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Chapter 1 This system is different from others'!

"It's OK to put your resume here. If you have any news, you will call." Looking at the other person's reply without lifting his head mechanically, Zhao Luoqiu knew that today's interview was over.

Out of the hot Chaotiandi talent recruitment fair, with the sunset, the breeze blowing, the brain also calmed down.

It's very difficult for seniors to find jobs. Although they are students, they are required to have 2 years of work experience. I don't have a job. Where do I get work experience?

I have no work experience and need a job, but work needs experience. Feel yourself trapped in an endless loop. While sighing, he walked towards the dormitory.

Zhao Luoqiu listened to his name very artistically, but actually he didn't have any art germs all over his body. The only time he won an art talent award was in kindergarten, and the third prize of a small painter painting. It was the kind of activity that children who handed in their works could win prizes.

It can be seen that the level of art is that ordinary senior students in the art department cannot reach the peak of life even if they are reborn.

The level of painting is average. The reason for choosing art major is that art students are easy to enter college, and they began to learn painting in high school. After entering the university, I feel that I have made great achievements. If I can mix, I will mix. After four years of college and four years of residence, I began to look for a job like a headless fly in my senior year. Just knowing that you will not be admitted to graduate school, you should start to look for a job, find a job, and do what you want to do.

Walking towards the dormitory with the setting sun, I thought about what to eat at night to comfort my scarred heart, and which job fair to try my luck tomorrow. When passing a hutong, I saw a schoolboy like bear poke a cat with a branch. As a standard cat party, I couldn't bear it.

"I have to teach young students a lesson. How can we not love small animals?" Zhao Luoqiu quickly stepped forward: "What are you doing, kid?"

The child squinted at him, medium height, thin body, glasses, a harmless face. If you play against each other, you are confident that you will be able to score 50 points. "Mind your shit?"

The interview was full of anger, but there was no place to vent it, and you delivered it. Zhao Luoqiu walked to the front and put forward the classic movements he had rehearsed many times in his mind,

"Wing Chun, Ye Wen"

Stunned on the spot, the child repeatedly poked the cat.

Dare you continue to bully after you've all put on a pose? It seems that deterrence is useless. I have to show some real skills!

Zhao Luoqiu exchanged hands.

"Yong Liu, He Zhizhang"

The hand movements of "jasper makes a tree high" have also changed, integrating Wing Chun, and the era is calling for the original movements of radio gymnastics and eye exercises.

The child opened his mouth wide, and did not know whether to take the next sentence or not. In the end, ten thousand green silk tapers hung down without saying anything. I scolded him and ran away.

Hum, let me show you what a master is. I always convince people with reason, and turn around to appease the cat, but the cat doesn't know where it has gone.

This is too heartless. It's impolite not to say thank you for saving you!

When I saw a car key lying on the ground in front of the cat, the sign of the treasure donkey was so dazzling and boring.

This, this is the cat's reward? Although I didn't become a beautiful woman who came to deliver food every day, did housework, and insisted on giving me money, I couldn't accept it without accepting it. I called it "Fu Bao", but I can also accept it!

Zhao Luoqiu thought a lot when he picked up the car key. Maybe the owner was a single beautiful boss, and this cat was her pet. In order to thank himself for fighting against gangsters and returning money, he asked himself to work in her company. Unexpectedly, he was a young genius in business, and his business achievements were outstanding, and their relationship heated up. When he thought that his grandson would like a girl who likes drinking green tea and wearing watches, When he asked the girl to stay away from their family, he pressed the button on the car key. Instead of waiting for the pleasant sound of the car, I saw a light blue flame rising in front of the car key.

Shit, what are you doing with a broken lighter like a car key!

Sure enough, I thought too much. On the principle of not wasting, I put the lighter in my backpack, and a system voice sounded in my mind, "The system is loading..."

YES! I knew that I should do good deeds and accumulate virtue! Here comes the system, and the start of life! I've seen the money waving to him~

"Loading succeeded"

"Please get the novice gift"

Look at this system. It's so grand. You can get gift bags without doing tasks. You can give back your conscience when you click the dragon killing sword! be moved!

A simple picture appears in front of me. The surrounding area is snow-white, and there is only a gift bag pattern in the middle. I do not hesitate to click on the pattern of the middle gift bag.

Congratulations to the host for obtaining the gift package for newcomers of cartoonist system: PS, sai, csp system proficiency has been improved to proficiency level.

The color sense has been raised to the public level.

Wait, cartoonist system? Am I an art genius without one in a million? Son of God? I just haven't found my talent before? Is the teacher's method wrong before?

At this time, the system voice appeared: "You think too much. You have no artistic talent, even worse than ordinary people. The child you scared away is one of the art wizards in a million. This system should be his, but you pressed the lighter."


"Since you chose the wrong person, why did you send a gift package?"

"Come on, let's make the mistake. At any rate, he is also an art student, which is better than someone without a foundation."

"What about the child?"

"It doesn't matter. Even without this system, this child will become a master."

"Then I can feel better. What other functions does your system have besides comics? For example, I can fix immortals, divine trenches, and even the movie emperor system. I'm not picky. Can I choose another profession? I'm a close war mage, and I can also kill assassins."

"You don't have a system at all. You are lucky to have this system. What do you want so much? What kind of bike? If you hadn't unloaded the system, your brain would have died immediately, and I would have left long ago."


At this time, the interface changes and the value appears.

Look at the barren value before your eyes:

Zhao Luoqiu

Reputation: 0 (unknown)

Wealth: 0

Ps level: proficient application

Sai level: proficient application

CSP level: proficient application

Color sense: public level

Aesthetics: public level

Ability: None

Special skills: None

Painting Level lv1

Experience progress bar: 500/3000

Medal of Honor: None

"Am I so low?"

"Do you have any points in mind if you don't study in class?"

"Although I like reading comics, I have never thought of becoming a cartoonist. Otherwise, this system would not exist. Lottery can also be abandoned."

"Don't be discouraged. I can help you improve. Young man, do you want power? Do you want money? Do you want fame? Let me help you!"

"Isn't that the line you should start with?"

"The background music stops suddenly. Shut up! I didn't plan to talk to you at first. Let's listen to it and follow the process."

Zhao Luoqiu put away the system, didn't want to listen to it, and planned to go back to his bedroom to study it carefully.

Just about to leave, I saw the bear child leading an aunt to come, "That's the psycho. You see, I make random gestures to the air and smile, and I am not a good person at first sight."

Shit, the knife is not sharp. Matthew is thin. I don't want to fight with you. Run quickly and ask the system while running. "How can I become a master?"

"Yes, if there is no system, his tattoos are highly accomplished. My brothers' tattoos are better than other teams!"


Back in the dormitory, only his roommate Li Bin was there, a strong man with a height and weight of 185, who was anxious to meet for the first time that year. Zhao Luoqiu thought he was the parent of the children. Li Bin looks at the Rainbow pony in front of the computer. Well, this is what a tough guy should look at.

"How was your interview today?"

"Just the same"

Li Bin pressed the pause button "Don't lose heart. There will be work. Money is not the most important thing. There are many beautiful things in the world. Don't care about the work and money in front of you. There will be a distance waiting for you in the future. Don't forget your original intention. You will still be a teenager when you return. Time is just a test."

"If I have three factories and two streets in my home, I think so," Zhao Luoqiu said as she rolled over to bed.

Instead of continuing to speak to the life coach, he lay in bed and opened the system to check and study.

The interface is extremely simple, just like last century's pager, when I wanted to complain, the system sounded: "The system interface is proportional to your painting ability. The stronger you are, the better the system interface will be."

"I'm to blame for that?"

"Yes, it's your fault"

"Why are other people's systems so cold that you talk so much?"

"The other hosts are all capable. Come to you, we are lame donkey with a broken mill. No one should look down on anyone. You still rely on me to succeed."

"Come on, it's good that you can stop me falling in my life."

"Don't worry, you still have room to go down."


"What kind of peak can the system give me?"

"You should first accumulate experience, set a small goal, and draw a picture of China's dead fire, China's migrant workers, which is also the dream of all cartoon practitioners."

"That means I will be very powerful in the future? Everyone knows my comics?"

"Yes, I use my system to ensure that you will reach the peak of your life! The prerequisite is to accumulate step by step, and I will help you to ascend the throne and win the crown of honor."

"My comic book soul has burned up. Give me a script quickly, and I will start painting."

Your current level is too low to have a script.

"Let me have a look first! I'm not good at it, but I read a lot. At least I know how the script is."

"The script is that under the vast starry sky, the emperor meets thousands of soldiers with civil and military officials on the city wall, and draw them."

"Can you believe that I summoned the nine tailed fox, changed into three heads and six arms, and took 18 weapons in hand. You were shark in three days, and your ashes were all raised. Haven't you eaten pork and seen pigs run? Such a sentence can draw blood vomit."

"As far as your ability is concerned, it's not good to accept the draft independently. You'd better start from the primary task honestly. Here is a suitable one for you."

The task interface lights up in a twinkling of an eye

Novice task: receive Lin Siyuan's coloring outsourcing

Seeing Lin Siyuan, Zhao Luoqiu was stunned.

Copyright: Chuangshi Chinese Website

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