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Chapter 1 Die at a loss

Shu Haoran got drunk.

Today is his 30th birthday. As the saying goes, men are no more than three and women are no more than four. He was also a little taboo and did not plan to celebrate his birthday. However, a group of children and friends did not let him go. They clamoured to help him with his affairs. He likes to be busy and values brotherhood. Naturally, he cannot refuse.

Binjiang New Area has opened this super luxurious five-star hotel. It is magnificent and dazzling, and the price of food is also high. The ordinary people dare not look at it, but it is not a scratch in the eyes of several rich children headed by Shu Haoran. With the mentality of "tasting fresh food", several people together chose this restaurant. They drank wine, ate wine, played cards, sang songs, and spent tens of thousands of yuan on a meal. Before they knew it, it was late at night.

At one o'clock in the morning, this group of old men, either holding young, beautiful and heavily made up women, or holding their brothers together, walked out happily and stagger all the way. The hotel manager stayed with them from beginning to end, and did not dare to neglect them. At this moment, when they sent people to the gate, they could not hide their relief.

"Shu Shao, please wait here. Qin Kai has gone to drive."

When it was the hottest time in summer, the whole city was like a stove in the daytime and a stew pot in the evening. A group of young masters were afraid of the heat and did not go out to wait for their cars in the lobby of the hotel. Where could they be free under the influence of alcohol? I heard them laughing loudly from time to time. They were fighting, pushing and shoving like a group of primary school students who had no teacher to manage. They threw things around casually when they took them, The manager of the hotel could not persuade him. He was afraid of smashing things and people. He kept standing with a stiff smiling face, sweating, and staring at the door. He thought to himself why the car hadn't come and he would hang up if he didn't come.

Shu Hao, who drank too much, was quite quiet. He sat on the sofa in the hall, crossed his legs and smelled of wine. He is an outstanding looking guy who pays attention to taste and maintenance. His eyebrows are clear, his nose is straight, his lips are thin and sexy, his face is beautiful, and his figure is also kept very good. His shoulders are wide and flat, his chest is wide, his waist is thin and his hips are narrow, and his legs are long. For a rich and stylish man like him, it's normal for women to flock to him, but Shu Hao seems to be lacking in interest because he is a little depressed. He has several photos he just received on his mobile phone. The photos show a woman and a man standing side by side, talking and laughing. That woman was his woman a month ago, although he didn't like her, But men are generally like this. Just because they don't like it doesn't mean they can accept that she is with other men so soon.

"Shu Shao, here comes your car."

It was not easy for a car to come. The first one to come was Shu Haoran's car. The orange Lamborghini coupe was more eye-catching. Qin Kai got off the driver's seat, opened the door on the other side, took the unsteady Shu Haoran from the hotel manager, helped him into the car, greeted everyone, and left with his foot on the accelerator.

"What the hell weather! It's so hot!"

Just getting out of the hotel and getting on the bus, Shu Haoran could not stand the hot and sticky air. He was a fastidious person. He hated sweating the most and hated summer the most. Usually this season, he will go to a foreign place with a pleasant climate to live for a while, to see the sea, surf, dive and fish. But this year is a little special. His father and mother went abroad to celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary. His brother has to be busy for a month to come back because of the company. According to their words, there must be someone at home to look after the house. Even if he doesn't understand anything, he doesn't care about anything at ordinary times, but at least as a second young master, it is good to stay in town.

"Shu Shao, drink some water." While driving, Qin Kai handed Shu Haoran a bottle of mineral water, interrupting his private complaint.

Qin Kai is the son of the housekeeper of the Shu family. He has followed Shu Haoran from childhood to adulthood. His main job is to serve the young master. He doesn't talk much at ordinary times, but he has a strong ability to solve problems. He is at ease in the Shu family. Even if Shu Haoran makes a mess, he can handle it in the first place.

"Ah Kai, drive slowly, I'm a little sick." Shu Hao took the water and drank more than half a bottle of it. He woke up a little. In fact, his drinking capacity was good. Tonight, he ate less food. He was drunk by those guys as soon as he came up, making him feel dizzy and sick. He is really a bunch of assholes.

"Good." Qin Kai adjusted the air supply outlet, answered softly, and then continued driving. His appearance is very gentle, his face is white and clean, his facial features are delicate, and he has one or two hundred percent myopia, so he will wear glasses when driving or reading. He is very good to Shu Haoran. He is obedient and considerate. Shu Haoran is also good to him. He almost thinks of him when he has any good things. He doesn't regard him as a servant, but he doesn't regard him as a friend who can play together.

"Ah Kai, do you know everything about An An?" Shu Hao suddenly asked without thinking after a little silence.

"Hmm? What did Shu Shao mean about Miss Ling?" Qin Kai responded quickly and answered appropriately.

"She said that she was pregnant with my child and then lost it," Shu Haoran said straightforwardly.

"Well, I heard about it. What does Shu Shao need Qin Kai to do?" Qin Kai pushed his glasses on his nose, and his eyes were imperceptibly cold.

"I suddenly felt that the child might not belong to me. It seems that there is another man in An'an." Shu Haoran touched the mobile phone in his pocket, curled his mouth and hummed.

"Really? Since Miss Ling is also such a casual woman, Shu Shao doesn't need to be so considerate." Qin Kai doesn't know what happened to make Shu Haoran say that about Ling Mu'an, but he knows in his heart that Ling Mu'an is a good girl, and the most unfortunate thing is to meet Shu Haoran.

"... Well, you are also right." Shu Hao leaned back against the back of the armchair, sighed, and decided not to think about this annoying thing anymore.

"Shu Shao, let me play some music." The wine in the car was a little stuffy, and Qin Kai turned on the stereo after saying that.

Soothing piano music slowly ripples in the car. The uneducated Shu Haoran likes this kind of elegant art. Although he can't play piano music, he likes piano music. Although he can't paint, he likes Hui style oil paintings. Others think he uses these to decorate the facade. It's called throwing money to buy some culture. But Qin Kai knows that Shu Haoran really likes these two things, and he likes them from the bottom of his heart, I just don't want to learn. I prefer ready-made ones. Anyway, I have enough money to spend. Why should I work hard and not buy them directly?

In this way, the big drinkers in the car listened to the music and calmed down. Qin Kai concentrated on driving and did not speak. For a moment, only the piano music was left to rise and fall in his ears. Listen carefully. It was Liszt's highly difficult track Ghost Fire. Shu Haoran listened and thought about things. What he would think about is what to do tomorrow. First of all, he should sleep until noon and get up for breakfast and lunch. In the afternoon, how about going swimming and making a SPA? It is said that there is a concert in the evening that is not bad, but the weather is so hot, do you want to go? If you don't go, who can you give the ticket to? If you used to, you can give it to An An. No, no, no, no, no, that woman can't think about it anymore. If she thinks about it too much, she will have nightmares

Thinking about it, I don't know how long it will take. When Shu Haoran responds, Qin Kai stops at the roadside. This section of the road in the Binjiang Development Zone is a bit desolate, and the street lights are not particularly bright. Shu Hao looked out with fascination. It was a place he did not know. He was not aware of some doubts, and did not know what Qin Kai stopped to do.

"What's wrong with Ah Kai?" Shu Haoran asked. Before Qin Kai could explain to him, someone knocked on the window on his side. Shu Haoran looked at him in response. He was surprised by the people outside the window. He was the elder brother who should be dealing with the development of the company abroad at the moment!

"Haoran, get off the bus." Qin Kai opened the door lock, and Shu Yichen opened the door from the outside. With a steady and pleasant voice, he greeted Shu Haoran to get off the bus.

"Brother! Why are you here? Ha ha, I don't have hallucinations when I drink too much, do I?" Shu Haoran had already happily unfastened his seat belt, stepped out of his long legs and got out of the car. He is three years younger than Shu Yichen, but he is slightly taller than Shu Yichen. The two brothers face each other and their looks are not very similar, which is not surprising. They all look like their mothers, but their mothers are not the same person.

"Happy birthday." Shu Yichen slightly lowered his eyes against the light, couldn't see the look on his face, raised his hand and grabbed Shu Haoran's arm, and pulled him to another car not far away.

"Let me go! Birthday surprise? Brother, what are you doing?" Shu Haoran became more and more elated after hearing the happy birthday. He looked curiously at the car they were sitting in and were already driving. It was not Shu Yichen's Maserati, but a shabby van. He has never taken such a car in his life. It is dirty, bumpy and hot. But he is now in high spirits. He doesn't know what medicine his favorite brother sells in the gourd, waiting for him to solve the "mystery".

"Haoran..." Shu Yichen called him. Since Shu Haoran recognized his brother when he was ten years old, Shu Yichen has always called him like this, full of care, love and doting with strong brotherhood.


It happened so suddenly that Shu Hao thought it was a joke.

Shu Yichen held the knife in his hand, and the whole blade fell into his left chest. The handle of the knife was like a decoration. Shu Haoran looked down and wondered for a moment whether it was a magic knife. As shown on TV, the sharp and cold blade was not in his body, but in the handle.

"Brother... Brother.

"Die, Haoran." Shu Yichen's face was expressionless, neither happy nor sad. He raised his other hand and also held the handle of the knife. Then he twisted his two hands hard. The blade that pierced vertically twisted 180 degrees, and the heart that was pierced by the blade was then twisted!

"Uh huh -" The sharp, unbearable, heart splitting pain instantly sent Shu Hao into hell! He raised his head, his pupils contracted violently, and his mouth was wide open, but he could not breathe air. The feeling of dying was extremely painful, but he did not suffer for a long time. Because of this fatal blow, he was not allowed to continue to live and taste slowly.

After taking a few breaths, he became weak and fell into Shu Yichen's arms. Unconsciously, he convulsed, vomited blood, opened his eyes, and swallowed his breath. To die with open eyes is not hatred, but confusion. Why did he die? Why did he die in the hands of his brother who loved him most


Brand: Clear
Time of launch: 10:13:36, August 7, 2020
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