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Chapter 1 Mermaid Eggs

"Lingxi, you sing so well! When we become famous, you will definitely occupy the C position!"

A girl wearing a mini dance dress and a red ponytail walked backward in the street, looking at the girl in front excitedly.

The girl only combed a simple ponytail, her dark hair shining in the setting sun, and her green face looked like a sister next door at first sight.

Once again, how can someone be so pure! No matter how dark your heart is, when you see her, you will yearn for sunshine. Lingxi has such charm.

Her singing can sweep away the haze of people, and her every look and smile can catch everyone's eye. She should belong to the stage, and the future will also be very bright

"Yes, Lingxi is absolutely stable in our regiment!"

"I think the judge can see that our Lingxi eyes are straight!"

A small group of five people chattered all the way around one person.

Lingxi smiles and listens to their conversation. They are an upcoming women's group. Today, they just finished the talent show. If nothing happens, they will win the championship.

Walking on the street, looking at the enthusiastic girls in front, suddenly I heard a voice: "Come back... Come back..."

I looked around in disbelief. There were no other people except them and their brokers!

Did you just hear me wrong?

Before he took two steps, an anxious voice came to his ear: "Come back... Come back..."


She must have heard right this time! Looking around again, the others were still normal!

The agent who has been paying attention to Lingxi has noticed that she is different. He came up to her and asked, "Lingxi, what are you looking for?"

"Sister Fu, did you hear anything?"

Sister Fu listened carefully in disbelief. There was nothing else except the sound of girls laughing and laughing.

Looking at the girl frowning in front of me, I knew it was my first time to participate in the program, so I was under pressure.

Smiling and comforting, he said, "Lingxi, you can rest assured that this time it will be no problem, so you can rest early today and wait for the result tomorrow."

Now I can't hear the sound again. Is it possible that the pressure is too high, and there is auditory hallucination?

Thinking it might be possible, he nodded to Sister Fu and said, "I know. When I get back to the hotel, I will have a rest first, and I won't accompany you to Hi."

Sister Fu had no reason to be wrong. She said in a soft voice: "Yes, yes, Lingxi, your health is the most important now. You can't be exhausted."

At this time, a girl with short gray hair next to her grandmother said, "Sister Fu, you don't care about me so much."

Sister Fu laughed and said, "If you are as clever and capable as Lingxi, I will surely serve you like my ancestors!"

The girl with short hair curled her mouth and stopped talking. She took a dim look at Lingxi, and then flashed an imperceptible jealousy in her eyes. She continued to giggle with other girls.

After arriving at the hotel, Lingxi greeted everyone and went upstairs to his room.

The voice came again

"Come back... Come back..."

Lingxi shakes his head, the voice has been ringing in his ears!

"Come back... come back... my child..."

I don't know what's going on, but I'm getting more and more sleepy. Lingxi has no energy to think about who is talking again, and only wants to have a good sleep.

Unconsciously, he lay on the bed, and a clearer voice came from his mind: "Come back... my child..."

"You must... live well..."

The last sentence is sad. I don't know why my heart hurts~

Lingxi in the dream unconsciously said, "Mom..."

A tear slipped from the corner of your eye and you fell into unconscious sleep.


In the endless sea, a dark blue egg rises and falls with the current.

Occasionally a small fish brushed by the egg body, and occasionally a jellyfish swam around the egg body like a toy

Suddenly, a great white shark swam quickly, and all the small fish fled in all directions, leaving only one egg to continue drifting in the same place!

The great white shark did not look, but swallowed it directly!

... The water flow around has stopped.

Great white sharks shed blood from their mouths and fainted the surrounding sea water

The great white shark shook its head painfully, spit out the dark blue egg, and brought out two sharp teeth!

The great white shark stopped looking at the egg and went to another water area to hunt without looking back.


Lingxi feels like she is in her mother's warm stomach in her sleep, which makes her attached and unwilling to wake up.

The dark blue egg, with the rise and fall of the sea, has drifted under a huge black shadow

The shadow is a huge ship!

It is a ship that can hold thousands of people. The body of the ship is made of metal of unknown material. The whole body is snow-white. The bottom of the ship is lined with precise devices, which is amazing!

People on the ship, regardless of the rough sea, enjoy the luxury package on the cruise ship.

In one of the VIP rooms on the cruise ship, a young man in a silver white uniform looked at the red haired man in the same uniform without expression.

"Don't tell me," he said coldly, "you come to the endless sea just for vacation!"

The man opposite said, "How could it be? I heard that someone saw a mermaid in the endless sea!"

"Well, let's take your chance..."

Seeing the man's face unmoved, he couldn't help raising his voice, "Bai Xiu! You have been 60 years old for 30 years! If you haven't found a partner yet, will you die alone?"

Bai Xiu was too lazy to lift his eyelids: "There are a lot of people who are over 100 years old and have no friends. Is it too early for you to worry?"

"Curd, aren't you afraid that Alice knows that you are carrying her out to find a mermaid?"

Cod coughed violently, glared angrily at Bai Xiu and said, "Don't talk nonsense in front of Alice! I'm looking for a mermaid for you!"

Then he said with a smirk, "If my Alice hadn't been pregnant, I would have brought her out with me this time."

Bai Xiu simply did not look at this new stupid father, and said rudely, "I don't like mermaids."

Curd looked at him blankly and said angrily, "Yes! Yes! Since you were an adult, you said you didn't like mermaids, so you should look for women!"

"You don't look for women, do you like..."

Under Bai Xiu's cold gaze, he swallowed the words behind.

She murmured: "Women don't like it, mermaids don't like it, men, well, I guess they don't like it... You are really hard to serve!"

Bai Xiu didn't want to listen to his nagging, so he got up and left the room and went to the cruise ship to see the sea.

Curd was very upset when he saw that this guy was ungrateful. If I were not your only good friend, I wouldn't care about your trouble!

Oh... I miss my Alice so much. She must be carrying a cute little mermaid

Poor baby, Dad can't be with you anymore~


With a sigh, he hurriedly chased Bai Xiu out and stood on the cruise ship with him to blow.

Curd enjoyed lying on the railing, looking at the bottomless sea water, and thought of Alice swimming in his big swimming pool, with her big light blue tail swinging.

Now she is pregnant. I don't know whether he will have a tail or be alone after the baby is born?

If it was a little girl with a tail, the color of the baby's tail would be as beautiful as that of the egg!

wait! Eggs?

Cod stared at the egg that came out of the sea!

"Bai Xiu! Bai Xiu! Look at the egg there!"

Bai Xiu looked up at him and looked at the egg on his finger.

Well, dark blue eggs, no interest.

Curd was so excited that he quickly took out his brain to contact the captain and asked him to prepare the equipment to catch the egg.

I stared at the egg when I made a mistake. I was afraid that a spray egg would disappear.

Excited, he said to Bai Xiu, "No fish in the water will lay eggs. This must be the baby of a mermaid!"

"Bai Xiu, you are so lucky that you just came out. You really found a mermaid!"

Bai Xiu looked at his excited friend and said, "There is a kind of water snake in the sea that lays eggs. Don't catch another snake and bite you, and you will become famous."

Curd rolled his eyes and said, "You will spoil the fun!"

Look at the two professionals coming, and quickly wave to them, "Come on, in this direction!"

When they came to the position suitable for catching eggs, one threw down his fishing net.

The other person took the instrument, let the fishing net close to the egg, and then slowly caught it.

Curd said anxiously: "When lifting the net, be careful. It's a mermaid! Don't throw the child out!"

The man who was going to take the net in looked more solemn. He took the net in with great care. Curd quickly and carefully took out the egg and gently held it in his arms.

Bai Xiu looked at the egg anxiously on the side, and was relieved to see that it was safely rescued.

I could not help laughing when I noticed my changes. I felt like a mermaid's egg, just like Cod!

Although the mermaid is not a rare species now, any man on the planet of Virkasei would like to marry a mermaid as his partner.

Not only because the mermaid is beautiful, but also because of its fertility. Now the fertility rate of all interstellar women is getting lower and lower, almost none. So most women have fused the mermaid gene and transformed into adult fish.

Although the body of transformed mermaid is very weak, the corresponding fertility is greatly improved. Even some weak men will choose to transform into adult fish to survive.

Whether male or female, mermaid has fertility, which makes people in the Star Federation see hope.

They began to hunt mermaids on a large scale. For 1000 years, there have been almost no wild mermaids, and the transformed mermaids are too fragile.

Therefore, the Interstellar Federation has issued the mermaid protection law. As long as it is a mermaid, it can enjoy government subsidies from birth, and it is illegal to harm a mermaid in the interstellar!

Such a majority of men still cannot marry mermaids, because there are too few mermaids!

There is no way to equal the number of men, so we have to promulgate various regulations. Only excellent men can afford to marry mermaids, which leads to more and more precious mermaids.

Now, how low is the probability of catching wild mermaid eggs in the endless sea? Bai Xiu has imagined that Cod is disappointed.

Copyright: Yunqi Academy

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