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Chapter 1 Summer! Woman in Black!

Houlin County in the Great Xia Dynasty is in prison.

Lin Qi was listening to the two prison guards outside telling about some strange things that had happened recently.

"Wang Cai, I heard that Longwei will come to our county in a few days. Do you know that? If we let Wang Cai join us in this life... No, even if we look at it from a distance, we will die without regret!"

"Poof, the story of Longwei has been widely spread in our county, and you asked me if I knew it? What's more, your ambition? Seeing Longwei, you will die without regret? What are the good looks of a group of elders? No wonder you call it" Zhen Er ". As a person who often goes to Zuiyuelou to drink wine, he has at least seen countless women. You can try to raise your pursuit higher. "

Zhen Er wondered, and finally showed an expression that he didn't know how to improve his pursuit.

it's too hard!

Wang Cai smiled when he saw this, and then immediately showed an expression of obsession and respect.

"It's said that Dragon Guard is commanded by the Sixteen Princess. If we can have a chance to look at her from afar in this life, we will die without regret."

Zhen Er's eyes brightened as if the door of the new world had been reopened for him. He said quickly, "Wang Cai, thank you for your advice. Now I finally know what I'm after."

"Oh!? Tell me?" Wang Cai looked curious.

Zhen Er took a deep breath, and then said forcefully, "I inherited the family's noodle skills. If I had the chance, I would like to give them to the Sixteen Princess personally."

Wang Cai was stunned when he heard this, and then said strangely, "Ha, I didn't find that you can still go down. That's just right. I'm a little hungry. Go to the next bowl to taste it."

what the fuck!

In the cell, Lin Qi's face brightened when he heard this. His first reaction was that these two people were driving outside, but he really thought too much. People said that it was the bottom, which was really the bottom, and it was very fast. The smell of noodles soon drifted into his cell, not to mention smelled good.


The belly finally cried out its voice.

"Alas!" Lin Qi sighed, his arms hugging his stomach and shrinking in the dark and cold corner, the bitter water in his heart surged up again.

He really couldn't figure out why he met the "crossing" that only appears in novels, and the first day of crossing... No, it should be less than ten minutes before he was charged with a "monster" and arrested.

The reason is that he was mistakenly regarded as a monster by passers-by because of the memo he had set up on his mobile phone. He reported back to the official, which meant two days. Today, it was three days ago. In short, he stayed in this dark place without enough food and sleep. He was afraid of being dragged out and beheaded all day long.

I remember when he first came in, there were seven or eight prisoners in the surrounding cells, but now all of them have been pulled out to cut. How can he accept this as a person who has irrigated modern thoughts for more than 20 years.

In short, the beginning is hell level difficulty.

it's too hard!

Of course, he also learned some general information about the world from the two jailers who chatted every day these days.

'Da Xia' is the name of this place. He roughly guessed that this is a country, and it is very large. As for the specific size, I don't know.

As for his current place, it is only a county in Daxia, called Houlin County.

In addition, the people here have the same customs as the ancient people on the earth, but there are some differences. According to the two soldiers, it seems that there are mysterious cultivators and some evil things from the underworld, commonly known as' evildoers' or 'demons'. When the night falls, evil things will appear, causing chaos in the world.

In short, this is a mysterious world.

Lin Qi suddenly felt an indescribable excitement in his heart, but when he thought of the dilemma, the excitement disappeared.

He didn't think of any way to go out, but he didn't get a chance to speak. He didn't dare to speak. He remembered that just after being caught in, a prisoner just happened to defend himself. As a result, he was beaten on the spot, and then went straight out to chop, so he had to cry in secret.

"Forget it, let it be. Maybe since God let me pass through, it will not let me die like this!"

Lin Qi sighed with self consolation, huddled in the corner, endured hunger and fell asleep slowly.


Time passes by little by little.

Sub time.

Suddenly, Lin Qi was awakened by the sound of hurried footsteps. He quickly got up and looked around. Two big men in black robes were led into the prison by the guards, and then walked towards him.

Lin Qi's heart jumped, feeling that a bad omen was about to happen to him, and he quickly withdrew to the corner to pretend to sleep.

Before long, Lin Qi's cell door was opened, and the jailer's voice rang.

"Gentlemen, how about taking a look at this?"

The two black robed men stared at Lin Qi in the dim light of the lantern. Then one of them said coldly, "Yes, that's him."

Then Lin Qi was woken up by the jailer.

"Boy, don't pretend to sleep. We saw you wake up just now. Hurry up and follow the two adults!"

Lin Qi also wanted to pretend that he had just woken up, but he had no chance at all, so he was lifted from the ground.


The black robed man opened his mouth and turned to walk outside the prison.

Lin Qi was kicked by Wang Cai, and he staggered to keep up.

After leaving the prison, Lin Qi found that the night in this world was very strange. He could not see his fingers, and it was still quiet. Fortunately, the black robed man walking in the front carried a lantern.

Lin Qi also glanced at the two black robed people. They were so cold that they seemed to live in an ice house all the year round.

Until he left Houlin County Yamen, Lin Qi was suddenly picked up by one of the black robed people, and then he lost consciousness.

When he woke up, he found that he had come to a wooden house, and a woman in a tight black dress was sitting on a chair and looking at him with interest. This woman was charming and had a proud figure. She also used her hand to touch her hair on her forehead from time to time. In short, she looked very charming and enchanting.

"Cluck, it's good. I didn't expect that you are still pure Yang. It's better to use it to lead out the evil."

"What kind of pure yang? What does it mean to be evil?" Lin Qi muttered in his heart, always feeling that it was not a good thing.

At this time, the woman said, "Don't worry, if you can help the coffin lead out the evil doer and kill him successfully this time, then we will make an exception and promise to let you join the coffin bearer."

Lin Qi was confused. In short, although his sister was beautiful, he would rather go back to the prison and continue to squat than stay here for a second.


what the fuck!

Lin Qi was about to speak, but the next second, as before, his consciousness suddenly dissipated again.


When I woke up, I had been in an ancient temple that had been abandoned for a long time. The light of the lantern was beating, but the woman in black had disappeared. There was no one except him.

"What do you mean?" Lin Qiyi was stunned, and then a wave of fear filled his heart. It was really too dark except where the lantern lit up, and there was no sound at all, which scared him to shrink and hide under the table beside the platform.

I don't know how long I have been here. Suddenly, I saw a blue fire in the distance. It was coming towards the ancient temple. A few breaths appeared outside the door and finally turned into a beautiful woman with blue light.

Lin Qi's spirit was shocked at this moment, and he quickly gave a thrill. The word "hell" suddenly came to his mind, but he had no time to do anything, only to see a gust of incense blowing and passed out again.

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