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Chapter 1 So many worlds?

The weather in the northwest of China in April is unpredictable. People have to wear thick coats in the morning when it is freezing, short sleeves when it is hot at noon, and sometimes frost, snow and hail. Every day, they have to withstand the test of the four seasons. However, the most famous weather is sandstorm.

Today, on April 13, the sun was shining high at noon. Not long after that, everyone saw a wall of dust rolling in the west.

Shen Yue, who was walking on the road, saw this scene and immediately felt encouraged. It was not fun to be wrapped in a sandstorm, so he hurried home.

Shen Yuenian was 22 years old. He had just graduated from college and studied accounting, but he was not interested in it, especially since we media suddenly emerged. It seemed that everyone was shooting videos, and his heart was crawling like 100000 ants. Today, he went out to apply for a short video production company. Who would like to see that he was an accounting major and had nothing to do with short video production, Reject him directly.

He came out unhappy and saw this huge sandstorm. He was ready to avoid it and walked a few steps. He suddenly thought, if this sandstorm was filmed, wouldn't it be a good movie scene? Since the company won't hire me, can't I make a short film with this background? Anyway, the platform is free.

If you want to do it, take out your mobile phone and take pictures of the sandstorm.

Photography is also a complex technology. Shen Yue has not undergone systematic training, but just groped for it himself. However, it is difficult to stop his enthusiasm.

In this shot, I was fascinated by the yellow sand, the sky became red, and the sun without dark clouds was like a bright lamp, broken vegetation, crackling signs, and a picture of the end in the sandstorm.

"Spectacular! How spectacular!" Shen Yue couldn't help admiring that the environmental changes over the past thousand years have created this natural disaster, but it also has its unique aesthetic feeling.

Inadvertently, the storm has wrapped Shen Yue inside. Realizing this, he found a direction, ran quickly, and collected enough materials, so there is no need to stay inside.

At the moment when he turned around, he suddenly saw a flame like red in the corner of his eyes. Looking back, he saw a red whirlwind in the turbid storm. It was light and beautiful. Shen Yue unconsciously praised "Haomei" and took out his mobile phone again for shooting.

The small whirlwind quickly swung up and rushed towards the sink.

Before Shen Yue could respond, he was trapped in the storm. His head seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer. Before he passed out, he had only one idea in his mind: I still want to make movies

When he opened his eyes again, he saw the white roof, the white walls, and the strong smell of disinfectant constantly stimulating his nose. Shen Yue immediately understood that he was in the hospital.

Seeing Shen Yue awake, the nurse on the side said, "Don't move around. The doctor will arrange you to have some more examinations. Your family will be here soon."

"I have nothing to do?" Shen nodded more and asked in fear.

"Nothing, but the person who sent you said you were brave enough to wander in the sandstorm." The nurse was surprised.

"Hey hey, I think it's very spectacular, but I almost put myself in it." Shen Yue explained, and the nurse shook her head and left.

Soon, Shen Yue's parents came over. His parents both worked in the construction industry. His mother was a migrant worker and his father was a construction worker.

In the early years, the income from farming in rural areas was low, and many people started to work in cities. Because of education problems, nine adults chose to work on construction sites. Shen Yue's father, Shen Chengqin, worked hard and got rid of the fate of being a coolie. His mother, Li Wenhui, received less education, so he had no choice but to do hard work.

This is why he studied accounting, because rural people have been getting rid of land and construction sites all their lives.

"Dad, Mom, I'm fine." Shen Yue said ahead of his parents, unwilling to worry.

"It's OK." Li Wenhui looked at Shen Yue worriedly. "Be careful what you do. If you see danger, you should hide. Don't rush up."

She often works in high-rise buildings. She is not afraid of danger. Instead, she tells her son to avoid danger. Shen Yue is upset when she hears this.

"I will push you to have a check." Shen Cheng is always a practical person, and there are few warm words between father and son.

After checking, Shen Yue is sure that he is OK. After paying the bill, the three of them return home. After dinner, Shen Yue returns to his room to check the materials taken during the day.

Just turning on his mobile phone, his head suddenly became dizzy. He held the table and thought in fear, is it a sequela?

Suddenly I heard a mechanical voice: "The host's physical examination is completed, and it meets the requirements of Tiangong, so it is bound to the Tiangong system!"

"What!" Shen Yue was confused for a while, "Tiangong system... what the hell?"

He has read many system stream novels, but never thought that he would really encounter the system

Quickly calmed down and tried to ask: "The Heavenly Creations System? What is it used for?"

"The Tiangong system has the ability to shuttle through the world, so it can be used by the host to travel to other worlds." The mechanical voice of the Tiangong system rings, "The first binding provides a free opportunity to travel to other worlds, detects the host's abnormal love for film shooting, and sets the host to travel to other worlds to get materials for film shooting."

Shen Yue thought about it, and a panel appeared in his mind, with many names listed from top to bottom on the left side: martial arts world, true martial arts world, dragon world, immortal martial arts world, mecha world; On the right is exchange, which also lists many names: body quenching fruit, body forging, wind chasing treasure, secret land

"It's amazing!" Shen Yue exclaimed. Just looking at the names, the world and names are exciting, but only once for free. How to go to other worlds in the future, and what to exchange, still need to explore.

"Please choose the world to enter within five days, or it will be wiped out." The cold mechanical sound came.

"Wipe..." Shen Yue's heart cooled. Unexpectedly, the cruel punishment of killing also existed. It was like a chopper hanging on his head.

As if feeling Shen Yue's fear, the mechanical sound sounded again: "Punishment is to urge the host, not to deliberately threaten."

Shen Yue was relieved. He was really a procrastinator. Today's work might be delayed for a week or two. If no one urged him, he would be very inefficient. With this punishment, it would be good. At least he would force himself not to delay.

"Since this system requires me to go to the other world to make movies, I have to make a good plan." Shen Yue muttered, "Although I want to do this industry, the headless fly must break into it. Now that I have the opportunity, I must firmly grasp it."

Since the development of films, the categories are complex and the production is also high. However, most films hope to be recognized by the market after all, which is commercial films. At the same time, a wide range of literary and artistic fronts are also developing and becoming more and more popular. But for a novice practitioner, it is better to make a commercial film to attract capital.

There are many literary and artistic films that started, but Shen Yue thought about it carefully and didn't want to go this way.

"Since I want to make a big hit movie, it's better to get off the heat." Shen Yue analyzed, "The martial arts fairy tale movies are limited by imagination and technology, and have always been in a state of being on the street. Instead, science fiction has sprung up, especially in summer. The latest" Wandering Mother Star " There is another film that has dampened the enthusiasm of the public. If I succeed in making one, it will be a great success! "

After determining the category, Shen Yue browsed the world name, and the world like Zhenwu and Xianwu could not go there. It was a good place to shoot the fantasy of Xianxia, which ran counter to the goal this time.

"Try to be stable." Shen Yue said to himself, "mecha has been popular for so many years, but it is still popular now. I will go to mecha world, and mecha can take many series."

After deciding which world to go to, Shen Yue relaxed, lay down on the bed, looked at the ceiling and said to himself, "The next thing to do is to bring dry food and video cameras. It's better to make some gadgets to exchange for the money of that world, otherwise I will be poor, how can I get mixed up, and draw materials for a long time“

The next morning, Shen Yue got up, sat down in the chair and looked at the panel again. After confirming that it was not a dream, he was relieved.

"If only I could shoot a short video with my mobile phone. Since I want to make a movie, it's better to set up a camera." After some speculation, Shen Yue himself is a poor guy. He doesn't have a camera. After thinking about it, he can only borrow one. How about a million yuan thing better than a mobile phone?

"Zhao Rui, I need your help!" Qin Wu dialed the video and said directly.

"Tell me what you are busy with." Zhao Rui's lazy voice came from his mobile phone.

Zhao Rui is Shen Yue's good friend. He is tall and big, and his family is relatively well off. He has some camera equipment on hand. The two have a good relationship and have passed the stage of greeting.

"I want to borrow a camera from you. Is it in stock?"

"Why do you want to make a movie?" Zhao Rui said with a smile

"What you said is reasonable, but I can't get along with the crew now. Let's borrow your guys to practice. Can you always shoot short films? I'm going to do some high-tech."

"That's OK. Wait, I'll send it to you later, just in time for you to invite me to dinner." Zhao Rui hung up the video after saying that.

Shen Yue smiled. Zhao Rui's concern moved him and he was very supportive of himself, but his adventure could not be said, otherwise he would have to be regarded as a psychopath.

"Zhao Rui is right. Movies are really a big project," Shen Yue said to himself, "but I have saved a lot of money. I don't need makeup. What bothers me is editing. Film editing is not simple... As for screenwriters, there are so many materials. If you tell a story completely, you have to work hard..."

He was a bit worried, and practical problems were put on the table to dilute the joy of adventure.

Before long, Zhao Rui sent the camera with a stabilizer. They had a meal and separated.

When Shen Yue came home, he simply told his parents that he would go to another place, pack his bags, prepare some food and toys, and walk to a nearby mountain. Few people came here, so he chose the Robo World.

A whirlpool of twists fell on the ground

Copyright: Chuangshi Chinese Website

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