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Chapter 1 Wanjie Trading Shop

Wen Xiang woke up from the darkness, opened his eyes with difficulty, and looked around with some vigilance. A little hazy light is scattered in a dark space, and this strange smell is revealed all around.

He stretched out his hands and tried to get up, but a feeling of weakness stopped him.

Sure enough, is it still impossible to stop? System. Wen Xiang opened his mouth in a low voice, but his voice seemed to be all over the space. It's weird everywhere.

A faint light screen slowly opened in his mind, but it was very clear.

Sure enough, all this is true.

Wen Xiang didn't know whether he should cry or smile.

He was an ordinary rich second generation of a blue star in a space-time plane. He was also an otaku who loved animation and games. It seemed that he inherited his father's business talents. After being rejected by his family, he could still rely on his own eyes to invest in stocks and continue his life as a otaku.

When Wen Xiang was fighting in the Summoner's Valley, everything was so sudden when the system came to him.

"Found a suitable life host, and is trying to bind, 10%, 50%, 100%. If the binding is successful, start the binding process."

"It's really a system. I hope it's not a dark system." Wen Xiang still smiled bitterly, and he slowly stood up when his body seemed to recover. "System, introduce your functions and my tasks." Life is like strong @. Since it can't be changed, enjoy it slowly. Wen Xiang comforted himself in this way.

”The host is welcome to use the Wanjie Trading Store. This system is formed by the energy generated by countless people with trading ideas through countless Hengsha River times, so as to meet the trading needs of people in all worlds. "

"That's the ultimate version of the grocery store." Wen Xiang seemed to understand. " So what's here?

"Answer the host, this is the trading space of the Wanjie Trading Store, which is the store according to your thinking habits."

Wen Xiang looked around and said, "This is the store. There is nothing in this shabby place. Do you want me to do business in this place with visibility less than 10 meters?"

Around the deserted area, there was only Wen Xiang under the chaos.

"The host can rest assured that the Wanjie Trading Store needs to be built by the host itself, and related items can be created by consuming energy."

Wen Xiang touched his bare chin, "I see, then give me the list of construction“

Good host: Hongjun Hall, worth 100 billion yuan. The temples are worth 800 trillion yuan. The Three Emperors' Palace is worth 5000 trillion yuan. Nuwa Temple is worth three thousand trillion yuan.

Looking at the screen, either the Hongjun Hall surrounded by immortality or the majestic Xiushen Hall, Wenxiang unconsciously left drool.

"All good things", Wen Xiang wiped his mouth ", how much value do I have?

Open the personal panel of the host, and the mechanical voice of the system sounds in Wen Xiang's brain.

Wen Xiang's consciousness drifted to the panel in his mind.

Host: Wen Xiang

Realm: None

Skill: None

Value point: 10000

"There are still many, but I can't afford to buy the Temple of God, alas! The system opens stores below 10000 value points." Okay, host: magic tower, containing 9 thousand value points of low magic elements. A Fang Palace contains a small amount of 10000 value points of the dragon qi of the emperor. Qingming Palace, containing 9000 points of bottom mana.....

"The store must be the best," Wen Xiang thought.

"System, I want A Fang Gong." "Host, I suggest you not use all the value points in the store."


Wen Xiang was puzzled.

Because the host will go to different planes to purchase goods every time, the current strength of the host may be difficult to ensure safety and the purchase process. It is recommended that the host use some value points for its own strength. "It means that this store doesn't have anything, and I have to buy some goods? Wenxiang was a little surprised.

”Yes, it is. Please allocate your initial value points reasonably. "

Damn it, we should also consider a Maoah system to open the cheapest store. Wen Xiang seemed a little flustered. After all, nothing is as important as your own life!

Thatched cottage. It is composed of ordinary grass without any special features. 100 value points. "OK, this one, this one is good. I bought it."

After a space ripple, a dilapidated thatched house appeared in front of Wen Xiang.

"It's really a thatched house." Wen Xiang looked at the thatched house built with real thatch. "I guess this kind of thing is out of print on the blue star now."

Then he opened the door and went in.

A thatched house, a chaotic space, this combination seems very strange.

"Fortunately, there are all kinds of things in this room, which are very matching. Wen Xiang sat on his chair and looked around." System, I see there are many things in your list. Why do you want me to purchase? "

Hosts, as you can see, the items in the list are the means of host protection, and you should arm yourself as much as possible to get good items in the next purchase. These things are embodied by the energy stored in the system, and cannot be used for trading.

"I see. It means that your goods can only be sold to me, not to others." "Your understanding is not wrong, the host."

Wen Xiang nodded, but he also understood.

"Well, how long will I have to purchase?"

"You can go at any time, host."

"But before we do it again, we should strengthen ourselves. Don't let the goods in fail to arrive, but let ourselves go." Wen Xiang stood up, his eyes shining with unknown light. "System, recommend something to me. What should I buy?"

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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