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Chapter 1 Why is only Lao Tze a street fighter?

Jiangcheng, 18 years of the New Year, summer.

Hao Yun, who was nearly stripped of his last trace of strength this summer, was walking feebly on the hot asphalt road, holding the lever of his suitcase in his right hand and the freshman admission manual of Jiangcheng University in his left.

Today is the first day for new students.

The reason why Hao Yun is so listless when other freshmen are beaming with smiles is very simple.

On the one hand, it was really because the weather was too hot, and on the other hand, although it was the first time in his life that he entered the university, it was not the first time that he entered the university.

It may be a bit awkward to say so.

In short, he is a reborn man.

It also comes from a parallel world.

In his last life, he also finished college completely, worked as a planner in a game company after graduation, and finally died of cerebral hemorrhage caused by working overtime on his desk at the age of 30.

In this life, his father named him Hao Yun.

Except that everything else is different from the previous life.

In the first year of the New Year, the Alliance of Humanities was established, and global harmony and unity were achieved. Human beings worked together to explore a better future.

In the same year, as a baby, he was born in Jiangling, a small city in the south of the Xia State. He cried heartlessly all night and wasted countless diapers to make his family stop.

Different from previous generations, Xia in this generation is the world's first power, the winner of aerospace, armament, science and technology competitions, and also one of the leaders of the People's Federation.

Due to the rapid development of science and technology, productivity is changing with each passing day, and the material prosperity and wealth of this era are unprecedented.

In contrast, the construction of the spiritual world is slightly inferior, or at least has been thrown off by the progress of the material level.

After all, before the first year of the New Year, countries that had not yet reached consensus on key issues were busy with competition in the field of science and technology and military confrontation, and had no time to care for anything other than what was necessary for survival.

That is to say, in these years, a series of cutting-edge technologies, such as electronics and communications, left over from the "competition era", have gradually accelerated their flow into the civilian field through the market, and eventually evolved into smart appliances and computer phones, flying to ordinary people's homes.

In general, ignoring political factors, the first year of the New Year is a bit like the millennium of the previous generation.

Although the development tracks of the next 18 years are different, the differences in details are relatively limited.

In a word, science and technology have surpassed, and the entertainment industry started late and lagged behind.

For artists, this world is heaven!

Originally, rebirth was a happy thing, and Hao Yun thought so at first.

After all, he read a lot of online articles before he died. Those reborn people should not say anything about their entrepreneurial ideas, even if they copied books and sang songs casually, they could reach the top of the literary music world, gain countless fans and become winners in life.

He believes that even if he is worse than them, he should have no problem in making a living.

Unfortunately, things were not as simple as he thought.

When he was held by the nurse and sent to his mother's arms, he was horrified to find that the memory of his previous life was like a veil.

He probably remembered some things that had happened, and indeed remembered some pictures that flashed like slides, but when he thought about those specific details further, he couldn't remember any of them.

It's like all the memories are broken into pieces.

He can remember his favorite game in his previous life called Shuaha Shuo, which is abbreviated to three letters, but he can't remember how to play the game. There are several heroes in it - even what the concept of heroes is.

Novels and music, which have no pictures, are even more blurred. Even he learned to speak again about a year after he was born.

If not far more mature than his peers, and the occasional flash in his mind, he almost began to wonder whether the so-called rebirth was his own illusion?

In short, the past 18 years have been so muddled.

The memory of the previous life not only made him faster and better off, but also brought him no convenience in life.


Even speaking has to be learned from scratch, not to mention Chinese mathematics.

flirt with hot chicks?

Make up for the regret of previous student days?

Don't talk nonsense.

Not to mention that the memory of his previous life is blurred into such a ghost, whether there are people in the parallel world that he met in his previous life is a problem, and how can I regret it.

You can't do what you want. You will be the first to eat.

The only thing Hao Yun can be sure of is that he didn't have much luck in his last life or this life.

Just as his father expected of him, he hoped that he would study hard and become a useful person. The best way is to take an examination of Shuimu or Yanda University, and make great progress after graduation.

The word "cloud" in his name comes from this.

But I'm sorry.

His life is not as lucky as his name. He only got admitted to Jiangcheng University after struggling for his old life, and he was transferred to study software engineering.

Maybe in the eyes of many people, this achievement is quite good, but compared with other imaginary rebirths, Hao Yun feels that he is weak.

Moreover, in this world with extremely developed electronic technology, the last thing we need is probably code farmers.

Of course, Hao Yun feels that his life is not entirely a matter of luck. After all, the 1% effort is also very important.

But who wants this world to be such a reality?

"Boy, I've been unlucky for 48 years... should I be lucky again?"

At least

I hope my roommates can be normal, at least not too strange.

After all, we still have 4 years to get along.

Even though his memory is blurred, he still remembers the playwright in the dormitory of his previous life, which made everyone unhappy for the whole four years, and he never got together again after graduation

Passing through the bustling new army, Hao Yun came downstairs to his dormitory.

The room of the housekeeper is at the stairs on the first floor, and an aunt in her 40s is on duty. After looking at Hao Yun's ID card, she simply made a registration in the register and received a deposit of 50 yuan, then she threw the key to him.

It is said that the deposit can be refunded, but it will be four years later. Hao Yun is not sure whether he can remember the 50 yuan.

At this time, he noticed a big yellow dog lying lazily beside the cabinet at the door.

"It's called Ah Huang and doesn't bite."

Seeing Hao Yun's sight, the housekeeper aunt reached out and rubbed his dog's head.

Ah Huang also gave a cooing cry, which seemed to be very enjoyable.

Hao Yun wanted to touch the dog, but Ah Huang didn't seem to want to talk to him.

The stupid dog stood up and shook the lice, then shook his tail and went back to the room, embarrassed Hao Yun who was half squatting to say hello to him.

Forget it, people can't be the same as dogs.

With a sigh, Hao Yun stood up, carrying his suitcase and preparing to go upstairs.

But just at this time, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a pale blue light and shadow from the dog's tail.

[Talent: expert rat catcher]

[Potential value: 3]

Hao Yun:?

What is it?

Before Hao Yun regained consciousness and thought about what he had just seen, a short boy with black rimmed glasses just came downstairs.

Hao Yun didn't see his face clearly, but vaguely, he could see the two lines of characters on his head.

[Talent: mathematical genius]

[Potential value: 9]



What the hell?

The boy looked at Hao Yun who was standing stupidly and frowned slightly when he was blocked by the trunk.

"Excuse me."

"Ah... I'm sorry."

"Thank you."

It seemed that he didn't intend to talk nonsense with him. The boy nodded his head politely and walked away like wind.

Watching the direction he left, Hao Yun blinked hard, trying to see more clearly.

However, when he tried to focus his attention, the looming dialog box disappeared again, which once made him suspect that he was wrong.

"... Are you hallucinating?"

I really saw a ghost today

With a slightly stiff expression, Hao Yun murmured to himself. Hao Yun pressed his temple with his thumb, took a deep breath, picked up the suitcase and continued to climb the stairs.

2nd floor

3rd floor

The fourth floor... finally arrived!

He remembered that his bedroom was 401, just around the corner of the stairs.

When he was walking on the road, he was still thinking about whether to come to an ingenious freestyle to impress his new roommates. But now his mind is very confused, like a tangled yarn, and there is no spare brain capacity to think about what is not.

Holding his hands on the doorknob, he opened the door after listening to the commotion behind the door.


The door opened.

A pair of eyes also looked over.

"Oh, everyone is here."

"Ha ha, it's time for four of us to sleep. Let's call him the fourth."

"Don't do that. It's too rustic."

A small boy with dark skin came forward and smiled and stretched out his right hand.

"Yo, new comer, welcome to 401... (Cough cough), introduce yourself, Zheng Xueqian, this year 19, and hope that we can make progress together in the four years of college, and achieve something!"

Looking above his scalp, Hao Yunmu nodded.

[Talent: procedural ape]

[Potential value: 7]

This potential value is two points lower than that of the mathematician he met downstairs earlier, but it is enough to hang two dogs. I think he will be a person in the future.

Moreover, considering that they are software engineering majors, won't their future assignments be successful?

"My name is Hao Yun, and I came from the ancient city of Jiangling on the 18th of this year." As a matter of course, Hao Yun briefly introduced himself.

"Hao Yun? That's an interesting name."

The person who said this was standing in front of the table near the door of the dormitory, meticulously sorting out the things on the table.

Although we didn't see the front face, we can only see the side face of Hao Yun and conclude that their dorm room is not worried about chocolate after four years of college. Maybe we can rely on this guy's WeChat to cheat people.

Of course, what shocked Hao Yun most was not his handsome face, but

"Liang Ziyuan is the same age as you."

[Talent: Music Expert]

[Potential value: 8]

"... Nice to meet you."

Lie slot, this guy is almost three dogs!


Is it heatstroke or is it possessed by some system?

Out of sheer unconsciousness, Hao Yun glanced at the mirror set on the nearby cabinet.

As a result, he was totally confused.

[Talent: Good Luck]

[Potential value: 0]

Hao Yun:???

Good luck with GTM!

Also, what the devil is potential value 0?!

Think of the Ah Huang downstairs in the dormitory. Although I don't know why his talent is to take mice, he has a potential value of 3.

The dog is better than the system. Does it mean that I'm not as good as the dog?

Not a dog!

Hao Yun felt that he was not furious on the spot, and his temper was not so good.

At this time, a boy with a national face came from the balcony with a freshly washed rag.

The two big ears are a little eye-catching. Of course, the mole under the nose is more eye-catching. The hair is combed squarely, which means that I want to make a deep first impression on my new roommate. The amount of wax used may be too much, which is slightly greasy.

However, this is not the point.

The key is still the two lines of words floating on his head

Looking at Hao Yun, the boy smiled kindly and extended his right hand.

"Hello, you are Comrade Hao Yun. I have read your name on the register. My name is Zhu Kening, and I am also from this province. Speaking of our hometown, we are quite close, and we will be closer in the future."

[Talent: successful career]

[Potential value:?]


So this time it's just a question mark!

Does it mean that the combat power value explodes?

I hope it's a misunderstanding

After receiving his right hand, Hao Yun shook it and smiled with embarrassment and politeness.

"No respect, Comrade Zhu...... Is a real talent."

Just because of this guy's temperament, even if he is not a mayor in the future, he can at least be a director of the development office, right?

It seems that it doesn't hurt to flatter yourself in advance.

But Hao Yun soon regretted his flattery.

Does it seem a bit sinister to boast too directly?

Fortunately, Zhu didn't seem to think so. Instead, he accepted his praise with a smile and even recited a doggerel happily.

"Where is Comrade Hao? He is a man of noble appearance. As the saying goes, if you don't know where the Yangtze River is, you will be beside me!"

"Cough -- no, no, I dare not take it seriously, what... It's right beside me!" I didn't catch my breath and almost choked.


How did you meet the Big Boss today?

Thinking of this in his heart, Hao Yun, speaking politely, could not laugh or cry, and his mood was even more depressed.

The roommates who sleep all over the room are big men.

But why is it that only I am a street fighter?




(The new book is uploaded! I hope the old and new book friends will support me a lot. Morningstar thanks here! Chapter 2 is updated at ten o'clock in the morning. Let's pass by and vote.)

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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