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Chapter 1 Spacecraft

In 2780 AD, in order to solve various problems on the earth, such as population and resources. Humans have been forced to carry out interstellar colonization across star systems, aiming at a special star system.

Scientists were surprised to find that there were two planets in the same planetary orbit of the star system a hundred years ago. These two planets of the same size as the Earth revolved around each other, forming an alternative binary system.

This binary system is the goal of mankind.

Due to imperfect technology and hasty action, the result of this interstellar colonization was not very ideal.

However, some people survived on the new planet and spread human civilization in the past.

The first year when people arrived on the two planets is called the first year of the New Year, which symbolizes the beginning of a new era.


In 470 New Year, Canglan, one of the Gemini stars.

Eighty percent of the area of Canglan Star is sea, with only two lands.

The largest Kabar Continent is about 65 million square kilometers, which is divided into four regions: east, south, west and north.

The eastern boundary is divided into 13 districts. Except for the first district where the capital Langarde is located, each district covers an area of millions of square kilometers and covers a vast territory.

The Teri Military Aviation Flight Academy in Langarde is holding a grand ceremony.

"Lieutenant Qu Buhuai, congratulations on your passing the final college assessment. From now on, you will be a member of the East Leading Fourth District Air Force!"

After a standard military salute, Qu Buhuai took a piece of paper with transfer instructions on it. He will be assigned to the military base in the fourth district to become a real fighter pilot.

Fu Zhe, Qu Buhuai's best friend and comrade in arms, also passed the examination together. They have been in the same class since childhood. In high school, both of them participated in the physical examination of pilots recruited by the Eastern Leading Army.

After twice screening, they became the only qualified students in high school. In this way, the two spent five years together as flight cadets.

Looking back on these five years of life, Qu Buhuai felt a little sorry. These five years are really hell. However, I am one step closer to my dream.

Qu Buhuai squinted at the blue sky, and couldn't help thinking of himself in junior high school. He also looked up at the fighter planes flying in the sky in the same way, and said, "I must fly on that plane in the future, certainly!"

Fu Zhe sat by and looked at himself cheerfully. "Then I will, too. In the future, let's go to test pilots together and compare who can fly better!"

Remembering the jokes they played when they were young, Qu Buhuai's mouth turned into an obvious arc.

"What are you thinking? You are so distracted." Fu Zhe came from behind.

Qu Buhuai turned his head and looked at Fu Zhe carefully and said, "Ah Zhe, do you remember what you said in junior high school? We should compare who can fly better."

"Eh? I have tried many times in training. Do you want to come?" Fu Zhe sighed. "All right, let's do it again."

Qu Buhuai went to the hangar, "I will win this time!"

Fu Zhe weakly followed him, "Yes, every time you say that, you never win."


A month later

The fourth area is located in the south of Langarde, and the east is the endless sea. Because it is close to the capital and also faces the sea, the military strength of the fourth district, especially the air force, is among the best among the eastern districts.

Linjiang City, the location of the Fourth District Air Force General Base. The richest place in the east is the coastal metropolises, with Langarde ranking first and Linjiang second.

Qu Buhuai and Fu Zhe were assigned to the Heavenly Group of the Fifth Air Force stationed in the general base.

"Fu Zhe, your flight number is 41511, Qu Buhuai, and your flight number is 41512. Today, let you fly alone. The result of this month's training depends on today's performance. Don't be too nervous, just do as you usually do." Major Li Guo, the captain, told the two people in front with a serious face.

"Yes!" "Yes!"

It has been one month since they joined the "strongest team in the fourth district", the Heavenly Corps, with the outstanding results of being the first and second in the college.

Today, they finally have their own fighter plane, which is about to start their flying career.

After checking that they were wearing the right clothes, they went to their own aircraft and printed two fighters with 41511 and 41512 numbers.

Streamlined silver white fuselage, swept back trapezoidal wings, and tail wings are symmetrically distributed on both sides of the twin engine nozzles, with two vertical tail wings slightly inclined outward.

Qu Buhuai saw the NIF-A for the first time five years ago and was amazed by its beautiful shape. He has been working hard for the goal of driving the NIF-A in recent years.

Today, this goal has finally been achieved.

He climbed into the cockpit with a little excitement, calmed down, gave a thumbs up to Fu Zhe who was not far away, and then closed the canopy.

"FAAI, check the fighter." FAAI is a fighter assisted AI developed by the Plosi Research Institute. This is the biggest difference between the new intelligent fighter at the NIF level and the old models of various fighters.

Intelligent fighters use AI to assist in handling many affairs, such as various checks before takeoff and tedious startup procedures, which can be done by AI to save pilots a lot of trouble.

However, this does not mean that pilots no longer need to learn relevant knowledge. In the first two years of college, Qu Buhuai learned and memorized all the steps of inspection and startup procedures.

When the AI does the work, the pilot needs to compare whether there is any error in the AI operation. Once there is an error, the pilot needs to stop for maintenance or change to the manual mode.

"Self inspection completed." All items to be checked appear on the helmet mounted display in green.

The ground personnel also completed the external inspection of the aircraft, and everything was ready.

"FAAI, start the fighter." There is no need to start. The power system starts to work, and other systems start to operate one by one.

"Tower, this is 41512. Ready, request to slide out."

"You can slide out to the second runway."

The engine started to run, and under the guidance of the guide, the aircraft slowly left the hangar.

Although it was the first time to feel the real NIF-A, Qu Buhuai had already practiced it countless times, and was able to manipulate it easily. The two fighters left the hangar in turn and skidded into the runway in formation.

"Tower, 41512 request takeoff."

"The runway is cleared and ready for takeoff."

Accompanied by bright flames and huge roar, two NIF-As flew into the sky.

"41511 is the long plane and 41512 is the wingman. Next, we will assign you tasks to patrol around Linjiang City. Keep up your spirits and be alert. There is no instructor around you. If something happens, you will have to bear all the responsibilities yourself. If you are unlucky, you will get in. If you can't even complete the first solo flight successfully, our Heavenly Sky Brigade will not accept such waste." Li Guo's voice came.

"Received!" "Received!"

The general air force base of the fourth zone is more than ten kilometers away from the downtown area of Linjiang. The two men speed up and fly into the sky. Within a few seconds, the tall buildings in Linjiang are clearly visible.

"Senior Colonel Li Guo said that he would give us a few days' leave after this mission, and then he would take you and Xiao Ya to the best hotel in Linjiang. We have not been together for a long time." Fu Zhe's voice came from the chat channel.

Fu Ya, Fu Zhe's sister, is still in Linjiang High School. Because the flight school is closed management and usually very busy, they met only a few times during their five years of schooling.

Qu Buhuai smiled. He also missed Fu Yana.

Although Linjiang City covers a vast area, it doesn't take long to circle at the speed of fighter planes.

There was no abnormal situation on the way. The two men successfully completed the patrol, flew out of the city and came to a plain. There are lots of fields on the ground, and several expressways are interspersed among them. There is a continuous stream of cars coming and going.

"This is..."

Qu Buhuai noticed that the space ahead was slowly distorted, and the scope was still expanding.

"Going in!" Fu Zhe's voice was tense. They were too fast to avoid the large area in front.

They didn't know what to do in such an unexpected situation. Most importantly, there was no response from the call base.

Seen from a distance, the distorted space is like a confused shadow, in which everything becomes blurred.

The atmosphere here is extremely serious in the Fourth District Air Force Base.

The communication between them and the pilot is always on. Except for a few special cases, neither side will actively turn off the communication.

But just now, the communication signal was suddenly interrupted, the call did not respond, and the signals of the two planes on the radar disappeared.

In addition, the relevant department of Linjiang City has just sent a message saying that there is a strange scene in the south of the city, where their signal disappeared. It can be determined that the two fighters have encountered some unknown emergency, and what they have encountered should not be a good thing.

"Sound the third level alarm and notify the superior. In addition, let all members of the Heavenly Corps enter the combat readiness state and be ready to take off at any time." Li Guo calmly ordered that they should be ready in advance, whether for Fu Zhequ's sake or to deal with unknown situations.


Since they flew into this twisted area, Fu Zhe and Qu Buhuai could not distinguish any direction, and they were all in a vast expanse of whiteness.

Not far away, there are two pyramidal giants suspended, slender octahedron, which looks like crystal, and some unknown objects floating around.

Two UFOs fought head to head. It seemed that they were fighting, and one of them looked shabby.

"Don't get any closer. This is not something we can cope with. Let's see if we can get out first."

"Hmm." Qu Buhuai thought the same way. He should protect his life first.

"Stay away from these two things first."

"FAAI, release the speed limit."

With Qu Buhuai's command, the flame at the tail nozzle of the NIF-A engine suddenly expanded, turning from red to blue. In just a few seconds, the speed of the fighter plane rose to a new level, leaving a long trail.

The speed limit of NIF-A is generally set at Mach 1, that is, one time the speed of sound, about 1225 km/h.

This is due to the fact that when patrolling near Linjiang City, sonic booms will be generated when the speed of sound exceeds the speed of sound, which will cause huge noise and affect people's life and work.

The energy of sonic boom is also huge. The pressure transmitted to the ground can shatter the building glass and have a direct impact on the human body. Therefore, supersonic flight is prohibited above the urban area.

They got away from the strange prism and rushed into the boundless whiteness. Just when they thought they could go out, two identical prisms appeared right in front of them.

One is intact, the other is tottering.

It seems that this strange space doesn't want them to leave easily.

Just as they were thinking about how to leave, a dazzling light suddenly came from their eyes.

Qu Buhuai subconsciously closed his eyes, then there was a loud noise, followed by a blast wave and a storm like blow.

He wanted to open his eyes to see what had happened, but his eyes were blurred and his ears were buzzing.

Like a small ship in the tsunami, the fighter plane drifts with the tide and is totally out of control.

"FAAI, check your body and report your status." Qu Buhuai forced out a sentence while trying to resist the feeling of dizziness.

"Many parts of the airframe have been broken down, 87% of the systems have no response, and the power system and attitude stability system have been seriously damaged. It is estimated that the engine will shut down within 10 seconds." The sound of FAAI has obvious current Zizi sound, and the condition of the fighter is not ideal.

"FAAI, is there any repair plan?"


Also, Qu Buhuai laughed at himself, and now he can only wait for death.

"It's so close that I almost couldn't escape..."

When he was in despair, a voice suddenly came.

A woman's voice? Qu Buhuai thought that he had been hearing things.

"Hey, let me borrow your car."


"How can your plane be broken like this? In return, I will repair it for you."

"Can you fix it?" This made Qu Buhuai's spirit shocked, and he didn't care to ask the source of the voice for a moment.

"Yes. Preload repair system, focusing on repair of power, power and fire control."

With the command of the voice, the crack on the fighter was healing automatically, and the internal damage was also being repaired rapidly.

Qu Buhuai felt something wrong when he heard about the fire control system, "Who are you? What do you want?"

"You can call me Xinona. Wait until you have time to solve the immediate problems first."

"The trouble ahead?"

"Yes, an enemy of mine."

Various instruments of the aircraft returned to normal first, power was supplied again, and several displays began to work. The plane, which had been in the falling position, stabilized again and flew again.

Qu Buhuai still did not recover from the influence of the previous strong light. He groped to turn on the radio and repeatedly called Fu Zhe, but there was no answer except Zizi.

His heart sank and he tried to call the base again, but it was also fruitless.

His vision gradually recovered. Through the hatch cover, Qu Buhuai found that the front of the fighter was the prism he had seen before. It floats alone, and another broken prism that originally existed near it disappears.

"What is that?"

"Hum hum, it's just a spaceship." When Xinona thought about this, she gritted her teeth.

She was attacked during the space transition. Before she could counter attack, the photon shield was broken, and then several main cannons broke it into pieces.

Qu Buhuai looked at every corner of the cabin to find out the source of the sound.

"The other spaceship was yours before? What happened to that?"

"My spaceship was attacked and exploded, and just caught you. I can only use your plane for the time being."

"Did you see a fighter of the same type as mine?" Qu Buhuai felt that Fu Zhe might be saved.

"Well... Actually, I caught that one, but it was completely destroyed in the explosion."

"Ah Zhe?" Qu Buhuai was a little incredulous. "Is this... really? Ah Zhe......"

"Is that your companion? Please mourn. At least we can avenge him and solve the culprit in front of us."

Qu Buhuai clenched his fist and nodded. At this moment, the fighter has flown to the bottom of the Prism spacecraft.

"I left some means before the explosion. It should be in a dead state now. When we go in through the interface, I will get the internal structure diagram of the spaceship long ago. As long as we reach the main control room, we can find out the guy behind the control."

"I see." Qu Buhuai didn't say much nonsense.

At the bottom of the prism, there was a dark hole, and they flew in through this interface.

Inside the spaceship, there are holes, surrounded by light blue glass tunnels, which are just the size of a NIF-A's wingspan. Through the passage, they came to a place that looked like a hangar.

The spacious three-layer platform on both sides is full of planes about the size of NIF-A, but the shape is more sci-fi, and the scientific and technological content is not comparable to Canglan human beings.

Without a pause, the fighter flew to the upper channel again. The same tunnel, I don't know how long it has been flying, but there is a light spot in front of the tunnel, which is getting bigger and bigger, and finally occupies the whole line of sight.

This is a huge space, which is judged by the feeling of being unwilling to bend. The walls are like honeycombs, covered with hexagonal white tiles.

Seeing that a foreign object was intruded into, a thick male voice sounded out of the air in the space, "I didn't expect that you would dare to come here. You are really not afraid of death. Do you really think that I can't deal with you if I get hit by your little trick?"

"If you have any future, just come here and I will tear you down today." Xinona tit for tat.

"Hum, how much energy do you have left after you fled to an aircraft of lower civilization in such a mess? What harm can you do to me? You want to dismantle me, hahaha, joke."

"Then you can watch it."

The NIF-A is wrapped in a layer of milky white light, and the fighter is moving like a living creature. The flat NIF-A stood up. To be exact, it has become a mecha form.

A few seconds later, the white light dissipated. Qu Buhuai looked around again and found that NIF-A had completely changed.

It is a kind of humanoid combat weapon in the "mobile soldier" animated cartoon of the ancient earth age that he saw when he was a child.

Because this cartoon is too classic, it has been admired by many people for hundreds of years, so it has carried out interstellar colonization with some human beings and was taken to Canglan Star.

During the pioneer period, one of the few recreational activities of people was to watch various movies and animations. This cartoon has become a memory of generations on the new planet and is still broadcast on television.

The engine turns into legs, the wings hang on both sides like angel wings, and the cockpit is embedded in the chest, which looks like a black gem.

On the left hand is the NIF-A standard machine gun, with 1200 rounds per minute and an effective range of 2000 meters. He held a short steel pipe in his right hand.

"This is?!!" Qu Buhuai was puzzled to shock.

"My temporary design of Super Warrior 1!" It sounds that Xinona is very proud of this.

"Without blessing, it is admirable to be able to support such a scale of 'transformation'. It's a pity. Guards, come out and kill them."

With the voice of the master of the spaceship falling, several floors on the ground were sunken, and several dark shadows rushed out. When you looked carefully, they were all huge strange creatures with airtight armor.

He has limbs and trunk, but he has a pair of sharp corners on his head, his eyes are flashing red, and he has a giant axe in his hand.

The transformed NIF-A can only reach the waist of those monsters, and is surrounded by several such monsters. It's still very stressful to be bent.

The steel pipe on NIF-A's right hand emits a white laser, about half the length of NIF-A.

This is, lightsaber? Although Qu Buhuai has not seen it in reality, he has seen it in the film and is still easy to recognize it.

The mecha NIF-A moves its wrist, the lightsaber dances several brilliant lights and shadows in the air, and then rushes towards a guard right in front. At the moment, the thrust of the sole engine has reached the maximum, and the dark blue flame spurts out. But in a twinkling, NIF-A appeared in front of the guard, and the lightsaber went straight into its chest, and then gently raised it, the guard would split in two.

Qu Buhuai looked at the scattered mechanical fragments and the fuzzy meat on them, and then he realized that the guard was not a pure organism, but a mixture of biology and machinery.

"Little idea! First!"

"Let me see how good you are. Let's go together."

The rest of the guards rushed forward. Although they were not small, they were still very agile.

"Tut, it's really troublesome." She controlled the NIF-A to run wildly while saying that she did not forget to strafe the guards behind, but the bullets hit their armor and bounced away.

NIF-A kicks on the ground in front of her, and the engine also boosts her, bouncing backward, completing 360 degree rotation in the air, and her right hand makes a downward chopping action, facing a guard below.


After finishing the second one cleanly, NIF-A did not stop attacking. The engine nozzle deflected to the left, moving the whole body laterally to the right for a distance. When the lightsaber was waved, another guard was broken at the waist.

This is the advantage of the vector engine. The nozzle of the engine can deflect at a large angle.


NIF uses its mobility to run up and down and break down these guards one by one.





"It's over."

The owner of the spaceship kept silent all the time. Seeing this, Shinona sneered and manipulated NIF-A to open a hexagonal "white tile", revealing the device composed of crystal and machinery below.

The moment NIF-A's right hand touched the surface crystal of the device, Qu Buhuai entered a wonderful realm and felt a nihility beside him.

"Is this' her '?" he said to himself.

Shinona is building some kind of link with the whole ship through the crystal to search for something. It didn't take long to find out, "Taka, right? It's your honor to let me remember your name before dying."


Then there was a long silence.

When Taka's voice is echoed again in the space, it is his unique sound.

"Yuan won't give up. Humans need to accept their destiny and can't escape. Shinona, you can't change all this. It's just futile!"

The sound gradually dissipated, followed by a violent shock.

"It's going to collapse here. I'll take you away." Her voice sounded weak. "Negative."

The NIF-A was once again surrounded by white light and reverted to the form of a fighter plane. It rushed to the entrance when it came, drove to the maximum horsepower and ran all the way.

I ran out without danger. Before long, the whole ship was completely disintegrated.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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