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Chapter 1 Warm

Male dormitory of Donghai University

Jiang Li almost thought he was dazzled when he saw the errand running app that he had nothing to do yesterday. He rubbed his eyes and found there was nothing wrong with it.

After hesitating for a while, my fingers still tremble and click to confirm the order.

There is only one life these days. If you can't earn money, you won't be reconciled even if you die in the next life!

He took out three cigarettes from his cigarette case, raised them to his head and bowed down to the southeast, northwest and northwest, with a face that believed there were gods in the world.

"What are you doing, talking about feudal superstition in the dormitory instead of having dinner?"

My roommate Wang Lin took off his earphones and looked at the operation of the iron brothers. He said he was a bit puzzled. Could it be that he felt guilty for killing hundreds of millions of creatures last night and repented?

"I said, Xiaojiangzi, do you want to go with me to the world of the second dimension? There is no worry there, only a lot of considerate and lovely wives, hey hey."

It was Li Li, a heavyweight in the dormitory, who was holding a pillow for Yuzi in Baigei Market, and smiled obscenely at Chen Jiang with dark circles around his eyes.

After they finished joking, they stared at the cigarette in Jiang Li's hand. Jiang Li scattered the cigarette that he had just held above his head to his roommates: "Next time you buy cigarettes, Dad is poor."

Wang Lin took the lighter and vowed, "Thank you, son. I will do it next time."

"Thanks, grandson. My son will buy it next time."

When Wang Lin heard that the fat man was taking advantage, he didn't even have time to smoke. He directly picked up the pillow and threw it at him, saying, "How dare you take advantage of it?"

Li Li took the cigarette in his mouth and smiled. Some struggled to get out of bed. He grabbed Wang Lin's lighter and lit it first and said to Jiang Li:

"Hey hey, I'm used to it. Let's talk about Xiaojiangzi first."

Jiang Li took out his mobile phone and handed it to Li Li with a gloomy face. "You can see for yourself," he said

Li Li takes the phone and sees that he is almost choked by the smoke. Wang Lin doesn't say anything when he sees the dead fat man grinding and chattering. He grabs the phone to see what's going on.

"At 12 pm, I went to the Southwest Cemetery to put a Great Mercy Mantra and asked for the video to be sent. The cost of running errands was one thousand, and I was lying in the slot!"

"You are going to pay tonight, you can order an extra stick of fried dough sticks for breakfast after 1000 yuan."

Jiang Li saw that these two people didn't care about the key points at all. He grabbed back his mobile phone and said sadly, "You two can't care about the key points."

Wang Lin calmly took a cigarette and puffed out with a bad smile. "You have answered the order yourself, what can we say?"

"That is, we should believe in science. We are all adults. We are atheists."

Both of them looked at Jiang Li with a cheap smile. Jiang Li had to sigh and go out to prepare something for a rainy day.

After wasting several hours shopping, I took a taxi and went straight to the Southwest Cemetery. When I got there, it was almost 12 o'clock.

Jiang Li holds a flashlight in his left hand and a plastic bag containing paper money in his right hand.

Walking by the light of the flashlight, he said, "Good evening, gentlemen. I hope you will not blame me for your troubles tonight."

A gust of cold wind blew, and Jiangli's hands got goose bumps. He felt guilty and looked with a flashlight to see that nothing suddenly appeared to greet him.

Put the plastic bag on the ground, grab a handful of paper money from the plastic bag and wave it hard with your right hand. The paper money slowly falls down when the weak wind blows up.

Seeing that half of the paper money in the plastic bag was gone, Jiang Licai took out two mobile phones from his pocket.

One is borrowed from Wang Lin to play songs, and the other is his own, which will be sent to the next owner after the video is completed.

First turn on the camera of your mobile phone to night mode, then turn on the video recording function of your mobile phone, for fear that the opposite side will not believe Jiang Lite's face.

Open some music listening software, search out the Great Mercy Mantra, and the player who is about to press it hesitates but still presses it.

Jiang Li could not see the end of the tombstone by the light of a flashlight, and he was also afraid at this time.

He sighed in his heart: "I don't know how many big men have offended when I press this button."

I heard that the police uncle looked up the water meter at midnight to send warmth, but I didn't expect to be more ruthless. I came to the cemetery to sing songs at night.

"Nanwu, Heluotana, Duoluoye. Nanwu, Awuye, Bolujie Emperor, Shuoboluoye."


As the "Great Mercy" mantra in the mobile phone rings in this special place, Jiang Li can't hear the details of this song in the past. Instead, he feels miserable.

After a four minute merciful song was played, Jiang Licai stopped the video recording on his mobile phone and sent the video to the orderer before wiping his forehead.

"Ding Dong, your Alipay has received 1000 yuan."

Hearing the news of Alipay's arrival, Jiang Li's nose was a little sore. It was the first time for him to do such a thing when he was so big.

When the money arrived, Jiang Li didn't cut corners. After throwing all the paper money in the plastic bag, he was ready to leave the place. Jiang Li hesitated and muttered:

"It's not easy for me to come here. It's not worth asking those big men to bless me."

Jiang Li temporarily gave up his intention to leave, and instead knelt down on the ground in the southeast, northwest and northwest directions, kowtowed three times and said:

"Thank you for your understanding tonight. Now I kowtow a few heads to you to make amends. I hope you will find a Fuluoli to go to the top of life after graduation."

"Are you Jiang Li? Twenty two years old?"

Jiang Li is getting ready to leave when he finishes knocking. Suddenly, he seems to hear the voice of a woman. He recalls the news he searched on the Internet before he came here:

"If you meet something dirty and talk to you at night, you must pretend that you can't hear it, so it won't play tricks on you!"

Jiang Li could feel his legs shaking a bit when he got up from the ground, but he still ignored what was said on the Internet, and was ready to leave the ghost place quickly!


Jiang Li felt that a hand was resting on his shoulder silently. As soon as Jiang Li stopped walking, the hand resting on his shoulder calmly opened.

Then, without any hesitation, he ran away at the fastest speed he had lived for 22 years, and shouted: "Great Heavenly Dragon, Buddha Earth Store, Dharma Mantra, Prajna Buddha, Prajna Bama coax."

When I saw a taxi parked at the roadside, Jiang Li knocked on the window and said, "Master, Southeast University, as fast as you can, I have money!"

"Come up."

The taxi driver took out some paper towels and handed them to Jiang Li, saying, "Boss, I see you are sweating heavily. You should not go to the southwest cemetery near here and just run out."

Jiang Li hurriedly asked, "How do you know?"

"I don't think you can make your girlfriend energetic, so you can't sleep at night to seek stimulation in the cemetery."

After the taxi driver said that, the atmosphere inside the taxi suddenly became confused and embarrassed

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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