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Chapter 1 Get the Most Precious Thing and Go Through the Deep Palace

Beijing No. 1 Pawnshop.

A pawnshop is actually a pawnshop in the past. Customers use goods as collateral to obtain funds from the pawnshop for turnover. When redeeming pawnshop goods, they need to charge additional interest according to the time. If it is not redeemed as scheduled, the pawnshop will sell the mortgaged goods. Of course, there are also many people who are directly "dead pawns", which means they will not redeem when pawned. Generally speaking, the price of pawned goods will be slightly higher.

Of course, our story is not to popularize the knowledge of pawnshops, but because the protagonist in our story works in the pawnshop, so we first introduce the pawnshop.

From the name, No. 1 Pawnshop should be a relatively high-grade pawnshop. But in fact, this is just a small pawnshop in an alley in Chaoyang District, Beijing. However, Xiang Weimin, the owner of the pawnshop, is an old man in Panjiayuan, so many people usually take antiques to the pawnshop to pawn. After all, ordinary pawnshops do not overestimate antiques.

The whole pawnshop, from the general manager to the staff, is full of Liang Xin, Xiang Weimin's apprentice. I studied with Xiang Weimin for 13 years. In 13 years, Liang Cai not only learned to identify antiques, calligraphy and paintings of various dynasties, but also learned the superb skill of Xiang Weimin's forgery.

Whether Yan Zhenqing, Liu Gongquan's calligraphy, Gu Kaizhi, Dong Qichang's calligraphy and painting, or the paintings of other famous masters, Liang salary can all imitate the real ones. Even if the expert has his own eyes, sometimes he may be fooled by him.

Liang Shou should have enough food and clothing with this skill, but his master Xiang Weimin had an agreement with him when he accepted him as an apprentice, and he was not allowed to leave the school until he had studied for 15 years. Therefore, Liang Cai is only a small person in charge of No. 1 pawnshop until now.

It used to be said that July Liuhuo means cool weather, but now July in Beijing is a real "Liuhuo" hot mess. Liang Xin, with a pair of black sunglasses, leans leisurely against the rocking chair at the door of the pawnshop, blowing the air conditioner, drinking Tie Guanyin with a purple clay pot in his hand, and humming an indistinct tone in his mouth, looking happy and contented.

It has to be said that lying on a rocking chair in the daytime with sunglasses is a bit annoying, but actually Liang Jinna's sunglasses have an extraordinary role. Under the cover of sunglasses, Liang can boldly look at the beautiful women on the road. No one can find them even if they look at the sensitive parts of others.

If every time a beautiful girl passes by Liang Xin's mouth humming, his voice will ring. If you listen closely, you can hear him humming clearly: "36, 26, 38, this little girl has a good figure, but her face is not very good... Well, this little girl has long legs, and I don't know if it feels different..."

"Hey, boy, can you pawn here?"

Suddenly a voice interrupted Liang Xian's daydream about beautiful women. Liang pulled down his sunglasses and looked at the fat man in front of him. The fat man spoke in a very impolite tone. While talking again, he kicked the beam with his foot.

Liang Xian pointed out his left hand to the door and said, "Is it true that the pawnshop can't read the signs? I'm not your father. I'm not obligated to teach you to read."

"Oh! You swear, right?" The fat man became angry.

Liang Hui simply took off his sunglasses, carefully looked at the fat man's face with all his facial features together and said, "Thank you. If you don't tell me, I really don't know I scolded people. I always thought I scolded pigs."

"I. Fuck, you are itching for a fight, right?" The fat man reached out to grab Liang's clothes.

Liang's right foot blocked the fat man's hand, and his left foot quickly kicked the fat man to the ground. The fat man quickly took out the black cloth in his right hand, and saw a thing that looked like a seal was broken into two pieces.

The fat man shouted angrily: "You broke my jade seal, you pay!"

Liang paid a glance at the so-called "Jade Seal" of the fat man. At the first glance, Liang paid no attention. Soon, Liang paid a second glance.

Liang Xian's eyebrows twitched a little, and he looked careless: "What a 'jade seal' is just a broken stone. I said, if you want to touch porcelain, you should go far away, and don't provoke me or you. If you provoke me, I will beat your mother so that she can't recognize you."

"You......" The fat man wanted to get angry, but Liang's previous two moves showed that he was not weak. The fat man did not have the confidence to completely control Liang's salary. For a while, the fat man did not know what to do.

Liang Xian waved his hand and said, "Well, I said if you don't have anything to do, go away immediately. Don't stick at my door. I have to do business."

"You... you broke my jade. If you don't pay me, I won't leave today." The fat man sat on the ground with a firm look, as if he really decided to fight a long war with Liang.

Liang Xian was dumbfounded. "Ah, I said how can you behave like this? Get out of here, or I will do it."

Liang Xin stroked his sleeves in a gesture. The fat man's neck shrank and said forcefully, "I won't leave if you don't lose money."

"You......" Liang Xin angrily pointed at the fat man with his index finger, and finally swallowed his anger: "I'm afraid of you. I'll pay you two thousand yuan, and you'll go right away."

"Two thousand? That's not enough for me to lose half an hour, at least ten thousand."

"Three thousand, do you want it?"

"Eight thousand, not a penny less."

"Four thousand, if you ask me for an extra penny, I'll call the police. I'll see if you can leave then."

"Four thousand dollars..." The fat man thought for a while and then reached out his hand and said, "Take the money."

Liang took out his wallet from his buttock pocket and took out the money. While counting the money, Liang said, "Damn it, I'm unlucky today. Four thousand yuan is a piece of broken stone. You put that stone away for me, and I can give you the money only after we establish a note."

"You are really troublesome... OK, hurry up. I'm still in a hurry to get back to the book." The fat man shouted impatiently.

Liang took a pen and wrote down the receipt. The fat man signed on the receipt obliquely, and then Liang gave him the money. After counting, the fat man ran away quickly with the money in his hand, looking afraid of Liang's repentance.

Liang put the broken "jade seal" left by the fat man at hand. After about a minute or two, Liang put his head out of the shop and looked. Seeing there was no sign of the fat man, Liang Hui hurried back to the store and closed the door, then carefully carried the "broken stone" he just said into the dark room of the store.

The space of the darkroom is larger than the shop of Diandangxing. Liang salary and Xiang Weimin usually make fake in this room. The whole darkroom is filled with all kinds of calligraphy, painting, antiques, jewelry and ancient jade. However, only Liang Xin and Xiang Weimin can tell the true from the false.

After entering the darkroom, Liang sat at a pear wood table, turned on the light and looked at the jade seal that had been broken in half. After watching it for about five or six minutes, Liang raised his left leg and gave it a hard pat. He cried out in a mournful voice: "My god, it's really such a thing, legs and legs. Why are you so mean and want to kick that fat guy? Your foot is worth at least 100 million yuan, 100 million yuan. It's OK to change your foot into a piece of pure gold."

Liang Xin sighed for a long time, then he took out his mobile phone and made a phone call to his master, Xiang Weimin. When Xiang Weimin got through to the phone, Liang Shou said the first sentence: "Old man, I have received a legendary treasure for you."

"How strange is it? Is Heshi Bi strange? If the things you taught me are not fake, I think the square jade seal in my hand is Heshi Bi."

"Don't be so happy, old man. Take two heart medicine first and listen to me. I took this for fun. My legs were cheap when I was a child. I kicked it and broke it into two pieces."

"What? Liang Goudan, I. Fuck. Your ancestors are eighteen generations..."

Xiang Weimin's voice came from the receiver of Liang's mobile phone for a long time. Liang had expected that Xiang Weimin would do this. He had pulled his mobile phone away early, otherwise his eardrums would have to be shocked and bled.

"Forget it. I don't even know where my ancestors' graves are buried. If you want to fuck me, you can't find the Lord."

After saying this, Liang quickly hung up the phone. When he reached for the He Shi Bi again, Liang Shout, "Ouch!" He Shi Bi cut his finger and bled.

When Liang Xin didn't have time to retract his fingers, a powerful pulling force was sent to He Shi Bi, and a powerful warm current directly passed into Liang Xin's body along his fingers.

Slowly Liang felt his eyelids getting heavier and heavier, and finally he fell asleep on the pear wood table.

In his sleep, Liang Xin dreamed of Liu's wife in the alley. Liu Jianxin is also an old man in Pan Jiayuan. He is not very good looking, but his family is still rich. Three years ago, he married a wife 13 years younger than him. That woman tuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttut... It's true that everyone will drool when they see it.

Liang woke up with a cold feeling.

After realizing that it was a dream, Liang Xin sighed regretfully, "Alas... alas... alas..."

Just as Liang Xin was beating his chest and sighing, there was a knock on the door, and he heard the loud cry outside the door: "Little Fuzi, Father Qian, who has made monthly payments, has already started to make payments. It will be late if he doesn't go quickly to collect the money. Father Qian doesn't wait for anyone."

"Xiaofuzi? Father Qian? A month?" Liang Xin frowned and thought for a long time. Suddenly, a feeling of dizziness came from his brain, and all kinds of memories and information were transferred to Liang Xin's mind.

Liang Xin was greatly shocked. He was surprised to find that he had passed through the Zhenghe Five Year Period of the Northern Song Dynasty and became a little eunuch and a little Fuzi in the Imperial Medicine Yard of the Imperial Palace.

According to Xiao Fuzi's memory, the most dangerous eunuch among all eunuchs in the Imperial Medicine Yard. Because their duty is to taste all the medicines used by the imperial concubines and the emperor in the palace, and then send them to the emperor and those concubines after they have tried non-toxic medicines.

There is a saying in traditional Chinese medicine that medicine is divided into three parts. In the memory of Xiao Fuzi, there are not ten eunuchs in the imperial pharmacy who can survive the three-year rotation.

Launch time: August 17, 2020 18:19:17
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