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Chapter 1 Weakness


'Pei Min, the younger brother of Pei Guang of Pei Shi Group, will hold a shareholders' meeting today, and will elect the new person in charge of Pei Shi Group at 2:00 p.m. Why Pei Guang, who has always been the person in charge of Pei Shi Group, will be voted down by shareholders? Please continue to pay attention to Songcheng Relax, WeChat xxxxx'

'Shocked! The first group company in Songcheng will fall due to the catastrophe of Pei's Group. It is still a new myth. Please pay attention to the Island News. '

'Come in and pay attention to the latest news of Peishi Group, whether your stock will depreciate'~Hot.

It's hot to hype the news outside.

In the office of Pei Guang, the head of Pei Group, on the top floor of its Songcheng headquarters.

A young man knelt on the ground, tears could not stop flowing down.

"President Pei, I really didn't do all this. I will kill myself in front of you again to show my innocence."

Pei Guang, the leader of Pei's Group, was not nervous about the shareholders' meeting held this afternoon. Instead, he stood in front of the French window easily. Songcheng, a city that has developed for decades and ranked among the top ten in China, can be said that the development of Songcheng can not be separated from Pei's Group.

Pei Guang pulled the high-rise building up from the flat bottom. Pei Guang persuaded farmers to enter the farmers' market after he went down to the ground to have a drink with them. Even the port was built after ten years after Pei Guang had talked with them for three years. Now Songcheng Port has been handed over to the government, and overseas trade has now been completely in the hands of Pei Group.

But why! Why do the disputes within the group always appear between brothers.

"Li Zhongrong, how old are you?"


What do you mean? I came here to plead guilty, to show my innocence, and to draw a clear line with Pei Min. Why did I suddenly ask my age.

"I'm 26 years old this year."

"Well, young and promising."

"Well, it's all the cultivation of President Pei, and it's all the cultivation of the company, so that I can achieve what I am today."

"Then why did you do such a thing?"

Pei Guang turns around and stares at Li Zhongrong who is kneeling on the ground.

The authority of the superior oppressed the young man not to raise his head, so he had to spit out a few words from his mouth.

"Uncle, I am innocent."

"You still have the face to call me uncle? How did I treat you, and how did I treat your parents? I gave you the house, and I gave you the car. Why do you turn your hand to Pei Min to deal with me now? I treat you well!"

Hearing Pei Guang's chatter, Li Zhongrong immediately straightened his back, raised his right hand and asked, "Uncle, you should have made a thorough investigation."

Yes, Li Zhongrong has fully understood that Pei Guanggang is just deceiving Hu. He wants to further test whether Li Zhongrong has helped the villain to raise a gun to Pei Guang's back in this matter.

Li Zhongrong is the son of the remarried object of Pei Guang's first wife's sister, so Li Zhongrong has to call Pei Guang his uncle.

The rise of the Pei Group was forged by Pei Guang in half his life. His only regret is that he had no time to accompany his wife in those days when she was still alive. His life was in the company, but his wife passed away without complaining. Before leaving, he told his two children not to complain about their father.

Therefore, for his wife's guilt, Pei Guang sent his wife's sister's family to Songcheng and asked Li Zhongrong, who was just in his early 20s, to work in the Pei Group.

Li Zhongrong, whose academic performance was not excellent, was a knockout in the examination room. In the Pei Group, he successfully ascended to the top of the company by virtue of his excellent background, and earned a monthly salary of 44 thousand.

Because of Li Zhongrong's spotless promotion speed, but also because he is the child of his wife's sister, Pei Guang has always turned a blind eye and never asked Li Zhongrong whether he has a second heart for the company.

"Tell me, did you find the project signed this time in person, or did you seal and sign it with the head of the project team on the spot?"

"Uncle, I took over this project, and I found it myself, which I think! But I was completely misled, and the information was confirmed by the company's verification team, which is totally no problem, and completely belongs to true information."

"So you mean that it was all the carelessness of the staff in the two positions of the Verification Team and the Project Team?"

"You can say so."


Pei Guang walked quickly to his desk, picked up a piece of material with a plastic seal pocket and hit Li Zhongrong.

He didn't dare to move at all. When he saw the front of the bag of materials exposed in front of him, he was completely shocked when he saw the words on the cover.

'The resignation report of Li Feng from the verification team.'

"Li Feng resigned?" Li Zhongrong said with a thump in his heart Is it true that there is an insider in the company?

"Li Feng resigned. Just a week ago, you didn't know? Hehe, you are living in the happiness of completing hundreds of millions of projects. You and your friends go to bars every day to celebrate, and you don't care about the company's wind direction at all. And Zhao Bingnan, who went to sign with you, jumped off a building two days ago and committed suicide, and found a huge amount of 3 million yuan in his 17-year-old sister's account. You said that both of them had problems. Is it your turn next? "


I really want to scold my mother, but I dare not say a word in front of Pei Guang. Are these two people working together to make me a scapegoat? If you resign and end your life, you can get rid of this! If it is so simple, I will Dare you?

"Uncle Pei, I swear, I did this completely out of my mind!"

"OK. Get up! This matter has nothing to do with you. It's all about my bad brother Pei Min. The three million yuan has been found out. It was transferred from Pei Min's private company. Li Feng's father-in-law is Pei Min's father-in-law. These two people have already become in laws. I blame my carelessness. The fratricidal drama is playing every year, But I didn't expect it to appear on me. "

Li Zhongrong could only stand up carefully and trot to the water dispenser to pick up a glass of water and put it gently in front of Pei Guang. He saw Pei Guang stretching out his hand and subconsciously trying to block his head.

Seeing the timid Li Zhongrong also verified what Pei Guang thought. When the internal investigation found that Li Zhongrong had completely become an outlaw in the company. Although he did not do too much, he broke the strict internal atmosphere of the group under the guise of Pei Guang's nephew.

Therefore, the Internal Review Committee immediately informed Pei Guang that Li Zhongrong had a problem.

This morning, Li Zhongrong, who was called from the bar to the company, looked like a dissolute man. Before he got drunk, Pei Guang shook his head and thought that the nephew was not the man who did that.

Pei Guang took up his cup and drank it dry. He wasted some water just now and was very thirsty.

"Afraid I would hit you? What have you done wrong? Go and pour me another cup."

Li Zhongrong took the cup and ran to the water dispenser to fill it. Then he ran to Pei Guangshen and handed it to him.

"Why are you so full? Do you know how much it costs to clean the carpet once?"

"Er... Uncle, don't frighten me."

"Scare you? Don't you know what you have done in the company? What have you done under my name? Tell me carefully. If the report sent by the internal investigation committee doesn't match, then I will be sorry for your mother. You will get rid of me today, leave the car and house to me, and go back to where you came from."

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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