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Chapter 1 1. Garbage should eat dust behind

It can be said that.

A day in Qiunan usually begins with the sound of the manic horn.

Although the slogan of civility and comity can be seen at every last section of the driveway, in fact, the whistle blowing in Gaza is still a daily routine in Qiunan City.

This cannot be all about people's low quality.

As a new first tier city responding to the rise of the central policy, Qiunan City has developed rapidly in recent years.

This is naturally a good thing, but when your GDP is soaring, the surrounding supporting facilities can't keep up. It's like a child nurtured by parents who only pay attention to achievements. In addition to the commendable scores on the test paper, other aspects such as social emotional intelligence and self-care ability are in a mess.

However, the rise of cities has brought about a large influx of people from other places, creating a situation of traffic congestion today.

Although the local government has increased the efforts to renovate the old city, it will cost countless money and time just to dismantle the words, so that the current situation of road congestion is estimated to remain for a long time.

At this time, you should rely on the personal quality of the driver to solve the problem.

In particular, this Yuhai elevated road section in the north of the city now carries a large number of office workers who leave early and return late. In order to fight against the rising house prices, many people choose to buy houses in the suburbs or the surrounding cities with lower prices, which makes them the main force facing traffic jams every day.

Sometimes, even when the bed is lit up at 5 o'clock, the traffic jam is still unavoidable, and it often lasts for an hour.

People pressed their horns in dismay and watched helplessly as the scales on the dashboard hovered between 0 and 10, repeatedly cursing at the damned traffic.

But this situation is not transferred for manpower.

If you meet me, I will admit it. If you call for leave, you will be deducted from your salary. After all, no matter how anxious you are, it won't help. You'd better settle down and lean back in your chair and play a piece of music to ease your mood.

But some people don't believe in this fate.


The fine and white 911 Carrera snaking ahead is constantly interspersed on this dense road. Relying on its expensive model, the car on which side of the road is loose will plunge into it and disdain the surrounding cars.

Although it is strange to buy a sports car in China.

The urban traffic speed is limited to 40-60. If you drive up to 130 on the expressway, you will be punished. There is no foreign lane that allows you to ride. But you have to admit that the cool streamline and exquisite design really have a fatal appeal.

This also gives the young people who control it full confidence.

"Hehe, BMW 3 series, spicy chicken." The young man sucked a cigarette in his mouth, put sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, put the steering wheel on one hand, and put the other hand on the window, which was quite pleasant to point out.

He is different from those who work hard to catch up with work every morning. He is a person with three suites in the city. Even if there is no serious work, but just the last set of demolition funds will compensate his family 6 million, what can I do with this money.

There is a good saying: good work is better than good birth, reincarnation is a technical job.

If you work hard all your life, you may not be able to afford a suite.

The young man was angry when he was caught in a traffic jam. People like him must stay at home early in the morning. After having a night's sleep with friends, it's hard to get a good night's sleep.

Today, however, there was a reason why he had to hurry up - his old man was hospitalized and had to go to the hospital to sign his name. He was depressed at first, but when he saw the "bargains" that he was constantly surpassing, his mood became better again.

He is not happy because he has exceeded several parking spaces and saved a few minutes of time.

take a look.

Those guys will definitely stay on this elevated road for a longer time after they are overtaken by him. The thought that they might be fined for being late for a few minutes and scolded by the boss gives him a feeling of trampling on others.

Don't talk about the quality. He has no quality. Why?

I don't have to go to work. You poor migrant workers are sour.

With this in mind, he watched the lane on the side start moving again, the hand that would pinch the cigarette slightly moved, showed a knowing smile, and then turned the steering wheel and walked over to the other side.

He didn't even turn on the turn signal.

How dare you hit me if you don't fight?

Just imagine those guys who looked at his car and decided to buy it. The young man just wanted to jump in the queue, but his previously tried and true method failed this time.

Because the car on the original lane completely ignored his lane change signal, and went straight forward to occupy the vacant seat, overtaking it.

The young man stared at the dusty, featureless car that should have belonged to him.

"I will go, a BYD that is tens of thousands of dollars in size. You are going to heaven!"

He threw the cigarette butt out of his hand, and then caught up with the accelerator.

As for those following the car, try hitting me. You can't pay for it.

When this happens, most people are holding the attitude of taking a step back.

But young people are not.

He overtook for a few minutes?

It's not Ma Yun and Li Ka shing, who stooped down and earned hundreds of millions.

He is just fighting for breath.

Qi is also qi.

He just can't stand a punk car overtaking him.

The traffic stopped again soon. The traffic jam was a matter of stopping every few meters. But the young man put both hands on the steering wheel and stepped on the accelerator, concentrating on waiting for the next intersection to be opened and the opportunity to overtake.

He just waited and waited.

Finally, the traffic on the side loosened again, and the young man looked at the red light of the car in front of him as if he had seen the starting gun. He slammed the steering wheel and was about to turn into the accelerator to let the other party know what a sports car is when he saw that the dusty BYD was again standing in front of him.

"My Dummy H!?" The young man shook his waxed hair with his hands, bit his lips and said angrily, "You are so excited!"

His anger arose from his heart.

But it is also impossible to throw down the door and beat the other party.

The car has to be resolved.

It should be said that the heaven pays the man who has the heart or something. When the intersection passes again, the punk car in front finally gives up changing lanes, giving the young Carrera a chance to pass him, which makes the latter finally feel proud.

When he passed the other side, he didn't even open the gas door, but kept his hand out at a constant speed and knocked on the window of BYD. Then when the owner slowly lowered the window, he pointed in the opposite direction and laughed: "Spicy chicken car, just follow me and eat dust!"

He shook his head confidently, and then stepped on the accelerator.

The force of pretending makes him feel good. Looking at the navigation, he has gradually driven out of the red area. It is estimated that he will be able to completely say goodbye to this bad section of the road soon. As for the BYD that he had already overtaken, hahaha, he is just a small stone in his life. Who cares about those inconspicuous stones.

But when he held the steering wheel and sang proudly.

The window near the passenger side was knocked.

The young man didn't care much at first, because he now occupies the rightmost lane. When he goes out, it is the guardrail of the viaduct. Can he drive on it——

Can the car fly in the sky?

But soon, he heard another voice, which made him turn his head doubtfully.

Next, he saw the most frightening picture in his life.

The BYD, the hot chicken car he overtook just now, now has two doors that are as flat as wings, suspended there, and the car chassis below has blue flames like nitrogen, helping it stabilize in the air.

The young man rubbed his eyes hard.

Am I dreaming?

This car is really flying in the sky!

When Xiao Nian was in a trance, the owner of the flying car wearing a racing helmet to cover his face turned the steering wheel to make the car come close and drive back to the driveway.

It said it was driving back, but it actually flew back, and the chassis of the car was covered on the head of his Carrera, casting a great shadow.

The young man stared so wide that he didn't even know that his cigarette was hanging from his pants. He looked at the flame thrower at four holes on the chassis of BYD, pushing the vehicle slowly over his head, and then drove back to his front.

However, before he could close his mouth in the shape of "O", the situation changed again.

The body of the BYD car was just over half of the Carrera, and the blue flame sprayed from its chassis suddenly seemed to extinguish, causing the flying car that had just suspended overhead to crash down and hit the young sports car directly.

There was a bang.

The other side ran over the front cover of Karela's car and fell to the ground.

You can imagine the feeling that the weight of one car hits the body of another car. Although the height is not high, the front cover of the sports car is completely concave due to this. The BYD car, with its wheels crushing the deformed front cover of the sports car, continued to drive forward without hindrance.


The young man is completely confused.

Compared with the emotions of anger and fear, his face was like a dementia in a dream.

And that was not the end, because he saw the BYD in front of him, which he said was garbage, was changing shape in front of him at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Not only the frame at the front and rear of the car has changed, but also the original hub has been retracted, changing the size and shape.

It makes the original color that seems to be featureless and grey, like a new layer of paint, become a new and beautiful royal blue with a sense of luxury.

"Lying trough, this is the poison of Lamborghini??"

Young people can recognize it!

Lamborghini Veneno is a limited luxury car in the world. Although his Carrera is also a million class luxury car, the car in front of him has sold dozens of cars all over the world, let alone its price is more than 10 million.

In addition to shock, the young man's face was also impressed and envied.

This is not a young man's heart is big, but when this matter has reached a certain degree, people's reactions can not be handled with common sense.

He just watched the motor of the poison emit a buzzing roar, and rolled up a burst of ash, which really left the young man and his car behind.

It was not until the other party was swept away from the dust that the young man, who had been left behind, gradually regained consciousness in the trumpets urged around him and screamed like a wake-up call.

"Dummy, my car!"

Where are there luxury sports cars at the moment.

What was placed in front of him was just a piece of completely deformed scrap iron. Even people with three suites in the urban area could not help feeling hopeless without tears.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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