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Chapter 1 Kind Old Lady

"Ding -- welcome the reader Yun Zheng to the weird book city."

"The reader Yun Zheng gets the ability randomly given by the weird book city - 'A glimpse of the secrets of heaven'."

"Loading copy..."

"The beautiful villa on the mountain was damaged in many places due to the bad weather. The kind old lady who lived in the villa was often attacked by wind and rain. She was worried every day and washed her face with tears. The kind villagers heard about this and volunteered to form a maintenance team to go to the villa. The villagers must stay in the villa for 24 hours before returning home."

Yun Zheng stepped into the bookstore and heard this mechanical voice broadcast.

Then all the pictures before him changed.

The busy staff of the bookstore disappeared one by one. What's more frightening is that even the bookshelves disappeared in the end. The darkness spread from the unknown depths, slowly devouring everything.

Soon, Yunzheng fell into complete darkness.

What's going on here?

I passed the bookstore and wanted to come in for a stroll. Why did such a strange thing happen?

He took out a lighter from his pocket, intending to check the surroundings.

'KAZANG', the bright yellow flame just jumped up in front of me, and a hand suddenly stretched out from the darkness and grabbed his wrist!

'Hoo!' Suddenly the man blew out the candle nervously.

The fire went out in a flash, but it was enough for Yunzheng to see his face clearly.

About 30 years old, he is not tall and looks ordinary. He belongs to a look that people forget at a glance in the crowd, but his expression of fear makes Yun Zheng dumbfounded.

"Don't use fire to get things done by yourself?" The man could not hide his anger, but there was inexplicable fear in his low voice.

Yun Zheng catches a bit of vague information.


Is there something strange in the bookstore?

In other words, this is no longer a bookstore.

In any case, first make sure of the situation in front of you.

"Who are you?" asked Yun Zheng.

The man was angry: "Of course, he is just as unlucky as you."

"What do you mean?" Yun Zheng wondered.

The man gritted his teeth and scolded, "Are you a new man? The new man is so calm! Damn it, I didn't expect that I could meet three new people after my first test. It's amazing."

"Yu Yang, what happened to you?" Another man's voice came from not far away. Yun Zheng heard several people's footsteps approaching.

The man named Yu Yang said, "The last reader is here, and the third new person is here."

"Why is it always so dark here?"

"Tengchi, it's more terrible to see nothing. Turn on the flashlight." The woman's voice.

Yu Yangli said, "No, if the light source is a trap, we will all die."

"Yu Yang, the game has just started, so it won't be so difficult. Zhou Yun is right, the darkness is more terrible. Besides, I have the flashlight in my hand. Even if there is a real situation, I will be the one in trouble."

Another man said, and turned on the flashlight.

Yunzheng sees four people coming towards him.

Two men and two women.

In addition, he and Yu Yang happened to be four men and two women.

The man holding the flashlight is about 35 years old. He wears glasses and has some scholar temperament. If you heard me correctly, his name is Tengchi.

Standing at Tengchi's side was a woman with long hair. She was over 25 years old and dressed in the work clothes of Yintai Shopping Guide. She was very beautiful. She should be the woman who asked to turn on the flashlight.

Another pair of men and women, men in their early twenties, dressed in pies and caps, with their hands in their pockets, looked around with their eyes flustered and naive.

The girl was younger and a high school student. She had just cried and her face was dazed.

Teng Chi walked up to Yun Zheng and asked, "Is your little brother really new?"

Yun Zheng hesitated and immediately nodded.

Teng Chi smiled: "No wonder Yu Yang admitted that he was wrong. You don't look like a newcomer at all. Little brother, if you don't mind Yu Yang, he is also kind. When we had our first test together, a guy used a lighter to illuminate, but he hit the game trap and killed three people, leaving him with a psychological shadow."

Yun Zheng said, "What do you mean by 'new people'? What is this place?"

"Newcomers are the first people to participate in the game. This is the weird book city. You can simply understand it as the world of books, and we are in the world of books. But I suggest you treat ta as a 'death copy'."

"Did you touch something related to books just now?"

Yun Zheng said, "I buy books in the bookstore."

Teng Chi said: "That's right. All the people selected by the Book City are those who read books."

"Why didn't I meet you before?" said Yun Zheng

The answer is still Teng Chi: "As far as I know, the Weird Book City has existed for a long time, and the target of ta's selection is all people who like reading books, including mobile phone reading, but not all readers will be selected. But I, Yu Yang and Zhou Yun are all the people who survived the last election. "

"In the weird book city, we are called readers, but we think we are players, life and death players, and we also regard this game as a life and death game!"

"Remember, once the game starts, both injury and death are real. But as long as the game is successfully passed, even if only the last breath of injury is left, you can still walk away."

"Any unimaginable situation may appear in front of us. The game will also set various death traps. Once the player falls into the trap, he will surely die."

"Little brother, it is our goal to survive the clearance game. Now we are a team, unity is very important, and we must trust each other."

"If you find any clues later, you must communicate in time. Only in this way can we have the greatest possibility to return to real life alive."

The man pushed his glasses under his nose and smiled at Yun Zheng for the first time: "Yes, my name is Teng Chi. What do you call me?"

According to Teng Chi, Yun Zheng is not 100% confident, but he can only take one step at a time. He has always been adaptable, and soon accepted the reality: "Well, my name is Yun Zheng. Listen to your introduction, even if we survive this time, we will enter the weird book city together next time. Does that mean that there is no end?"

"It is not clear whether there is no end, but if you survive in the death game, team members will gain some benefits, which can strengthen their physical quality, improve their ability, and even gain real benefits. In a sense, the longer you live, the stronger you will become."

After a pause, he continued: "You may not know that many famous scientists, businessmen and stars in our reality have become outstanding and different because they have gained various benefits from the weird book city. It can be said that they have gained wisdom, money and reputation by the threat of death. By the way, after the game is over, you can go to the forum and have a look. There will let you know a lot. "

Yun Zheng nodded, "OK, when will the game start?"

Teng Chi was stunned. It was the first time he met someone who accepted the 'copy' so quickly, but it was also good. It saved his effort.

"Generally speaking, the appearance of NPC is the official start of the game. By the way, did you hear anything just now?"

Yunzheng thought of the inexplicable words and nodded. He has a good memory. As long as he has heard something once, he can remember it word by word.

Teng Chi said: "That's the clue given to players by the weird book store. We are now in the villa mentioned in the online cable."

"In addition, did the Book City give you any other tips?" Teng Chi looked at Yun Zheng curiously.

Tips? Yun Zheng suddenly remembered that the weird book store really gave him another ability.

It's called Yipeep at the secrets of heaven.

Suddenly, a mechanical voice sounded in Yunzheng's mind.

"Reader Yun Zheng, do you want to use the ability now?"

This is the sound!

"What ability?" Yun Zheng tried to ask in his heart.

"A glimpse of the secrets of the universe is a level A ability to look up any person, object or material that appears in the copy. Because the reader's own level is too low, the use is limited. The current copy can only be used once, 10 seconds at a time."

"Reader Yun Zheng, do you want to use a peek into the sky immediately?"

"No," said Yun Zheng without hesitation.

Then, the voice of the Book City disappeared in my mind.

The conversation between Yun Zheng and Book City actually took only two seconds, so in the eyes of others, he was stunned.

"I have no ability," replied Yun Zheng.

This is absolutely his unique skill to protect his life. He will not disclose it to anyone.

Tengchi smiled: "It's nothing. Not everyone is lucky enough to get talent at the beginning, neither are we. It's said that only a few readers can get the favor of the game at the beginning."

Yun Zheng intentionally digs the topic: "Now is it time to find the kind old lady..."

Before Yun Zheng finished his words, he suddenly heard the "squeak" of opening the door, and everyone froze. To be precise, it was the tension of the body subconsciously.

The sound was heard in front of them. The faint sound of opening the door was particularly clear in the dark and quiet environment. Yun Zheng saw a faint flickering candle light leaking from the crack of the door, and the door opened.

"Squeak, Squeak."

The wheelchair ran over the floor, and a huge black shadow seeped out. A dead old woman appeared at the door in a wheelchair.

"Ah..." The female high school student screamed and hurriedly covered her mouth.

The old woman has age spots on her face, short hair with ears, and a white hat on her head. Both legs are broken. Below the knee, there are empty trouser legs.

The vision of the old space hole walked one by one on the players. The eyes moved slightly, and the withered lips wriggled, giving a mechanical old voice: "Since they are all here, come in."

With that, she pushed the wheelchair back into the house.

The door was empty, with only a few clusters of flickering candlelight.

The silent open door seems to be the first multiple choice question handed to players.

Enter, or not enter.

In a moment, Yun Zheng lifted his stiff legs and walked into the room. Behind him, players kept up.

Until the last player enters the door, the door closes again.

This is a suite with one bedroom and one living room. There was a table in the outer room, on which burning candles barely lit up the room.

The furnishings in the house are very simple, the furniture is clear at a glance, and the empty environment is suffused with a decaying smell of dust for years.

Yun Zheng's eyes fell on the big bookshelf next to the wall. There were no books on the bookshelf, and it was full of candles. The wall is surrounded by a black cloth, which looks very dark.

From the moment he entered the room, Yun Zheng felt very uncomfortable, but he could not tell where the discomfort came from.

After entering the house, the old lady sat in the corner and looked at them silently without saying a word.

Just watch.

It is enough to make people feel cold.

Yun Zheng felt that his right arm was shaking uncontrollably. Looking down, he saw that the female high school student standing beside him was shaking all over, not only on her body, but also on her face.

Teng Chi, who thought he was the player's leader, said, "Do you have anything to tell me now?"

Obviously, Tengchi has taken the role of 'replica'. The old lady with broken legs sitting in a wheelchair is' kind old lady ', and they are' kind villagers' who come to repair the house.

The old woman shook her head and said, "It's evening now."

Yun Zheng looks at the clock on the wall, which shows the current time of the game world: 12:15.

The time they were waiting outside just now was about fifteen minutes.

In other words, the game starts at 12:00 p.m.

Tengchi noticed this detail, and a cold sweat appeared on his pale face.


The old lady said, "It's not convenient to do things at night. There are several rooms upstairs. You go to rest first, and work tomorrow when it's dawn."

Unexpectedly, Teng Chi nodded stiffly and said, "OK..."

Yunzheng saw that Tengchi was hesitating to go directly, so he heard the old lady say, "You can take one candle from the shelf. The room is too dark to see anything without candles."

After saying that, the stiff arm slowly lifted up, and the dry fingers pointed to the shelf full of candles.

Tengchi gritted his teeth and went to pick up a candle.

Boys and girls in high school also hurried to get one.

Yun Zheng looked at the candles on the shelf. They were stacked in a mess. Each candle looked exactly the same. There was no difference.

He picked one up on the shelf. Yu Guang saw Yu Yang scratching his head, stretching out his hand to hold the candle, and immediately put down his hand.

"Go to bed at night, don't go out and walk around, and don't open the door at will, or you will bear the consequences."

The old woman's gloomy reminder came from behind.

Six people dared not delay and hurried out.

The door slowly closed, and the old woman's stiff, almost frozen face suddenly showed a strange smile.

The dark eyes stared at Yu Yang's empty hands, and the smile on his mouth grew wider and wider, as if he were going to push all the wrinkles to his temples.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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