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Chapter 1 The Rise and Fall of Peach (First)

On a winter afternoon, the white snow reflects the warm sunshine, which is quiet and silent. The study covered with a layer of plain and silver is elegant, quiet, and shrouded in a layer of gauze, which remains independent in this complex world. The dense heating in the room is a different scene. Girls in neat buns walk slowly through the room, delivering newly cooked hot tea, supplementing the charcoal fire in the fireplace, or guarding the scattered incense

There are only two people in the inner room. The young man sitting at the table was not yet in the age of spoon dancing. His eyes glanced casually at the rice paper spread under his pen. His bright pupils could not hide his intelligence. It was said that although he was small, he had already seen the outstanding appearance, and his teeth were white and his lips were red, and his eyebrows and eyes were beautiful. I saw that his pen was moving like a dragon, and three vertical ink marks appeared on the white paper. The woman standing with her hands hanging down at one side will come forward to replace the rice paper.

"No need." The boy raised his hand and looked at her with interest. "Do you think my words are OK?"

The woman was stunned and looked at the poem in her hand, which was still wet. Then she raised her head and said with a faint smile, "Who can't say well about the word of childe?"

She is only in her twenties and eighties, but she is steady and reserved. When she looks back, she seems to have a soft warmth spreading from her eyebrows, and her lips are pursed.

He nodded proudly and asked, "How about giving it to you?"

Unexpectedly, the woman's face changed slightly, and she smiled and said, "Have you forgotten, sir? The emperor has a purpose, and your calligraphy can't be passed on... Moreover, the servant can't read, so I'm afraid she will betray your kindness."

The boy's smile stagnated and he shook his head angrily: "Well, it's my oversight. Put that word on the table."

She frowned, waiting to say a few good words to persuade her.

At this time, a servant girl walked in from the outside and bowed her knees to bless her: "My lord, the carriage and horses have been properly packed."

He raised his right hand falsely and said, "I know, step down."

She raised her hand to pour tea and asked in a soft voice, "When does the lord plan to move?"

The boy took the tea bowl, and a few delicate jasmines floated on the bright green soup surface. "Didn't he ask you to call him 'childe'?"

The woman smiled and said, "My servant thought, when I arrived at the Eastern Palace, I should obey some rules, and it was obvious that the young master was well governed. So I adapted first."

His gloom disappeared, and he took her hand with a laugh: "I will call you what you want! Can't I protect you? Don't you believe me?"

"Picking eyelashes naturally believes in childe." Her eyes are slightly drooping, her eyes are tender like water, and the blush on her cheeks is lovely. "But childe is going to leave?"

He clenched his delicate hand and murmured, "I'll go and say goodbye to Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang. Follow me."

The young man got up, stroked the wrinkles on the brocade clothes, and walked out with his back hand. She motioned to the maid at the door with her eyes, and then followed her.

When the maid entered the room and cleaned up the manuscripts on the case, the ink on the paper was dry. It must be seen that the iron painting and silver hook repeatedly wrote the four characters three times - "The young peach".

The young peach is shining. When a son returns home, he should have his own family.

In fact, the peach trees are still young. When a son returns home, he should have his family.

The young peach leaves are the pastor. A son who returns home is better for his family.

——Guofeng • Zhounan • Taoyao

In the early morning light, Xiao Zhaoye was lying on the couch, his eyes narrowing slightly, enjoying the peace of no one to disturb. It has been two days since I returned to the Eastern Palace, but I still can't adapt.

His father was the crown prince Xiao Changmao, but Xiao Zhaoye grew up under the guidance of Xiao Ziliang, the second uncle King of Jingling. So when I returned to the Eastern Palace, I was strange, as if I didn't belong here. At the age of eleven, he was honored as the King of Southern Prefecture, which was a precedent among the younger generation. His grandfather's love and honor made him a target of public criticism. His Zhuo's literary talent and calligraphy made him get a lot of attention. His legitimate identity as a legitimate son and grandson made him see all the faces of flatterers. He feels that he has grown up and knows how to make people under his seat panic with one look, kneel down together, understand the way of winning people's hearts and identifying dissidents in the court, have his own exclusive and loyal armed forces, read the books of sages, and remember the way of governing the country

He was born with dignity, status and elegant appearance. His poetry and strategy were the reasons for his teaching. The man who gave him life and identity was the owner of the mansion, but there was no intimate relationship between them. Xiao Zhaoye shook his head, put his hand on his forehead and sat up. When the waitress heard the news, she slipped into the room in an orderly manner, carrying a copper basin, silk towel, and brocade clothes

Xiao Zhaoye looked up and asked, "Where is the eyelash picking?"

If we say that the closest person around us now is our maid Huo Caiqian. She has served Xiao Zhao for more than three years. She is gentle and amiable, does everything without leakage, and serves all the people. She pays equal attention to grace and authority under the rule. Her eyes are clear and moving, and her smile is like a spring breeze. With the growth of age, in Xiao Zhaoye's eyes, plucking eyelashes has changed from an outstanding servant girl to a woman, a unique woman. When I saw her pretty face, I felt pity in my heart, as if something was about to move, something was refreshing my heart.

Xiao Zhaoye had considered that Cai Qian could not afford to be the Princess of Nanjun. Only after the discussion of marriage in the past two years came to an end, he asked her to be the side room, so that he could stay with her all his life. Therefore, Xiao Zhaoye openly and secretly promised Huo Caiqian many privileges. Although the servant girls did not dare to gossip, they also knew that they respected and flattered Huo Caiqian more. In this way, when Xiao Zhaoye asked casually, the leading maidservant was very frightened. Her hands were tightly clenched together, her head bowed slightly, and her voice shook uncontrollably:

"Go back, go back to the lord. Pick the eyelashes. Miss Pick the eyelashes. She has been taken over by Tai... Ziye."

"What are you talking about?"

The young man's eyes became angry, and he put the copper basin on the ground. The warm water splashed on the ground. The servant girls knelt down and held their breath. For a moment, the room was so quiet that there was only the muffled sound of the copper basin rotating on the ground, which became silent

Xiao Zhaoye tightly clutched the silk towel in his hand, and his fingernails were embedded into his palm through the silky surface of the towel, but he didn't know it, and slowly stepped back a few steps, falling down on the edge of the bed. It seems that after a long time, he raised his head, looked at the servant girl who had knelt all over the ground, and asked in a deep voice:

"What's going on?"

"Go back... go back to the lord." The servant girl raised her head gingerly earlier, "Last night, the empress of the crown prince sent someone to comfort the maidservants and so on. Sister Caiqian went with her to thank her, and then... didn't come back. The servant girl who went with her said... said that Sister Caiqian was taken as a housekeeper by the prince. At that time, the lord was asleep, and the maidservants and so on didn't dare to disturb..."

The servant girl gave Xiao Zhaoye a timid glance and then buried her head.

Shane? Check out? What a great grace!

Xiao Zhaoye is livid, with thousands of thoughts in his head. Last night, I intended to let Caiqian go to thank her. With her cleverness and good sense, I will leave a good impression on the Concubine. It will be cheaper in the future. What a surprise!

Xiao Zhaoye has mixed feelings in his heart. The first thing to bear the brunt is anger. This kind of emotion is so fierce that it almost covers up other feelings, so that he doesn't notice it for a moment, nor does he want to notice the slightest panic and regret in his heart.

He glanced coldly at the servants on the ground and said, "Get up! Change your clothes for me."

Brand: Chinese Online
Launch time: October 12, 2020 16:30:28
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