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Chapter 1 Falling overboard

Dong Tangtang stretched his waist and wiped the saliva from his mouth. He felt that the humidity from his hand made Dong Tangtang feel something wrong. He hurriedly opened his eyes and said, "It's all... Gulu Gulu... It's water! Who is so wicked... Gulu... Gulu dry? Don't let my mother... Gulu... Gulu I catch him." Finally, he drank a lot of water in his mouth and slapped his hand to the side angrily, causing a layer of water spray.

Dong Tangtang popped out of his head to avoid choking on the water. He looked around and swam to the shore. He had a guess in his heart.

A week ago

The system's helpless voice sounded: "Don't sleep, Tangtang. Let's do the task and accumulate points."

The girl on the bed is sleeping soundly, and covers her ears and continues to sleep when she hears the system's words.

System: "Don't sleep, Tangtang! Get up quickly! Let's go to work! You have been lying for a month."

Tangtang was so upset that she sat up and rubbed her eyes: "Has it been so long? We still have more than 250000 points. Let's not go again!" She said, lie down and continue to sleep.

The system hated the iron but could not help but looked at Dong Tangtang and said, "It's been a month. It's time to get moldy! Shall we go to activities?"

Dong Tangtang held his head and grunted reluctantly, "Hmm!"

System: "That's when you promised." It's a feeling of success.


Dong Tangtang looked at the arrangement on the bank and felt more and more uneasy.

Dong Tangtang's uneasy calling system: "System, system, you come out..."

After several calls, the system finally heard: "Dear Tangtang, what's wrong with others?"

Dong Tangtang looked calm and said, "Can you explain to me what happened right now?"

System: "This one! You'd better watch it yourself!"

As Dong Tangtang said, a document appeared in his mind. Dong Tangtang hurriedly opened it to check. It turned out that the system took the task privately after he fell asleep: "So I wear books and become a sad urge female companion."

The system sounded happily: "Yes! Meitang, my sugar is so smart."

Dong Tangtang's angry voice sounded: "Who let you take the task privately?"

"How can this be considered private? Tangtang agreed!" The system was not confident enough to say.

"I fell asleep and you took advantage of the danger. Hum! Go back and settle accounts with you. It's too cold. I want to change my clothes." He sneezed.

"Are you all right, sister?" A soft female voice sounded. Tan Xiaoxiao looked up and carefully compared the data. It turned out that this was the Bai Lian who passed through the heroine.

She was wearing a gold collar shirt made of white crabapple and a pink forged skirt inlaid with silver.

There is a small dimple when laughing, which makes people feel close when looking at it. The three-dimensional nose with five facial features is particularly outstanding, which gives people a strong sense of attack and destroys the closeness brought by the dimple. This is probably the relationship of her family's ancestry with the Hu people (a race crystallized from humans and animals)!

Dong still: Tut tut! Doesn't it look good? This is it? People who are obsessed with this world are fascinated?

While Dong Tangtang looked at the other party carefully, a disdainful voice sounded: "Why do you care about her? What can this vicious woman do?" The words were full of malice.

Dong Tangtang looked up and saw a handsome young man looking at himself with disdain in his eyes. Isn't that a male distributor!

At the thought that the original fall was related to him, Dong Tangtang was so angry that he took a step forward. The other side rushed to protect Di Li, the female leader of Bai Lian. She was nervous and worried about what Dong Tangtang would do.

Shang Qiang looked at Dong Tangtang and said, "What do you want to do?"

Looking at Dong Tangtang, he was speechless. Why did he like him! Finally, he died for such people. It's not worth it!

He was so tired of thinking that he gave Shang Qiang a slap and gave him a kick when he didn't respond: "Get out of my way."

The onlookers on the side were shocked, and Dili had a look in her eyes.

Dili: What's different about Miss Dong?

Even Shang Qiang was shocked. Dong Tangtang had never treated himself like this before, even talking loudly. What happened today?

Suddenly Shang Qiang was a little flustered. Although he didn't want to marry this stupid woman, if he broke his father's business, he could not afford to go.

Dong Tangtangsi ignores Shang Qiang and walks out.

Shang Qiang struggled to get up and tried to detain Dong Tangtang, but he couldn't get up at all. Instead, he touched the wound and made a painful cry: "Ah?"

The look in Dili's eyes became deeper and deeper. There is resentment in the eyes and panic in the heart.

This business is too strong to rely on. It seems that it's time to change.

How does Dong still change? I hope it's temporary. Otherwise, how can I go to the Qionghua Feast?

People behind Dong Tangtang talked about it after he left.

"Don't you mean that the second lady of the third room of the Dong family likes the son Shang who respects Yuanbo so much? How come today?"

"Oh? Who knows! Maybe it's his own gold in his face. A big man is kicked by a weak woman. It's really embarrassing."

This is a world of martial arts. Both men and women practice and respect martial arts.

Of course, I don't like the weak.

"It seems that the rumor is not credible!"

"Not really."

Shang Qiang stopped wailing in the crowd's comments, and looked at Dong with a look of hatred and malice.

Dili lowered her head under the public's comments, with disgust in her eyes: this man is really useless.

But I still care about each other tenderly.

Shang Qiang looks at Dili and cares about himself. He is deeply moved.

At the same time, I hate who made me look ugly.

Shang Qiang looks at Dili who cares about himself with tender admiration: Miss Di is better. How gentle she is! It's not as insulting as Dong Tangtang. I don't understand why my father wants me to marry Dong Tangtang.

Dili tried hard to resist the disgust and disdain in her heart, and looked at Shang Qiang with concern, giving people a feeling of eternal happiness.

At the same time, people saw this scene, and their eyes were filled with contempt.

Although the people of Dawu Dynasty were open to the public, a couple of unmarried men and women were so attractive in public. It's too much.

People despise Dili in their hearts, and secretly decide to keep a distance from her.

"It's worthy of being a descendant of the Hu people. It's just barbarism, tut tut."

Even the girls who had made friends with Dili didn't dare to come forward for a while, and they didn't dare to argue when they heard this.

At this time, Dili seems to have thought of something.

His face turned white when he brushed it, and his hand loosened when he grabbed Shang Qiang.

Staring at the woman who spoke before, her eyes seem to be poisoned, which can kill people.

The woman was frightened by Dili's eyes and hurriedly hid behind her sister.

Dili withdrew her eyes as if nothing had happened.

Shang Qiang looked up in surprise. Seeing that Dili's face was pale, he couldn't help but feel distressed. He looked at the other side with concern, "What's wrong? But it's not comfortable there."

Dili shook her head to show that she was OK, but she hated her heart to death.

At this time, a woman wearing a navy blue Ru skirt and a double loop bun looked very cold. Her hair accessories were very simple, just a jade step. The pink jade pendant dropped to her ears, adding a little warmth.

Princess Showa's voice was flat: "You guys go to carry the young merchant into the house and let the doctor treat him." Then she turned and left. Don't look at people's faces at all.

"Yes, Princess."

"Then Princess Showa, the eldest daughter of today's holy princess Chang'an, is the same as the rumor."

"This is cold, like a lotus flower. You can only look at it from a distance, not play with it."

Dili's eyes are dark with an emotion of unclear meaning: can't you play dirty? Is that true? Oh!


Dong Tangtang was calm on the surface, but he was in a panic and walked out. Suddenly, he was stopped by someone. Dong Tangtang looked up at the well-dressed man and froze.

As expected, those who should come will come.

"Follow me home." The woman's voice was cold, with a trace of anger and hatred.

Dong Tangtang looked at the other person's expressionless face and couldn't help twitching: "Big aunt." He thought to himself what to do and how to deal with what happened next.

Copyright: Start Girls Network

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