their heads and thought about their worries! I also watched the old cannonball in my hand, dumbfounded, and the life and death experience of these years passed through my mind again and again like a movie!

-------Remedial split line------

Under the guidance of the big men, I learned that my opening was not good! Now add a prologue to remedy it!

Because it's the first time to write online novels, I don't know that the main line must be out soon!

As a result, several chapters of the story were laid out!

But it was not recognized by the readers~~and the general reaction was that the plot was delayed! Xiaoyao corrected it at the first time, and the following stories were as compact as possible!

There is no time to modify the previous ones in a short time, so let's do it first, and then change it later when there is time!

Finally, ask for a comment, a criticism, and a support. If there are redundant red tickets and collections, it will be even better! Hehe~

Launch time: 15:56:05, September 12, 2020
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