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Chapter 1 Survivors



Gradually, he became aware of the sound of the sea water hitting the rocks. The cold sea breeze stimulated Zhou Yu's numb body. Bursts of soreness and tingling in his bones made him wake up quickly, slowly opened his eyes, and saw that there were only a few white clouds in the blue sky.

He was lying on a beach, and the tide turned up and splashed him half wet. The air around is not pleasant, full of burnt odor, and some strange oil smell.

Suffering from physical pain, he got up, looked around for the first time, and almost fell down again. This is the edge of a completely strange island. The beach is full of the waste after the aircraft explosion. The stench is from the plane not far away, where most of the fuselage has been burned into black carbon. Now there is still smoke.

In addition, the most frightening thing is that there are several corpses around, one of which is a woman with incomplete body and blood everywhere. The dark red pools of blood under her body are still wet, which makes people sick.

Zhou Yu remembered that he was going to escort something to a big city, but his plane had an accident and that important thing was gone.

After waking up, he decided to go around the plane to see if there were any survivors and available materials like him. In this strange environment, he thought he needed several partners.

The closer he got to the wreckage of the plane, the stronger the odor became. Even if he covered his nose, he still felt sick.

He turned over a thick grass, and was startled when he stepped into it. "Ah!" He stepped on a stiff thing with a bit of decay, and looked down and saw that it was a broken arm! It's a bloody arm. I don't know who the owner is.

He swallowed nervously. Don't dare to continue to look around and yell, "Is there anyone? Is there anyone?"

In addition to the smell of foul smell and bloody smell, what's left to be feared is that there is always one or several strange bird calls somewhere.

"Buwu... Buwu..."

Zhou Yu had never heard such a sound before.

The place itself is gloomy and terrible. This strange bird call has become the only sound here, which can not help but make people's hearts and minds fill with some terrible things.

Finally, when he was about to approach the cabin, he vaguely heard something in it. It was a very weak woman's voice.

"Help... Help..."

The voice was very weak. If it wasn't really quiet around, Zhou Yu would not have heard it. He sped up his pace, crossed the debris and ran to the engine room.

It was scorched black like a weak hand on the hatch soaked in the underground water. There was blood and burns on the hand, but it was not difficult to see that the hand was very thin and tender, and the intact parts were quite white. Just looking at it, Zhou Yu judged that it might be a young beauty.

In fact, he did not guess wrong. When he was about to go in, he saw a smaller figure fall out and lie in his arms. It was really a little beauty. After more than twenty years of life, Zhou Yu saw such a fresh face for the first time.

The other side raised his head with only some strength left, looked at him loosely, and almost begged: "Help me... please help me... I can give you anything... help..."

She fainted before she finished speaking. The whole person was paralyzed on Zhou Yu. Her lips were a little dry and her face was terribly pale. Zhou Yu didn't think much about it, so he immediately took her away. It's not easy to find a survivor. She is still a beautiful woman. You can't let her die.

The woman's body is very light and very soft. During this period, Zhou Yu accidentally touched the forbidden area several times. The double stimulation of soul and body was like an electric shock. She was originally confused by the smell, which stimulated her to be completely awake and refreshed.

He was afraid that the woman would die, so he went out quickly. He wanted to save the woman's life as quickly as possible. Just because he was too worried, when he rushed through a thick grass, he didn't pay much attention to a big tree. It was so strong that Zhou Yu felt his head was splitting.


Suddenly, he felt something dripping on his forehead. The first feeling was like water drops, but it was a little sticky and disgusting.

He raised his head subconsciously, which almost scared him to death, "Fuck me!!!"

There was a man hanging from the tree above him! The man's face is downward and his limbs are open. The key is that his long black hair is spread out, which makes him look like a ghost.

It took Zhou Yu a long time to realize that this was the person who wanted to escape when the plane crashed, and he was hanged on a tree. The forest was crowded and the light was not very good. In addition, Zhou Yu could not see her face clearly because her face was downward. He only judged that she was a woman by her figure and hair.

"Huh..." Zhou Yu took a deep breath, thinking that the good people should do the best, save them first, and see if they were dead.

He put the little fresh beauty in his arms aside, and put a thick layer of grass under it. He shook the trees a little, and then shook the woman hanging on the trees down. Zhou Yu caught her when she fell.

At a closer look, the woman's appearance is not bad. Zhou Yu smiled subconsciously. He was lucky enough to save all the beautiful women!

One by one, they took great efforts to get them to rest on the beach. Only then did Zhou Yu find that there was a bag on the beautiful woman who had just hung on the tree. Looking at the bag, he must have packed a lot of things inside. Although it is not good to turn over other people's things without permission, under special circumstances, there may be survival materials in the bag, which would be too wasteful if not used at the moment.

He opened the bag and found there was a surprise. There were two bottles of unopened mineral water, several bags of potato chips, mobile phones, and ID cards and other documents. The woman was called Zhao Shuangzi.

Zhou Yu only glanced at these materials casually. What really attracted him was this mobile phone, which might send out a distress signal.

Although Zhou Yu doesn't know the password of the mobile phone, the owner of the mobile phone is here and can try one by one with her fingers. But after testing every finger, it didn't work, which made Zhou Yu confused. What was the situation? Isn't this her mobile phone? It shouldn't fail to open!

He wondered if the fingerprint of this finger could not be opened. Could it be a toe? He just thought about it casually, wanted to try it, and subconsciously touched Zhao Shuangzi's long legs wrapped in tight jeans. Just then, the other side woke up. Seeing where Zhou Yu's hand was now, the other side's face sank.

"Hooligan!" She swore and slapped him with a big slap. Zhou Yu couldn't dodge and get hurt.

People were upset and depressed when they were exiled here. Zhou Yu was also angry because he was so kind to save someone. "You are a sick woman, aren't you?" he said angrily

"I..." After hearing this, the other person knew she was wrong. In fact, she regretted it after the fight. She noticed the strange environment around her, "Sorry, but you just..."

"What happened to me just now? What happened to you? The labor management just wanted to use your mobile phone to ask for help and could not unlock the lock!" Zhou Yu said angrily. If you really want to be hungry, it is also the first choice to choose the innocent girl next to you who is not awake. This is a heavy hand. It hurts to touch my face. I don't know whether it is swollen or not.

Zhao Shuangzi took the phone, unlocked it and handed it to him. Zhou Yu just looked at it and didn't bother to look again. He wasn't in the service area.

Maybe they talked loudly just now, and even woke up the girl next to them. She rubbed her eyes vaguely and looked around. "This... Where is this?"

"This is the kingdom of heaven, congratulations, you are in the immortal class!" Zhou Yupi laughed and teased. Somehow, the slap just now seemed to have wiped out his panic, and he had gradually accepted the fact that he was living on a desert island. Now he was still in the mood to joke.

The sister looked at Zhou Yu for a long time and said seriously, "I remember you. You saved me."

She looked at Zhao Shuangzi beside her. "You were on the plane before, and I was sitting next to you. Hello, my name is Chen Yu."

Launch time: August 17, 2020 11:16:39
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