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Chapter 1 Preface Saving People

"Degree, which university graduated?"

"Lanzhou Direct Technology College."

The examiner pointed to the recruitment advertisement behind him. "Don't you know the characters? We only recruit people above the undergraduate level. You can leave now." The examiner said to him without expression.

He stood up silently, bowed his head and left.

I didn't study hard in high school, and finally I went to a third class vocational college. As a result, I can't even find a job now. I have stayed at home for three or four years. I'm afraid he would not even leave his home if not forced by his parents.

He is called Yue Zhongyi. According to his father, he is the descendant of Yue Fei and Yue Wumu. When his father says that, Yue Zhongyi will sneer at him. Now, even if we are in a relationship, we should not go so far.

The reason why my father named Yue Zhongyi was to hope that he would become a high quality talent with lofty ideals, loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and justice. Unfortunately, things went against his wishes. Yue Zhongyi didn't learn well since he was young, and failed to live up to his father's expectations.

According to his father, it's nothing if you don't study well. If you don't have a good character, it's terrible.

Under the guidance of his father, Yue Zhongyi fantasized that he could become a great hero who stood up to the heaven and stood up to the earth. He helped the weak and helped the weak as in the martial arts novels. However, as he grew older, Yue Zhongyi gradually realized that those were all fake. His dream now was to earn money and support his family. In addition, he had no other luxury ideas.

Now it seems that my father's teaching is wrong. It's hard to move without money. Otherwise, there would be a saying that a penny can't defeat a hero.

On the way home, Yue Zhongyi thought about how to explain whether he was recruited today.

If I let my mother know about this, I'm afraid she will nag in her own ear again. Maybe my mother is old and sees that her friends' children are all managers, white-collar workers, and bosses, while my son is just a gnawing old man who eats and drinks. Of course, my mother, who never gives up, is not happy.

Since that day, my mother has been nagging in Yue Zhongyi's ear, "I see that the sons of xxx are department managers of a large enterprise, and I will be satisfied when you can find a working mother."

"Look, XXX's daughter is a white-collar worker of XX multinational company. When will you find a job?"


My mother's words exploded in Yue Zhongyi's ears. If my mother hadn't driven me out today, I'm afraid Yue Zhongyi would still be playing games at home.

Now this society is like this. As long as some pretty girls are maintained by high-ranking officials and wealthy people, poor losers like Yue Zhongyi can only watch AV at home to meet their psychological needs.

During his stay at home, Yue Zhongyi also read a lot of books about breeding pigs, cattle and sheep. However, Yue Zhongyi went in with his left eye and out with his right eye. After reading the book, he still didn't know what to do.

Yue Zhongyi, who doesn't believe in evil, looks like he collects information online, so he doesn't believe that his memory will be so bad. In recent years, Yue Zhongyi has read Buddhist books, Taoist books, and books about practicing Qigong, but he didn't write down one.

But Yue Zhongyi remembered the story in the online novel. When he learned that writing a book could become a millionaire, Yue Zhongyi started his career as an online writer. But a year later, few people subscribed to it, and his dream of making a fortune in some novels also failed.

As a familiar saying goes, the government cannot be blamed for a poor life, nor the society. After so many failures, Yue Zhongyi was diligent and devoted to submitting his resume to major enterprises, but there were few replies. In the end, Yue Zhongyi was disappointed.

"Help... Who will help me..."

An intermittent cry for help came into Yue Zhongyi's ears, and Yue Zhongyi went straight to the direction of the cry for help. To his satisfaction, no one has stayed at home these years, but he still exercises every day. In Yue Zhongyi's words, even if he is an otaku, he should also be a sunny and healthy otaku.

Yue Zhongyi learned all kinds of martial arts such as Bagua Boxing, Taijiquan and so on according to the video on the Internet. Yue Zhongyi thinks he should be a Wulin expert.

The cry for help came from a lake. Yue Zhongyi squeezed in and saw that it was a teenage girl who accidentally fell into the lake when she was playing by the lake. Seeing that the girl's struggle was getting weaker and weaker, Yue Zhongyi made a quick decision and jumped into the lake to save people.

In the three years of technical school, Yue Zhongyi was one of the best swimmers in the school.

"Look, someone has jumped down again."

"Young man, it's worth watching. The old man is here to cheer you up."

"Husband, look at that fool. He jumped in to save people foolishly. He deserved drowning."


At one time, everything was said. Yue Zhongyi was taught by his father when he was young, that is, someone must be saved in case of danger, but the premise is that he must also be within his ability.

In Yue Zhongyi's opinion, the lake is not deep, but the little girl can't swim.

Ten minutes later, Yue Zhongyi saved the girl on shore, but his feet were entangled by an unknown thing.

Yue Zhongyi could only return to the bottom of the lake again and untie the things that bound his feet.

When Yue Zhongyi returned to the bottom of the lake, his head was dizzy, and then he was unconscious.

The people on the bank have been waiting for Yue Zhongyi, but half an hour later, Yue Zhongyi still did not come out. The last thing he wanted to happen happened. I'm afraid this brave rescue boy drowned in order to save people.

The next day, a post about Yue Zhongyi drowning because of saving others appeared on various websites. The Lanzhou Municipal Government called on the masses to learn from Yue Zhongyi's self sacrifice behavior. The People's Daily published an article titled Learning from Comrade Yue Zhongyi. Suddenly, the whole country started to learn from Yue Zhongyi.

Yue Zhongyi is also called the contemporary * * by the media.

After learning that his son drowned, Yue Zhongyi's mother suddenly fainted

If Yue Zhongyi knew that, he would laugh bitterly. Unexpectedly, he would still be famous after his death.

In fact, with Yue Zhongyi's swimming level, even if he had been at the bottom of the lake for more than ten minutes, he was still fine, but the sudden dizziness in his head was an important reason why he did not return to the lake.

After Yue Zhongyi became unconscious, a black hole appeared at the bottom of the lake for one person to enter and exit freely. Yue Zhongyi sank into the bottom of the lake and turned into a black hole. When Yue Zhongyi entered the black hole, the black hole disappeared

The next moment, Yue Zhongyi appeared in a dilapidated temple, and there were bursts of white light around him. Fortunately, there were few people near the dilapidated temple, otherwise Yue Zhongyi would be regarded as an immortal.

Brand: Chinese Online
Launch time: October 12, 2020 13:25:10
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