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Chapter 1 Forced Marriage

On May 18, the second day of the entrance examination of Arayama Academy of Arts.

Because there are many people taking the exam, the content of the two days' exam is spiritual power test, and this year's situation is more lively than previous years.

The test was carried out in the Shufa Square, where two high platforms were set beside the square, so that you can not only see the scenery, but also see the test scene of other people below.

In order to encourage the examinees to take the entrance examination every year, ten seats will be arranged on each platform, one of which will seat the top ten people with the best scores in the previous year's examination, while the other platform will seat the top ten people with the worst scores.

Usually, the ten people with the best scores will appear, and their names will be written on the big sign in front of the high platform. Naturally, such an opportunity to show their faces and show their style will not be missed. The ten with the worst scores usually do not show up. Generally speaking, the ten with the worst scores did not get into the exam last year. This year, even if they came, they would not do so. It's a shame. If your performance can exceed the top ten in previous years, you can ask the worst of the top ten to step down and sit on your own. Similarly, if the performance is even worse than last year's worst, you can also sit on the stage.

This year's excitement comes from one of them, the platform for the worst performers.

Here's the thing. The spiritual power test result was announced on the spot. This year, a boy appeared in the spiritual power test. His spiritual power test value was zero, which must be the worst result. At least there has never been such a low score in the last ten years, so he can naturally climb the stage. Generally speaking, if this happens, most people feel ashamed, so they quickly withdraw from the examination room and go home. This year, he not only didn't leave, but also stepped onto the platform, where he also took out melon seeds and peanuts, made a pot of tea, ate melon seeds and peanuts, and watched other examinees continue to test with interest. If other candidates greet him, he is happy to respond, wave to others, and loudly invite others to sit with him. Who will sit down! What a shame! He made the examinees laugh like this.

This kind of story spread quickly. The servant girl Caihong knew about it before she went to Shufa Square. She was very clear about how the man ate melon seeds and how he greeted people.

However, Sikong Yun was not in the mood to listen to this. She was tied up. "Stop talking nonsense and untie it for me!"

Rainbow doesn't understand, she dare not. "Miss, I dare not. Sister Xiaoqing helped you escape and was beaten three times. Now she can't get off the ground. Where can she lie? She said that only when the matter is over can others help her."

"Don't talk nonsense, can you explain it? After waiting for this, I'll see how I can deal with you!" Sikong Yun threatened. Just now, Xiaoqing untied the rainbow for her without thinking about it. The rainbow is not like this. It belongs to her father's yard. She will not take the initiative to untie it for her, nor will she follow her like Xiaoqing.

"Miss, don't embarrass us. Look at Xiao Qing who was beaten. Besides, Miss, it's engagement. If you don't like it, you can run after this."

"You said that I had never seen this person, and had never heard of this person, so I made an engagement with him. What would I say if I knew the person I like in the future? Do people dare to stay with me when they hear that I have made an engagement?!" With tears left behind, I looked at the rainbow eagerly. "You said that if you were arranged by your family to make an engagement with someone you have never seen or heard of, would you like to?"

"Miss, do you think I won't?"

"Well, you must be unwilling."

"Miss, I tell you, I would like to. It's natural to have no worries about such a beautiful girl like you. No one has an appointment with me. So if someone wants to make an engagement with me, I will respond first. If there is a better one, I will kick him off. If there is no one, there is also a preparation, isn't there?"

Sikong Yun was desperate. When he met a person who was eager to make an engagement, he asked her to help you not escape the engagement. It was too difficult. It's not her who is engaged. Why is she so eager?! Thinking of this, I had an idea: "Well, if you untie me, I will arrange one for you."

"How can you arrange for me?"

"Ready made! How about you make an engagement for me with this person?" Just now, the tears have stained her face, and Rainbow is repairing her makeup.

"I made an engagement with him for Miss. Was it me or Miss?!" Caihong asked while mending her makeup.

"Of course it's you. They all said that you were engaged to him." Sikong Yun felt that something was happening and said definitely.

"If he wants to ask, I'll say I'm Sikong Yun. Who is he engaged to?"

"Of course, he made an engagement with you. It was you at the time of the engagement. It doesn't matter what your name is."

"Oh, what should I do if he dreams about me, called Si Kongyun?" The powder was mended, and Rainbow began to color her again.

"When he dreamed of you, he woke up and could not call his name."

"Miss, although I'm not good-looking, I don't want you to call me ugly."

"Oh, I don't mean that anymore. After today, you can tell him your real name."

"It's finally mended. Don't make any more frills. This engagement will be written in the ancestral hall. It will say that you have made an engagement with him, Miss. It's useless for me to replace you today. Are you sure you don't see what this person looks like?" Caihong finally said something while admiring the mended makeup.

Yes, engagement is to record his name in the ancestral hall. Now the only way is to escape by yourself. They also threatened, cried, and seduced. It's useless. It seems that this rainbow will not help itself, and we have to find another opportunity.

The room is for rest during the sacrifice. It is simple and has nothing to use. I wish I had a magic tool in hand.

At this time, the door opened and in came Sikong Yun's mother, Lan Xiaohui.

"Mother, please untie it for me. I don't want to make an engagement with this person I don't know."

Lan Xiaohui signaled Caihong to go out, and then said softly, "You don't want to make an engagement with him. Do you want to make an engagement with Feng Fujian's son?"

"I won't make an engagement with that Feng even if I kill him!"

Lan Xiaohui then said, "Today, the patriarch went to the Shufa Guild for a meeting. After the meeting, Feng Fujian left the patriarch alone and said that his son was studying with you in the Shufa Academy. He wanted to make an engagement with you. The patriarch knows what kind of virtue his son has, and you won't like it, so he came back to ask about it. Feng Fujian, the old man, said that he must call him back tomorrow. He didn't say it clearly, but the patriarch said that if he didn't agree, he would attack Sikong's family. You also know what happened to the Chen family two months ago. There are so many people, old and young. It's said that the Shufa Association did it. "

Sikong Yun sat there, unable to speak.

Lan Xiaohui then said, "Other people in the family are afraid of being implicated, but the patriarch is unwilling to marry you. Your second uncle has thought of an idea, that is, to make a marriage for you today. Put the marriage in the ancestral hall, and tomorrow the patriarch can answer back and ask home, and then remember that you have already made a marriage, so Feng Fujian has nothing to say."

Sikong Yun said, "I don't know who this man is. What if he is like Feng Jinfa?"

Lan Xiaohui said, "That's what your father said. Your second uncle said that it would be easy to find someone who lives in a remote place. He has no family background and has no skills. After a while, he will be dealt with.

Your father still doesn't agree. Your brothers and uncles think it will involve everyone, and they have locked up your father. "

Sikong Yun said: "Dad is also locked up?"

Lan Xiaohui said, "Well, I came to see that you were searched. The patriarch didn't want you to marry the Feng family, and didn't embarrass your father. You should see him later."

Sikong Yun felt sad for a while, and this time he really shed tears: "Mother, I don't want to be married like this."

Lan Xiaohui said: "So the patriarch asked me to tell you. Although it was forced, you still had to say yes in the ancestral hall. But if you said no, you can't remember it in the ancestral hall, and it will not happen. However, I don't know how the Shufa Association will treat Sikong's family next. My mother doesn't want to hurt you, alas..."

Both of them were silent for a while, and Sikong Yun said firmly, "I want to meet this person before the ceremony starts, or I won't!"

Copyright: Xiaoxiang Academy

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