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Chapter 1 Chishouwu

Changning City, Liujia Residence.

"The president of Changning Central Hospital, Xie Changkun, wishes Old Master Liu a happy life like the East China Sea and a long life like Nanshan. He will send two wild ginseng trees to Changbai Mountain."

"Ning Wei, the chairman of Huaxiang Real Estate, wishes Father Liu a long life and a snow lotus in Tibet."

"Liu Changyun, the grandson of the Liu family, wishes Old Master Liu the same day and the same moon and the same age in spring and autumn, and gives him a pair of best blood swallows."


Today is the seventy year old birthday of Liu Kun, the helmsman of the Liu Family Chinese Medicine Shop. It can be said that the people who came to celebrate the birthday gathered more than half of the giants who had been in charge of Changning City for two years.

The reason is nothing but that Liu Kun is the chief doctor of Dongshan Province, and his eight needles in the golden chamber are among the top three in the whole Chinese medicine practice.

How can such an outstanding person not attract people!

However, the subsequent singing of the promise made almost all the guests in the courtyard laugh and cry on the spot.

"Qin Chong, the grandson of the Liu family, wishes Father Liu a prosperous and healthy life and a red sweet potato."


As soon as he said this, Liu Changyun, the grandson of the Liu family who sent the best blood swallow, immediately sneered and said, "Qin Chong, isn't that right? You gave me such a gift for grandpa's birthday? I know you are a son-in-law, but even if you are poor and spend 80% to buy a bundle of yams, it is better than you digging sweet potatoes on the mountain at will?"

"Oh, it's the son in law of Liu Laoer's family. It's said that he hasn't touched his wife's hand for three years. Ha ha, my grandpa gave a sweet potato for his birthday, which is just a loser."

"Liu Shihan is a famous cold beauty in Changning. It's a pity that she chose to marry such a loser!"

After hearing what Liu Changyun said, people began to sneer at Qin Chong.

Among them, Wang Qin, Qin Chong's mother-in-law, is undoubtedly the most embarrassed and angry one.

Her silver teeth snapped and cracked. She pulled Qin Chong and Liu Shihan to a corner and scolded Qin Chong, "What a waste! I asked Shihan to give you thirty thousand yuan yesterday to buy a decent gift as today's gift, but you dug such a thing?"

"Mom, it's not sweet potato, it's the best wild red polygonum multiflorum, which has lived for more than 800 years. It can be called the first traditional Chinese medicine for tonifying the liver and kidney, and improving blood essence."

Qin Zhong explained.


Wang Qin spat at me rudely and said, "It's easy to fool me when I'm a three-year-old child. Let alone the common wild polygonum multiflorum, which has been extinct for decades."

"My surname is Qin. I find that you are not only extremely cowardly, but also extremely hypocritical. There is no remedy."

"Shihan, I will go to the Civil Affairs Bureau tomorrow to divorce this trash. I feel sick and flustered when I look at him more!"

Hearing the words, Liu Shihan, a tall and slender girl with a beautiful face, bit her lips and glanced at Qin Chong with a complicated expression, saying, "Mom, maybe he is right. After all, the extinction of the wild Cynanchum multiflorum is just a rumor. If there is one or two left..."

"Yo, what did I hear?"

At this time, Liu Changsheng, who was close at some time, said in a strange voice, "You said this is the red bird's head? Ha ha, it's really the best way to slide the world. If the red sweet potato can also be used as the red bird's head, then my best blood swallow is an elixir!"

Liu Changsheng is the eldest son of Uncle Liu Shihan. He is very popular with his grandfather Liu Kun because of his cleverness. He also wants his father Liu Jianguo to inherit the traditional Chinese medicine business of the Liu family, so he has always regarded the Liu Shihan family as strong enemies.

Unexpectedly, just after his sarcastic remark ended, Qin Chong casually said, "I saw my grandpa's face turned yellow and his eye bags were heavy. It was clearly a symptom of yang deficiency and liver and kidney failure. If he ate yin bird's nest, it would be counterproductive."

"What a joke!"

Liu Changsheng glanced at him with disdain and said: "A worn-out loser who pretends to be an expert in medicine, but also suffers from yang deficiency and kidney failure? It's ridiculous. Qin Chong, I'm afraid you don't even know where the liver and kidney are located."

In a word, it immediately caused a lot of laughter.

Qin Chong ignored the clown like performance of this guy and turned his eyes to Liu Kun not far away.

If this so-called chief miracle doctor of Dongshan Province has the same vision, he should doubt the other party's medical skills.

But seeing Liu Kun's eyes sweeping his face with great meaning, he waved his hand and said, "Whether it is good for my health or not, it is Changyun's intention after all. Grandpa Xueyan likes it very much. As for the red headed crow in your mouth..."

He paused, his eyelids slightly lifted, and said, "This thing has never appeared since the founding of China, and what is recorded in medical books is only appearance and utility, so it is true or false, and there is no way to verify it. So in my opinion, its value is the same as sweet potato!"

After saying this, he waved his hand and turned around to entertain the distinguished guests at the main table.

This is a way of favoring the eldest son in public!

Qin Chong's eyes narrowed slightly. Out of the corner of his eyes, he suddenly saw Liu Shihan looking at the scene of talking and laughing with his grandfather and a group of Changning officials and businessmen at the main table. He said to himself, "Shihan, do you want to sit there? If you want, I can let you do it."


Hearing the words, Liu Shihan gave him a white look, and said with an indefinable loneliness in his eyes, "What can you do? My grandpa is not used to my father's weakness and incompetence, and has prejudice against our family. Since six years ago, we have no qualification to sit at the main table!"

The awe inspiring look in Qin Chong's eyes suddenly flashed away, and soon returned to the usual bland look of indifference.

He is the most famous descendant of ghost doctor in the world. He is skilled in needlework and has created the world's largest organization Shura Hall. How can the hell king, who has nearly half the financial resources of the whole earth, not even be able to let his wife sit at the main table of his own banquet?

However, he has stayed in the Liu family for three years in order to repay the kindness of being helped by Liu Shihan when he was on the street, so he has always chosen to keep a low profile.

But after three years, he has gradually regarded Liu Shihan as his wife.

So now that Liu Shihan has been wronged, his long silent heart has finally begun to fluctuate.

When the King of Hell is angry, the world trembles!

This is the eight character truth commonly accepted as the golden rule by military and political leaders all over the world!

"Shihan, as long as you believe me, even if you want grandpa's position, I can let you do it!"

Qin Chong's voice suddenly showed an indescribable confidence.

"Where is Grandpa?"

Liu Shihan was stunned, and suddenly put out his hand to cover Qin Chong's mouth. He angrily said, "Qin Chong, are you crazy? This is something you can easily say?"

When Qin Chong heard the faint fragrance from Liu Shihan and Rouyi, he said, "Because I am Qin Chong."

Proficient in 13 needles of ghost medicine, the founder of Shura Hall, the King of Hell Qin Chong!

He added in his heart.

Brand: Yongsheng Technology
Launch time: May 12, 2020 11:13:49
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