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Chapter 1 Rebirth

"Chi'er, wake up, Chi'er, wake up!"

Just when Zhu Changchi was confused and didn't know whether it was a dream or a reality, he heard a voice in his ear, sometimes in his ear, sometimes in a thousand miles away. In this way, under the constant call of the voice, Zhu Changchi slowly woke up, and saw a man in his forties with a half foot long beard, thick eyebrows and bloodshot eyes appeared in front of his eyes. He saw that all around were simple wooden furniture, and only I was covered with a piece of animal skin, As for the animal, it is not clear. Who is this? Where is this? How did I appear here.

I was killed by the drug lords when I was on duty. How could I be here? Did I get saved. My name is Zhu Changchi. I am 28 years old. I am a captain of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) China Myanmar Border Guard Corps. I have made countless contributions during my ten years in the army. This time, we received an order that an international drug kingpin would do a large amount of drug trade in China Myanmar border and domestic drug traffickers. I have already caught all criminals, Who knew that the drug lord was also a very important role. When I saw that there was no way to escape, I knew that it would be a death to be captured by us, so I secretly blew the grenade. I was right beside him at that time, so I didn't think about it, so I held him in my arms and rolled to the side of the mountain stream. Then with a loud noise, I felt no more. I opened my eyes again when I thought of it. When the man standing beside me saw that I opened my eyes, his face was full of excitement. But just when he wanted to open his mouth and shout, he immediately covered his mouth with his hands. But his excited look also showed how excited his mood was. I was also moved when I saw his expression, but in order to find out where it was, I had to ask him.

"Excuse me, where is this place? You saved me, thank you." I was shocked when I said here. I saw that my voice was extremely hoarse, but there was something childish in the hoarseness. hoarseness is certain. I may have a high fever when I was injured, and my voice will become hoarse due to extreme lack of water. But what's the matter with that childish voice? I have been in the army for ten years. When I shouted slogans in daily training, I had already trained my voice into a broken gong voice. How could I become so childish.

Just when I was surprised, the man next to me said, "Chi'er, I am the father, don't you forget?"

I heard the voice of the man's voice also came back from surprise, "Father, what's this name? Is it the name of a Burmese minority? But how can a stranger be so excited about me when I wake up?"

At this time, the man shouted, "Where is the royal doctor Li Aiqing

Then he heard the man say, "Li Aiqing, come and help me see what's wrong with the prince.", I pulled my right hand out of the quilt and felt the pulse. When I saw the hand felt the pulse by him, I almost fainted again, because it was not my original hands that were full of calluses, dark, rough and generous after training, but became a small hand with white skin and slender beauty, one fourth smaller than the original.

What's the matter? I can't help but change my voice and hands. It's estimated that not only my hands, but my whole body has changed.

At this time, I thought of what the man said just now, "father, minister". These terms didn't appear only when the emperor spoke to his son and the subjects spoke to the emperor. But now there are few political models of the kingdom in the world. What's more, the emperor will appear in such a simple place.

At this time, the imperial doctor had finished my diagnosis, put my hand back under the hide, saluted me, walked to the man, answered the man's words in a low voice, I just vaguely heard the broken words such as hitting the brain, leaving the soul card, and then walked to the door under the man's signal.

When Li Yuyi went out and closed the door, the man walked back to my bed. First, he looked at me kindly, then a line of tears flowed from his bloodshot eyes, and then he threw himself at me, crying, "Chi'er, my father is powerless. He not only lost the Ming Dynasty handed down from ancestors, but also couldn't protect my only child, which made him seriously injured. I am really useless." A burst of sobs followed.

Looking at the extremely sad man crying, my heart is not only filled with a strong acid. I am an orphan. I grew up in an orphanage without the love of my parents. There are only various rules to watch over my aunt. Although I have developed an independent character since childhood, my heart is extremely eager for the love of my parents.

Then, unknowingly, I gently squeezed the man's hand and said, "Father, take care of yourself."

Hearing my words, the man immediately stopped crying, raised his head in surprise, looked at me with hopeful eyes and said, "Chi'er, do you remember?"

When I heard the man's question, I shook my head and said, "Father, I really can't remember the past, but I just feel that you are a very close family member of mine." When I didn't know what was going on, I could only pretend to the end. On the other hand, I also hope to comfort the man who took great care of himself.

Hearing my answer, the surprise on the man's face suddenly froze, but in a moment, it turned into warmth again, Say softly "Don't worry, Chi'er. Even if you can't remember the past, there is nothing important. As long as you are well healed, you will remember one day. As long as you remember that your father is the closest person to you, don't think much about anything else. Come and drink this bowl of wild chicken soup. Then you pick up a simple wooden bowl and a wooden spoon from the table beside you I put it on my mouth and blew it a few times, then fed it to my mouth. Looking at his unskilled movements, my eyes were blurred by tears.

Brand: Chinese Online
Launch time: October 23, 2020 18:21:55
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