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Chapter 1 Zheng Yi

"Hello, is there anyone? Please sign for the express delivery."

Is it medicine? It was delivered so quickly. It was not so fast in the past.

There was a pool of sweat on the floor of the room. A man in black with a short head was exercising. His clothes were all wet, but he was still exercising tirelessly.

A ray of sunshine shines through the window. The warm morning sun gently brushes the man's face.

The man murmured, stood up, stood behind the door, and peeped at it.

The express boy in a red uniform took a express bag and stood there waiting. He looked young, but his face was full of vicissitudes, and a cigarette hung on his mouth.

When the younger brother was about to knock again, the man opened the door.

"Hello, Mr. Zheng Yi, this is your express, please sign for it." The express boy put out his cigarette and threw it into the nearby trash can, with a professional smile on his face.

"Thank you."

Zheng Yi looked at it and found that his name was correct.

Time: March 21, 2022, three days ago.

Write down your name. After confirming your identity, I left. Zheng Yi closed the door and went back to the room. The room was not big and was a little empty. There were many things that he should have. Except for a bed, a cabinet, a computer and a computer desk, there was nothing else.

Zheng Yi continued to exercise until he was exhausted and had no strength.

Holding the express box, Zheng Yi wondered if it was his own express? It's not like medicine. The previous packaging is not like this, and the weight is not correct. It's strange.

Zheng Yi is currently working as a sparring partner in a boxing hall. Like playing games, his main job is to make customers happy and comfortable.

Either psychologically or physically.

There are a lot of guests coming to the boxing hall. Zheng Yi has received all kinds of people and has been doing it for a long time. Due to the good living, some regular guests often order Zheng Yi to accompany them.

Some are to exercise, some are to defend themselves, some are to attract the opposite sex, some are idle and boring, and some are to vent their emotions. Each customer has different purposes and desires.

No matter what kind, Zheng Yi has received him and said he would accompany him to practice, but sometimes he has to sacrifice his body.

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, we should make our guests feel better, let them enjoy the pleasure of beating others, inadvertently let them beat, or pretend to be physically exhausted, in short, let them feel the pleasure of becoming stronger.

Violence is undoubtedly a fascinating thing.

The pressure of modern people's life is high. Many people live too depressed, and there are few channels to release. On the contrary, the business of boxing houses is very good.

After all, if you repress it for a long time, you will get sick. It is always good to find a place to release it.

So there will also be some special services, such as personal training and one-on-one membership services.

It is not to do anything else, but to be a human sandbag, so that customers can freely release and shake their fists.

Some customers asked Zheng Yi not to allow defense and let him fight. Some customers did not wear gloves, and there were all kinds of them.

I also met with many customers who asked Zheng Yi to beat her. The more she beat her, the more she enjoyed it.

Zheng Yi certainly controlled his strength, although the guests always asked for more strength.

No matter what the customer asked, Zheng Yi basically did it. It was OK to make money.

Zheng Yi is short of money, so he often does this membership service. Membership service has always been short of people. After all, not everyone is willing to make sandbags.

Especially before, a sparring partner who served as a member was killed alive by the customer. Later, the boss lost one million yuan and the matter ended.

There are fewer sparring partners to do this. No one wants to be beaten to death, but there are still some. Life is like this.

In contrast, the salary for membership service is very high, and there is also a lot of tips for the arrogant boss.

Also because of the characteristics of his work, many people will leave if they don't stick to it for too long. Zheng Yi has seen countless people come and go, but he persevered with gritting his teeth.

He is short of money and can fight well. He has been in the army before and has good physical quality. He has been doing this all the time.

In fact, the main reason is that his younger sister, Zheng Yi's younger sister, is not old enough to go to high school. She is sick and needs money. She needs a lot of money.

Zheng Yi also has a younger brother. He is younger, only in the second day of junior high school. He is very lively, sensible and handsome.

So Zheng Yi needs this job. He also needs to work harder, earn more money, see a doctor for his younger sister, and go to school for his younger brother.

Last night, he stayed up late and worked overtime again. The evening was the main time when customers were active, the office workers who worked in the daytime, the night owls who began to get excited at night, and so on.

Last night, he made 8 orders. Although he was very tired, he earned a large amount of medicine fees. Then he saved enough to operate on his sister. Soon.

Because of this job, Zheng Yi always has some injuries, so he often buys medicine online, which is cheaper.

Open the express package bag. Inside is a delicate black box. The dark box looks a bit cool. Zheng Yi likes black.

Then open the box. Inside is a bracelet. Inside the black box is a black bracelet. The bracelet looks shiny, and the bright black color reflects in Zheng Yi's eyes.

Wrong gift. I didn't buy it. It's like a sports bracelet. I don't know who bought it. Zheng Yi looked at his information on the express bag again. He was right, but who sent it?

Zheng picked up the bracelet with one hand. It was cold, slippery, and felt very good. It looked very expensive.

After a careful look, there is no manual, so what should I do.

I tried it and put it on my hand. It's cool. It should show some things, such as the number of exercise steps and physical health. But I didn't find this switch.


The pain, a sudden pain, came from the bracelet. It was like a needle stabbing Zheng one by one. Zheng Yi felt a chill. It was the feeling of his own blood flow.

The red blood flows out along the wrist and flows out from the joint of the wrist and the bracelet. What kind of ghost? How does the bracelet have thorns.


Is this an explosion? Is that bracelet a bomb? How can I feel the world is broken.

What's the matter? My head hurts. I feel more and more confused. It seems that someone is pulling away his soul, and the whole world begins to rotate.

Is he dying? Who is it? Why do such things to yourself.

My sister is still waiting for herself in the hospital. Damn, I still have a lot of things to do. Zheng Yi's consciousness is getting weaker and weaker.

There is no sound in the empty room. A drop of red blood on the floor reflects the red sunlight through the window. The mobile phone on the computer desk lights up. When someone calls, there is a black frame glasses beside the mobile phone, which is often used by programmers.

The mobile phone lights up, and the time displayed is 6:29. At this time, the courier has not officially started to work, and there are not many vehicles on the road outside.

With sweat on their forehead, the sanitation workers who cleaned the city pulled the Roujiamo cart to the school gate. The workers on the high-rise building being built waved their arms. The workers who worked all night last night had dark eyes. It was still early.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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