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Chapter 1 Wedge


Yutai Star was eight years old when the Jinyi Dynasty ushered in its coldest winter since its founding.

It seems that the cold accumulated for several generations overflows from the nether world. Even the guards of the Ink Chrysanthemum Villa who have deep inside are shocked by the weather. Stealing the stove used by women in my arms.

One by one, they walk in a hurry with their chests bulging, which is different from the demeanor of the purple and gold armor in the past. It has become a recent joke in the Jianghu.

With the thick and hoarse voice of the tranquil drum, the dark green colored copper door of the Moju Villa slowly opens. In the early morning, the gentle snow, like catkins, twined with a purple colored drill, flew out from the ancient villa.

No matter how cold the weather is, as long as the young master Xingye wants to go outside to see the snow, he must cooperate well from top to bottom in the Moju Mountain Villa. It is not difficult to find that there is a weird pink powder in the purple team. The thin and cool pink veil is too abrupt in this season.

The only granddaughter of Yutaiyi, the master of Moju Mountain Villa, is Yutaixing.

There are two kinds of white in the world. One is to make people feel sacred and unapproachable. The other is to make you feel warm, like white with warm sunshine.

A little person has such magic power. Although some pale skin reveals her weakness. But it is incredibly warm, which makes you want to hold it in your hands and worry that it will disappear under the excessively hot temperature like the shining halo in the snow.

However, the blood fox in her arms will not worry about melting the master, and it is trying to absorb the master's cold or cold poison. With purplish red eyes, he curiously watched the world outside the villa, while the little owner, who also had warm eyes like a small animal, fell asleep after achieving his goal.

God sometimes uses many examples to prove how fair he is. Even though the star has a noble birth and thousands of favours, the cold poison brought from her womb and the early death of her parents still make her look so pitiful.

So she has enough reason to be self willed and arrogant, but Xing didn't expect that this time's self willed will bring so many differences to her life.

"Go and see what's going on in front of you." Xing Ye, who was awakened by the small pause in front of the team, squinted and said to the blood fox.

"Whoosh" The little guy rushed out of the incense tent like a bolt of lightning. The guard commander Tonghai could not help but frown at the running coquettish little blood fox, and lowered his voice to say to the guard nearby, "It seems that my little ancestor has woken up, so don't make any more moths."

The guard smiled and nuzzled in the direction of the blood fox, which meant that you should not forget the little spy. Copper Sea coughed awkwardly after he realized that he was about to stop breathing in the snow.

Yanhe, the deputy commander, squatted down and looked at the little thief who dared to attack him, and picked his head with his hands. The little beggar has been knocked unconscious by his internal force. "How to deal with him?" Yanhe asked.

"Of course you will be in charge of what you hurt." Tonghai doesn't want to be charged with bullying with him.

"I didn't mean it. I thought it was a wild animal who stopped him unconsciously when I saw a dark shadow when he suddenly rushed up." Yanhe also felt that the use of internal power by the deputy commander of the guard of Tangtang Moju Mountain Villa to a child was too unpleasant.

"Why don't you take it back to the villa to heal him first?" Yanhe wanted to pick up the little beggar. "Ai", Tonghai stopped him in time and said, "If it was a careful work, he was just quick

It's not like an ordinary beggar so fast. "

After hearing this, Yanhe's spine suddenly felt a trace of murderous. Fine work can be ink

The biggest scar of Chrysanthemum Mountain Villa would rather kill a thousand people by mistake than let one go.

Just about to start, the blood fox suddenly rushed up and arched the little beggar's chin with its hairy head.

"Nian Nian, come here" Xing Ye was impatient and just walked out of the gauze tent. She was surprised to see that the blood fox, who was not close to strangers at ordinary times, showed her closeness to a stranger.

Copper Sea was also puzzled by this scene, because he was afraid of unruly affairs and used his body to block the line of sight of Xingshi.

"Young Lord, you are just a little beggar. We will leave after handling"

Star looked at the Copper Sea faintly, bent over and picked up the blood fox that was playing at his feet, combed its hair with his hands slowly and asked innocently, "Is it a beggar? What is a beggar like? I want to see it."

"It's just a lowly person. Young Lord, don't look at it." Yanhe also came to block when there was going to be trouble.

Xing is looking up at their soft eyes and can't see any emotion, or he doesn't put their words into his ears at all. Holding the blood fox, they were about to come forward. The two commanders were stunned by this ignored means of resistance, and let Xing Xing swim through the gap between them like a small fish.

Young fingers hesitated to poke away the messy hair in front of the little beggar's forehead, and the young handsome outline slowly emerged in front of Xingshi.

Although the eyes are closed, the handsome eyebrows seem to tell you silently that they must be double pupils that can cut water. But at the moment, the star who has no aesthetic view is more concerned about the snake like red totem "Funny" star on the left cheek of the teenager. It is naughty and pinches the teenager's cheek

"I want this, take it back to me." The tone is like looking at an object, which is very common.

"Young master, we can't take unidentified people back to the village." Tonghai said as he motioned Yanhe to get rid of the little beggar with his eyes.

"If I don't see him before dinner today, you should wait for my grandpa's call." Xing Shi kicked the little beggar with his foot to vent his dissatisfaction with the two commanders' repeated disobedience.

However, at the thought of how miserable my grandfather would treat them, he led the blood fox away triumphantly, leaving Tonghai and Yanhe, two so-called twin heroes of Moju Mountain Villa, entangled there.

Twilight began to fall, and candles began to dance on the dark red lamps of the villa. The waitresses are standing elegantly at the Mingyue Pavilion like white snow kites blooming one after another. It's rare to see the young master sitting quietly at the table. Maybe it's because he went out to play and got better.

"Young Lord, people have brought you" Copper Sea walked into the inner hall and stood beside a handsome young man in purple. Although he still looked haggard after washing away the dust, he had a refreshing breath in his bones.

After seeing the visitor clearly, the blood fox leaned forward with a dog's leg and dawdled at the young man's feet without dignity, as if this was his master.

Xing Yeh doesn't care about that. He knows exactly how mean the fox is, but he is surprised that the totem on the boy's face has disappeared.

"You come closer" star is to extend a fleshy little hand to let the teenager come closer. The teenager saw it but did not act. Instead, he used a prying and alert eye to look at Xingye without concealment.

The "unbridled" Tonghai was very angry at his reaction. Even if the smelly boy didn't know that Xing was the honor of the young master, he shouldn't look at a girl so rudely. Although Keke was only an eight year old girl.

"It doesn't matter if I don't come here. Let's eat if I'm hungry, Weiyuan." Xing is saying to a beautiful woman beside her. She doesn't believe that she can't afford this little beggar.

Weiyuan was the servant girl who waited on Xingye when she was young. She said that she was the servant girl because Weiyuan's personality was pure and good, and she was really good to Xingye. Xingyuan took her as her sister.

"Good" Weiyuan replied with a smile. It seems that the young master has been struggling with this child. He hasn't been so active since Qi Mu went to Guan Xing. Today's situation is very interesting.

Tonghai doesn't care when he sees Weiyuan. He thinks that he is also a pair of ink chrysanthemum heroes who are feared by everyone in the Wulin. How come he has become a woman who plays with children and left angrily.

Before the people of Tonghai had gone far, the boy came to eat as if no one were watching him. I guess it has been half a month since I escaped from there. I haven't eaten a full meal these days. I can't help but have a big appetite for these delicious foods.

Xing was shocked by the young man's wolfing down. Does anyone else eat like this. Watching and looking at himself, I suddenly felt that the dishes I was tired of eating were so delicious, and I could not stop eating a bowl of more rice.

"Good support!" Xing is flirting with Weiyuan with her bulging stomach. "You dare to be greedy!" Weiyuan rubbed her stomach and told her servants to prepare soup for bathing.

The boy also ate well. He slowly wiped the corners of his mouth with his mouth towel and stared at the star with a bit of fog. But now there is less snooping and more ferocious like a hunter watching his prey.

None of this escaped Weiyuan's eyes, or the whole house felt it, except the wayward snack.

"Luo, let's arrange him to the Chuwu Hall first." Just after Weiyuan's words, a man wearing a silver mask has appeared in the Mingyue Pavilion. He is the master of training young martial artists in Moju Mountain Villa.

His long body was covered with a big black flag. Although he was wearing a mask, it did not damage his charm. Standing in the Mingyue Pavilion, Luo was awe inspiring. His whole body was full of pure martial arts. Even if he was cut to a level, he was still hard to underestimate. The so-called dragon and phoenix among people are mostly like this.

According to the legend of the villa, he is an expert whose martial arts are second only to the villa leader Yutaiyi. He even had the opportunity to enter the Mobei Pavilion, which is the core right of the villa.

But I don't know why he was suddenly demoted to the lowest level of martial arts a few years ago. Since then, he has trained groups of young martial arts men with masks for the Villa.

Another unknown secret is that he often guards Yutai Xingye in the dark. At present, it seems that only Weiyuan knows this secret. Anyway, there is no harm in knowing him. Weiyuan also guards this secret for him.

Moreover, Weiyuan heard that Luo was also one of the many suitors of her mother. Maybe it was because she loved her mother so much. Love is really a strange thing

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