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Chapter 1 Young Disciple Jianghu Elder

Flowers bloom and fall.

The young disciple is old in the Jianghu. He has white hair in his red hair.

Yuan, six years of Zhizheng.

Wudang Mountain.

early morning.

A Taoist with white hair and childlike appearance stood outside the Wudang Hall, looking at the masters of all the sects in front. The flow of qi was uncertain, and the true qi was surging like tide, shaking the ground under his feet out of the cracks. It was obvious that the internal power was hard to control under the excitement.

"I am Zhang Sanfeng... or Zhang Jun... or... both of them are me..."

The mind flashes.

Numerous memories emerged from the platform.

After a long time, the Taoist gradually opened his eyebrows.

"I see..."

The white haired Taoist priest's eyes flashed a flash, and his already calm state of mind also had some ups and downs: "Zhuang Zhou dreams of butterflies, and butterflies dream of Zhuang Zhou. I never thought that the Taoist priest would wake up the mystery in the womb when he was 100 years old."

Zhang Jun is him, and so is Zhang Sanfeng.

It's not the so-called crossing, nor is it a sacrifice. Zhang Jun died unexpectedly in his previous life, but somehow he was reincarnated to the world of leaning on the sky and became the little disciple of Master Jueyuan, the Buddhist monk of Shaolin Temple in the past.

Zhang Sanfeng's eyes are bright and distant, revealing the vicissitudes of the world.

Eighty seven years ago.

It was also the first year of the great Song Dynasty.

The sharp Mongolian cavalry marched southward, and the northern and southern armies attacked Xiangyang. All the heroes of the Central Plains Wulin gathered together to fight against foreign enemies under the leadership of Great Xia Guo Jing.

Later, when the Mongolian army attacked the city and Xiangyang was in danger, Yang Guo, the god carver, appeared with his wife, Xiao Longnv. He first defeated the Jinlun National Master with peerless skills, and then killed Big Khan Mengge with a flying stone to solve the danger of Xiangyang.

After this battle, for the sake of the throne of the Great Khan, Mongolia had frequent civil strife and was unable to invade southward. The Central Plains also had nearly 20 years of peace.

At that time, Xiao Xiangzi, an expert from the Western Regions, and Yin Kexi sneaked into Shaolin and stole the Lengja Sutra, which contains the Nine Yang Skill. Master Jueyuan took himself to the top of Huashan Mountain and met the couple of Great Xia Guo and many predecessors by chance.

He had to be taught three moves of martial arts by the legendary sculptor Xi Kuang Yang Guo, which defeated the famous Yin Kexi for many years.

I also made a lot of predestination with that bright young girl.

Later, the Three Saints of Kunlun, He Zu Dao, challenged Shaolin. In order to protect himself, Master Jueyuan fled down the Shaolin Mountain and ran for more than 200 miles. After that, his skills were exhausted and he died. He was also chased by the Shaolin Discipline Hall.

It was not until more than ten years later that he realized the supreme Taoist martial arts principle of overcoming hardness with softness, created the Pure Yang Wuji Skill, and defeated all the masters of Shaolin Temple Discipline, Dharma, Arhat, Prajna, Bodhi, Dragon Tree, and Heart Zen.

A real martial sword was used to conquer the Wulin and wipe out the demons. Later, it established a sect in Wudang Mountain and recruited many disciples. It has been invincible for decades.

But when he thought about the future fate of his disciples, Zhang Sanfeng felt a bit blocked.

"The Vajra Gate in the Western Regions..."

Ten years ago, Yu Daiyan, his three disciples, suffered a series of assassinations on his way back to the mountain to congratulate him on his birthday. First, he was poisoned, and then he was broken off with powerful Vajra fingers, leaving him disabled for life, but the murderer was never found.

Five disciples, Zhang Cui, went down the mountain to look for clues, but they never returned. They didn't know whether they were alive or dead. They were also saddled with the blood debt of dozens of lives from Longmen Escort Agency. A few days ago, they returned to China with their wife and children from the overseas Binghuo Island. But in the middle of the journey, Tusun Wuji was abducted by a Western expert disguised as a Yuan soldier.

According to the original world line.

Next, the five major sects forced Zhang Cuishan and his wife to die.

But now the situation is different. He has awakened the memory of his previous life and knows the plot of the world like the palm of his hand, at least in the early stage.

How could he possibly let this happen again.

It seems that it's time for his old bones to get active, so that no one will dare to come to Wudang Mountain to shout a few times in the future.

At this moment, a figure suddenly rushed out from behind and knelt in front of Zhang Sanfeng in tears.

"Master, I've made a big mistake now, and I can't help it. I only ask you one thing!"

Zhang Cuishan kowtowed three times and said, "I have an only son, Wuji. Unfortunately, he fell into the hands of a traitor. I hope Master can save him and bring him up!"

After saying that, Zhang Cuishan stood up and walked a few steps forward. He came to the front of many experts of the Five Gate Sect. His right hand was a roll away, and the long sword in the hand of Taoist boy not far away suddenly fell into his hands.

"I, Zhang Cuishan, have done all my sins alone. My husband was born in heaven and earth, and one should do everything one by one. Today Zhang Cuishan will satisfy everyone!"

With that, Zhang Cuishan's arm shook, and he wanted to cut his throat with a horizontal sword.

But in this moment.

Zhang Sanfeng suddenly raised his right hand, holding his finger like a sword across the void. Three invisible strong winds burst out of the void, hitting three acupoints on Zhang Cuishan's right arm, Quchi, Sidu and Yangchi.

Zhang Cuishan felt his arms tingling and weak, and his sword fell to the ground with a clang.


Zhang Sanfeng walked over slowly, shook his head and said: "Idiot, even if the sky falls, there is a master behind you. Why do you have to go this way? If you can't protect your own children, then we Wudang will not have the need to survive. We might as well close the mountain as soon as possible."

Every step forward, Zhang Sanfeng's momentum is stronger. When he comes to Zhang Cuishan, the vigorous qi emitted from his body has already driven people of all sects back tens of feet. Only the disciples of Emei have not been affected.

Among them, Huashan and Shaolin have received "special care".

Among the five major sects that came here, only Emei can be said to be sincerely celebrating their birthday. In addition to offering sixteen precious jade articles, there is also a red brocade Taoist robe on which ten Emei disciples embroidered a hundred different characters of "longevity" with gold thread.

Although Kunlun and Kongtong were not pure in purpose, they also left their weapons at Wudang Jiejian Stele when they went up the mountain, doing their best to save face.

As the saying goes, you should turn to the peach and return to the plum.

Of course, Zhang Sanfeng would not care too much about them.


The Shaolin Sect Kongwen Zen Master managed to stabilize his body and exclaimed: "Immortal Zhang is trying to force others to fail. Although I am not the opponent of Immortal Zhang, I can still fight for more than 70 lives of Shaolin Sect. Even if I know I will not be defeated, I also want to seek justice, and kill people to pay for heaven and earth!"


Zhang Sanfeng said coldly, "On the occasion of the 100th birthday of the Taoist priest, you came to persecute my disciple in the name of congratulating him on his birthday. Go back and ask those people who are not stupid who are on the side of justice."

"Moreover, even if we want to seek justice, we Wudang should go to Shaolin to ask for it!"

Zhang Sanfeng gently shook his Taoist robe.

A golden light suddenly shot out, and the sound of "clang" was embedded in the ground.

It was the gold ingot ten years ago that left the imprint of the powerful Vajra finger!

"My three disciples, Yu Daiyan, are injured by your Shaolin School's unparalleled knowledge. Should you give me a statement?"


Kongwen put his hands together and said: "Immortal Zhang, I just said that there are very few masters of our sect who have developed Vajra Finger Power in the past 70 years. Apart from the three brothers, there are only three elders in the forbidden area of the back mountain who are still alive, but they have not been out of the mountain gate for decades, so they cannot attack Yu Sanxia."

"If you want to add sin, you should not hesitate!"

After hearing this, Zhang Songxi, the fourth Xia, said angrily, "You said that you saw my fifth brother kill people, which can't be proved by anyone except your Shaolin Sect, but it's hard to prove that my third brother was injured by your Shaolin Sect's martial arts."

"Back down, Songxi."

Zhang Sanfeng waved his hand and then said, "Let's not talk about my two disciples for a moment. Eighty seven years ago, Shaolin met a great enemy. It was my teacher Jueyuan who protected the reputation of Shaolin for thousands of years. But later, you forced him to die and sent experts from the Discipline Hall to hunt down the poor. How can you repay this justice? I wonder how many more lives your temple is going to pay for our teacher Jueyuan's life?"

Hearing this, everyone of Kunlun Sect stepped back quietly.

You should know that the master who almost picked up the whole Shaolin Temple was the founder of the Kunlun Sect, the Three Sages of Kunlun Sect. However, they were not able to maintain the glory of the Kunlun Sect.

"Immortal Zhang, since we are involved in a dispute between the two sects, we can't tell the right from the wrong with reason, so we can divide black and white according to the rules of Wulin. We have heard for a long time that Immortal Zhang's martial arts originated from Shaolin. My martial brothers are now overestimated and want to join hands to ask for advice. I hope Immortal Zhang will give us some advice on martial arts!"

Then, a sharp flame sabre cut through the air.

Seventy two unique skills of Shaolin - wood burning knife technique!

The person who used the move was Shaolin Kongzhi Zen Master. Among the four holy monks of Shaolin, except the dead Kongzhi, his martial arts are the highest. Shaolin's seventy-two unique skills have seven unique skills.

Kongzhi's sudden move moved everyone.

"How presumptuous!"

Song Yuanqiao even scolded him directly, and other Wudang disciples also glared at him angrily.

Zhang Sanfeng has been famous for more than 70 years. It's no exaggeration to say that all those who have touched him have died clean now. Few are alive, and even fewer have died.

No one in the world knows the extent of his martial arts.

However, judging from the vigorous spirit just now, the first four words in the world are well deserved.

Even if the four monks of Shaolin are here, they may not be able to compete with Zhang Sanfeng's real sword.

What's more, after his old age, Zhang Sanfeng became more proficient and had already abandoned his sword.

Everyone held their breath and waited to see how Zhang Sanfeng could resist the wood burning sabre technique, because they had never seen Zhang Sanfeng attack.

Today, this wish can be achieved.

Zhang Sanfeng reached out his hand to stop the six disciples who wanted to appear for him, and said calmly, "I have not fought with others for more than 30 years since I founded Wudang, and today I am just relaxing my muscles and bones."

Take one step and the boots fall gently.

In a moment, the majestic qi swept like a river, surging up. The flame sabre qi had not reached the body yet, but it had been scattered and invisible beyond ten meters.

"Compared with Wukong Zen Master, the wood burning sabre technique of Kongzhi God Monk is worse."

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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