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Chapter 1 001: Unexpected Crossing

Blue Star, China, Jiangzhou City, deep in the Jidu Mountains.

At 19:00 in the evening, when most people have fallen into the night life of luxury, Wu Teng, who should have given out the youth hormone in front of the computer! But in the dark night, I walked hard.

Occasionally, there were a few birds chirping in the dark forest, but as the sky grew darker, the sharp bird chirping could no longer be heard. All the silence shows the coming danger here, and several unknown animals shouted in the distance. Our main character: Wu Teng, weak and helpless.

When night falls, the dawn of the sun can no longer be seen. The moon, which should have risen, disappeared. The sky has been covered by black clouds, as if there would be a downpour at any time. Our main character: Wu Teng, weak and humble.

Wu Teng also clearly remembers that at more than 14pm, the large-scale sightseeing cable car carried by Wu Teng and his colleagues had an accident. Among the 13 people, including Wu Teng, there was a dispute facing the only 10 safety cables. The safety cables that should belong to Wu Teng were snatched by a bald man. Finally, I had to wait for death in the cable car.

In the bright sunshine, looking at the two people who were also robbed of the cable, they could only watch the cable car transfer from the air into the valley. When he fell into the valley, his last memory was that he was pressing a clerk of the company, and the fallen cable car iron plate was blocked by the plan of the fat personnel department. But he was struck by a faint fat employee in a private part and fainted.

Abbreviation: front and rear pinch.

When he woke up, he found that the two men on his body had already gone to the west. He hurriedly pushed away the head of his lower body and felt the pain coming from his lower body. Wu Teng scolded his mother, "I Gan! You block the gun for me, I thank you, but why are you staring at me?"

After saying that, Wu Teng pushed the two men who fell to the ground, but there was no response. Suddenly, he was shocked and put his head against their chest, only to find that they had no heartbeat. Scared, he hurriedly pushed away the corpse in front of him.

Wu Tengman said in disbelief, "Dead! Really dead! What should I do?"

A series of setbacks made Wu Teng sit on the ground and think for a long time: "What should I do, how should I survive. In this way, he began to explore the surrounding environment.

It was already 21 o'clock unconsciously in the forest. Looking at the mobile phone with only 19% power left, Wu Teng felt deep despair. Suddenly a flash of lightning struck a pine tree not far away. A huge tree was split in half. Then the thunder roared all over the forest. Wu Teng wanted to walk back to the crash site, but he found that he had already lost his way.

It began to rain. The rain was very heavy, as if God was laughing at Wu Teng. He laughed at how weak and humble Wu Teng was! Having been soaked by Yulin, he is even more powerless to walk in the forest.

Suddenly, a golden light burst out in the distance! Everything around lights up! Wu Teng thought it was the rescue of the search and rescue team. Wu Teng squeezed out his last strength and shouted, "Here I am!" Then he rushed to the place where the light was. But when he got to the place where the light was, he found a red bird and a green bird. The eyes of both birds were full of anger.

Wu Teng was startled and lay down in the bushes beside him. Only two birds shouted: Ow~Ow~Ow~

Then he rushed to the other side and got entangled in the fight. One bird first shot a fire from its mouth, which scorched a lot of the feathers of the other bird. Not to be outdone, the burnt bird suddenly opened the third eye on its forehead and sent out a beam of light, hitting the wings of the fire breathing bird. Let's call the burnt bird the burnt bird and the fire breathing bird the burnt bird.

While watching the battle, Wu Teng had to avoid the aftershocks of the Second Bird War and prevent his injured part from being touched again, which was really uncomfortable. But the golden light on one side broke out again, making Wu Teng see what this is, a golden green vine!

"Damn it, the golden legend?" Wu Teng was surprised. "Is this a treasure that made these two birds fight?"

Wu Teng dodged the flames from the burning bird, and then continued to think: "In that case, let them fight, so that I can sit and reap the benefits!"

The outbreak of golden light suddenly made the two giant birds fighting on the side more powerful. At the end of the fight, the scorched bird sucked the burnt bird's head with its beak, making the burnt bird fall to the ground and never get up again. At first sight, it was about to burp its fart to heaven.

When Jiao Niao saw the burning bird like this, he immediately cried out: "I'm crying, but Wu Teng didn't understand. All he knew was that I want to take advantage of it!"!

Only seeing the weak appearance of the burnt bird, Wu Teng resolutely walked towards the golden green vine. Wu Teng picked up a stick burnt by the burnt bird and quietly walked to the back of the burnt bird.

"I poke!" Wu Teng saw that Jiaoniao's eyes had been staring at the golden green vines. He was cruel, so he took the stick and poked into a part!

"Ow! Ow!" Jiao Niao was stabbed like this by Wu Teng, and suddenly gave a strange cry, and then fell to the ground.

"Birds, Goodbye!" Wu Teng looked at the scorched bird lying on the ground, covered the bleeding part of it and said with a loud voice, "Birds are catching it, Wu Teng is behind! Birds, you are still too young!"

The burnt bird on the ground seemed to understand Wu Teng's laughter and struggled to get up, which made Wu Teng's hand suddenly shake. Then I heard a click, and the stick broke in some part, so that the struggling scorched bird fell to the ground again, revealing a loveless feeling.

When Wu Teng saw that Jiaoniao no longer had any reaction, he slowly walked towards the golden green vine. One step, two steps This short time of dozens of steps seems to have passed for a long time. The relentless heavy rain, like a shrew, kept moving on Wu Teng. When Wu Teng stood in front of the vine, the golden light became more bright, as if to shine through the black clouds!

Wu Teng wiped the rain on his face, saw the golden patch around him, and seized the golden green vine. At that moment, the golden green vines turned into golden and green light and shot into Wu Teng's body. Wu Teng's skin suddenly appeared golden and green, and continued to reflect the sky.

Wu Teng was caught off guard by this sudden event. At first, Wu Teng did not feel pain, but as the light became more and more shining, Wu Teng felt that the two-color light in his body had burst out two powerful forces. The two forces collided with each other, as if to break his body!

Before Wu Teng lost consciousness, he said his last word in the world: "mmp!"

Then he lost consciousness. At the final stage of the two-color light collision, both colors wanted to annex each other, but neither could treat the other! At this time, the sky was getting darker and the rain was getting heavier. Suddenly, a small black cloud above Wu Tengzheng turned into a golden cloud, as if waiting for something.

In the end, both colors lost their original strength, and the battle between the two sides left Wu Teng's body broken. When the golden cloud appeared, it split a golden lightning. The two colors saw the golden lightning, and hurriedly controlled Wu Tengchao to lean back, but he still did not escape. The golden lightning struck the third leg between Wu Teng's two legs, turning the third leg into a roast ham.

The golden lightning started from the third leg and rushed towards the heart of the battle between the two colors. Wu Teng's skin surface showed another bright gold, which was brighter than the original gold!

Wu Teng complained bitterly about the scuffle of the three colors in his body. It was the latecomer who took the lead. The bright golden light drove the two-color light away from Wu Teng's third leg and sealed Wu Teng's third leg. A second golden lightning split in the sky. When the lightning fell on Wu Teng, he suddenly turned into a golden light and disappeared in the world, as if nothing had happened.


When Wu Teng woke up, he found himself in a huge forest, and in front of him, there was a green lake, emitting an atmosphere that Wu Teng enjoyed very much.

Wu Teng wanted to open his eyes, but he had no strength. He could only enjoy everything silently. He fainted again. By the time he woke up, more than ten days had passed. When he could open his eyes, he found that he had become a grass!

Wu Teng, who turned into grass, was very confused. He said to himself, "I am grass?!"

Wu Teng was very surprised. Suddenly, he saw his lower body and was shocked by the scene: Where am I?

Wu Teng immediately scolded his mother and said, "Ge Laozi, I haven't enjoyed the girls' parking lot yet? You lost it to me? I'll kill you!"

Suddenly, a huge figure stood in front of Wu Teng, and the man said, "It's not over yet!"!

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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